Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0230347 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Condrasky, M. Condrasky,Margaret CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Bundling of Culinology, Nutrition and Packaging in Undergraduate Applied Niche Research
1012662 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Curran, N. Curran,Neal REINVESTMENT PARTNERS NC Bull City Bucks -- Matching Incentives to Encourage Fruit and Vegetable Consumption by SNAP Recipients
1027618 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Huff, E. Huff,Emily MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Building Woodshed Maps for Industry, Extension, and Woodland Owners in the Great Lakes States
1015300 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Digman, M. Howry,Sierra UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Building Undergraduate Research and Outreach Capacity in Urban and Small-Scale Agricultural Production at University of Wisconsin-River Falls
1003879 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kahn-Thornbrugh, C. C. Montes-Helu,Mario Cesar Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Building Together II
0226323 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kahn-Thornbrugh, C. C. Kahn-Thornbrugh,Casey Curtiss Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Building Together 2011-2014
0229471 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Coleman, K. Coleman,Kelly Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture MA Building the Cpapcity through Training on Land Acquisition, Marketing and Business Stragegies
0223044 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Doamekpor, P. K. Doamekpor,Prosper TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Building the Capacity of Program Delivery By Volunteer Youth Extension Paraprofessionals for Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs
1023477 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ward, T. Gilmour,Lindsay EASTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MD Building the Capacity of Community-Based Produce Safety Education for Hard-to-Reach Farmers in the Mid-Atlantic
1008474 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buckner, E. R. Manoharan,Muthusamy UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Building Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity at UAPB to Enhance Global Learning and Strengthen Sweet Potato Production in Guyana and the Arkansas Delta
1018154 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hopfer, E. N. Hopfer,Elizabeth Newcomb NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Building Teaching Capacity: Development of a Master of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences with a Focus of Social Entrepreneurship
1005909 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Webb, C. Webb,Cathleen WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC KY Building Teaching and Research Capacity at the Food Science Cluster of Western Kentucky University to Control Salmonella in Chicken Products
1016379 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hurwitz, M. Davis,Angela GREENMARKET NY Building Sustainable, Community-Driven Food Value Chains in the South Bronx
1027550 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Malmberg, M. Malmberg,Michael URBAN FOOD INITIATIVE INC, THE MA Building sustainable, community-driven access to healthy and affordable food in Mattapan, Boston, Massachusetts
0229485 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sachs, C. E. Sachs,Carolyn E. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Building Sustainability for New and Beginning Women Farmers through Peer Learning, Farminars, Mentoring, and Networking
1021853 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Forthun, L. F. Forthun,Larry F UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Building Steps to Success for Youth Professionals in Rural Communities
1016743 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Menzel, S. Marlow,Amber LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Building Soil Health Necessary for Increased Food Production
1027563 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Knox, R. Knox,Reggie CALIFORNIA FARMLINK CA Building Skills and Resilience for Small Farms Businesses in California: An Ecosystem of Support to Foster Successful Farm Businesses from Start-Up to Advanced Beginner
0222957 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nipp, K. Nipp,Kelly LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Building Science Programs for Brighter Futures in Ojibwe Communities
1020475 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pethybridge, S. J. Pethybridge,Sarah Jane N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Building Resilient Foliar Disease Management Strategies for the Organic Table Beet Industry
1010378 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ryan, M. R. Ryan,Matthew R. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Building Resilience in the Northeast through Double Cropping and Diverse Forage Crop Mixtures
1004056 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mallory, E. B. Mallory,Ellen Beth UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Building Research Knowledge and Community Through an International Organic Agriculture Conference
1015352 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Leckie, B. Leckie,Brian TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY TN Building research capacity through the characterization and improvement of insect-resistant tomatoes
0225899 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Splan, R. K. Splan,Rebecca Kathryn Virginia Tech VA Building research capacity and 21st century skills among second-year students in the agricultural sciences: A planning proposal
0230990 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hwang, C. Hwang,Chin-Feng MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY MO Building Research and Education Capacities to Strengthen the Grape Breeding Program and Expand the Plant Science Curriculum
1015289 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hwang, C. Hwang,Chin-Feng MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY MO Building Research and Education Capacities to Strengthen the Black Walnut Breeding Program
1027546 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marutani, M. MARUTANI,MARI N UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Building Research and Communication Skills in Food and Agriculture Science Education at University of Guam.
1027225 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tautges, N. Tautges,Nicole FIELDS, MICHAEL AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE INC WI Building place-based mentorships for beginning grain farmers, with special supports for beginning women farmers
1003805 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pickard, J. Pickard,Jeremy Eastern Iowa Community College District IA Building Partnerships, Projects, Purpose and Professonal Development to Increase the Number of Agricultural Students
1015409 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Goodwin, S. M. Goodwin,S. Mark UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL MISSOURI MO Building Partnerships between Stakeholders Involved in the Local Production, Marketing and Education of Vegetable Production in Western Missouri