Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017285 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hamilton, A. Hamilton,Ann UNH Cooperative Extension NH Expanding the reach of New Hampshire's food safety education and FSMA programs to include value added processors
1017296 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Katras, M. Katras,Mary Jo UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Rural Minnesota: Building Recovery Capital
1017324 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1017325 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McKibben, J. D. Perdue,Emily WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Building a Skillset of Application Based Scientific Inquiry through the Assembly of Constructive Objects of Agricultural Learning (COALs): Developing Workforce and College Ready Students in the Mounta
1017328 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schneider, K. R. Schneider,Keith R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Southern Regional Center for Food Safety Training, Outreach and Technical Assistance Continuation, and Lead Regional Coordination Center
1017330 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Heyborne, W. Vickers,Elaine SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY UT Southern Utah University Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (PREP), a program designed to help build STEM proficiency, among underrepresented populations and will address applied math proficiency.
1017332 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Farrar, J. J. Baur,Matt UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA A Western IPM Center Led by California, Arizona, and Oregon (FY18)
1017341 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bailey, S. J. Grocke,Michelle Ursula MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Educating and Empowering Aging Populations in Rural Montana about Opioid Misuse and Abuse
1017344 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Karsi, A. Karsi,Attila MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Prevention of motile aeromonas septicemia in catfish by novel live attenuated vaccines
1017346 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Richter, J. Anderson,Lesli SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT Tech4Good@SKC: Center for Collective Impact
1017351 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Padilla-Zakour, O. I. Padilla-Zakour,Olga I. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Food Safety for Qualified Exempt Food Producers to Build Economic Viability Under the Food Safety Modernization Act
1017361 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jess, L. Jess,Lynnae MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI North Central Integrated Pest Management Center (NCIPMC): A Regional Approach to Pest Management Implementation FY18-FY22
1017363 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cowan, C. Cowan,Caren CATTLEGROWERS' FOUNDATION INC NM Increase size and scope of "Raising Ranchers" program to bring together aging agriculturists with young ranchers and farmers
1017364 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Knox, M. Dunn,Joe Sitting Bull College ND Return to Ochethi Sakowi Knowledge: Healing through Horses, Language, and Foods
1017365 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Knox, M. Dunn,Joe Sitting Bull College ND Sitting Bull College Horsemanship Club
1017368 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vickroy, T. W. Maunsell,Fiona P UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) Program: University of Florida Component
1017377 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Szczepaniec, A. Eubanks,Micky TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Development and validation of a dynamic action threshold for sugarcane aphids in sorghum
1017389 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hoffmann, M. P. Grantham,Deborah G. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Northeastern IPM Center, 2019 - 2022
1017395 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bordeaux, S. Bordeaux,Shawn Sinte Gleska University SD SGU Food Sovereignty Extension Program
1017396 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Spoth, R. L. Spoth,Richard Lee IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA PROSPERing Step-by-step, State-by-state (P2S) - Demonstrating an Extension-based Opioid Prevention Training and Capacity Building System
1017410 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rea, M. S. Rea,Mark S RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE NY Applied Research & Rapid Extension of Discoveries in Photobiology and Lighting Technologies for Suppression of Powdery Mildew in Strawberry
1017418 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Oi, F. M. Oi,Faith M UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Supporting Homeowner IPM Programs
1017426 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nelson, L. Nelson,Lori FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND From Seed to Garden to Plate ? Re-Engaging the MHA Community in the Food Cycle
1017427 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sciulli, R. Gose,Remedios B HEALTH, HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HI NAHLN Level 3 Designation Agreement
1017430 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Harrell, R. Harrell,Reginal UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center (NRAC) 2019 Prime Grant Renewal
1017438 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Parajulee, M. Parajulee,Megha TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Developing Insect-Pest Management Strategies in Water-Deficit Cotton Production Systems: Management Recommendations for Production Sustainability
1017441 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pinero Ramirez, J. P. Pinero Ramirez,Jaime P. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Developing a multi life-stage management strategy for apple maggot, a persistent tree fruit pest in the Northeast, through the integration of attract-and-kill and biological control.
1017446 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peres, N. A. Peres,Natalia A R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Thermotherapy For Non-Chemical Management Of Cryptic Infections Of Strawberry Transplants And Emerging Fungicide Resistant Populations
1017447 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Crocker, E. V. Crocker,Ellen Veronica UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY HealthyWoods: a new mobile app tool to guide landowners in forest health assessment and invasive species management