Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017707 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nienhueser, V. Nienhueser,Vanissa MOUNTAIN LEGACY VETERINARY SERVICES, LLC CO To demonstrate our commitment to the ranching community while providing excellent veterinary care and customer service with the common goal of ranch sustainability in a rural mountain town.
1017508 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Coatsworth, J. D. Riggs,Nathaniel COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Empowering Youth and Families in Rural Colorado: Implementing SFP 10-14 to Prevent Opioid Misuse
1016869 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rhoades, R. Rhoades,Ryan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Expanding Benchmarking and Financial Analysis to Ranches in the West
1016815 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bean, D. W. Bean,Dan William AGRICULTURE, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CO Developing biological control of Canada thistle for Colorado?s organic producers using the host specific rust fungus Puccinia punctiformis
1016626 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS O`Rourke, E. O`Rourke,Eileen GOFARM CO GoFarm Incubator Expansion Project
1014120 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peairs, F. Szczepaniec,Adrianna COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado Extension Implementation Program
1013326 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peters Moschetti, W. Peters Moschetti,Wendy LIVE WELL COLORADO CO LiveWell Colorado`s Community Food Advocates: To support Double Up Food Bucks Colorado, Advocates will work in target communities to increase SNAP participant access to fruits and vegetables
1013292 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Woodsum, G. M. Woodsum,Gayle M ACTION RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL CO Community to Gardens and Back Again: Feeding Laramie Valley`s community-engaged and driven project to increase sustainable, equitable access to fresh, healthy food in Albany County, Wyoming
1013270 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Delong, H. DeLong,Heather PROJECT WORTHMORE CO Increasing self-sufficiency, food security and agency in healthy lifestyles for refugees through farming opportunities and food distribution.
1013129 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Romero-Briones, V. A. Francke,Jackie FIRST NATIONS DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE CO Business Development with Native American Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Arizona
1013042 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Charkowski, A. Charkowski,Amy COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Integrating next-generation technologies for blackleg and soft rot management in potato
1011014 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wagner, J. J. Wagner,John COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Dev. of Integrated Pest Mgmt. Strategies for Commercial Dairies: Formulating Dairy Total mixed Rations that are Resistant to Bird Depredation
1010714 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Frye, M. Frye,Melinda COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO A Holistic Approach to Expanding Rural Veterinary Services and Improving Retention of Rural Practitioners
1010372 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schipanski, M. Schipanski,Meagan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Decision Support to Quantify GHG Mitigation and Ecosystem Services from Organic Producation Systems
1010161 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS O`Rear, E. O`Rear,Elizabeth ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, COLORADO OFFICE OF CO Training and Education to Facilitate Entry Into Emerging Specialized Wholesale and Agritourism Markets for Beginning Producers in Remote Southern Colorado
1009555 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hansen, T. R. Hansen,Thomas R COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO ARBL National Needs Fellowships
1006678 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Conant, R. Conant,Richard COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Training the first generation of greenhouse gas accounting professionals
1004990 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moore, J. Moore,John COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Northern Colorado WAMS Initiative
1004988 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Young, D. Peairs,Frank COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado Extension Implementation Program
1004641 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baker, S. Baker,Susan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO The Western Region Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Center of Excellence at Colorado State University
1004433 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gates, T. K. Gates,Timothy K COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Water Quality and Productivity Enhancement in an Irrigated River Basin through Participatory Conservation Planning and Analysis
1003884 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Garry, F. B. Garry,Franklyn B COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Community Capacity Building in Their Own Words: Extension Agents??? Role in Disaster Planning for Pets and Service Animals
1002377 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Byrne, P. Byrne,Patrick COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Plant Breeding for Improved Water Productivity
1001372 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Waskom, R. Waskom,Reagan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Moving Forward on Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin
1000652 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moore, S. R. Moore,Sharon R COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Eagle's Nest / Owl's Roost Environmental Discovery Day Camp
1000129 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whaley, J. Whaley,Jay SOUTH ROUTT RE-3 SCHOOL DISTRICT CO Northwest Colorado Collaboration in Learning Agricultural Sciences (Project (CO-CLAS)
1000112 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kornacki, E. Kornacki,Eric REVISION INTERNATIONAL CO Westwood Food Cooperative: Urban Farms, Food Hub, and Marketplace
0231495 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baker, S. Baker,Susan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Review Nutrition Education Best Practices to Create an Inventory for SNAP-Ed Connection website
0230508 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walker, C. Walker,Cynthia COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado State University Extension FY12 PSEP