Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1015322 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Green, S. Green,Steven ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Capacity Building for Enhanced Research and Experiential Education: Resilient Cropping Systems for the Upper Mid-South
0230941 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Green, S. Green,Steven ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Capacity Building for Bioenergy Research and Outreach in East Arkansas and the Delta Region
1006316 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Melton, F. Melton,Forrest CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MONTEREY BAY CA Capacity building for agricultural sustainability on the California Central Coast through research
1006171 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Green, S. Green,Steven ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Capacity Building across Upper Mid-south Institutions: Enhancing Teaching and Research (ETR) through Cover Crop Management
1012569 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nawrocki, R. Florez,Corine CAPACITY BUILDERS, INC. NM Capacity Builders, Inc., Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Pilot Project
1000854 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. C. Brown,Jack UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research Program Pacific Northwest - FY2013
0230579 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. C. Thill,Donald C. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research - Pacific Northwest Region (FY2012)
0226433 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. C. Thill,Donald C. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research - Pacific Northwest Region (FY2011)
0222420 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. C. Thill, D. C. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research - Pacific Northwest Region (FY2010)
0218504 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. Thill, D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research - Pacific Northwest Region (FY2009)
0211901 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. Thill, D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research - Pacific Northwest Region
0214939 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. Thill, D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research - Pacific Northwest Region
1007459 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Post, A. R. Arnall,Daryl Brian OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Canola Crop Improvement for the Southern Great Plains: Building Acres, Building Value
1000980 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hancock, D. W. Hancock,Dennis W UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Canola and Calves: An Integrated Crop-Livestock Farming System for Producing Canola and Stocker Calves in the Southeast
0211871 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Trostle, C. L. Trostle,Calvin TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION TX Canola Adaptation and Production in the Southern High Plains
1017051 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ziegenmeyer, H. Fish,Jessica CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Cankdeska Cikana Local Food and Education Initiative
0218215 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Azure, L. Azure,Lane CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Cankdeska Cikana Aquaculture Project
0227833 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Azure, L. Azure,Lane CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Candkeska Cikana Community Land Grant Program
1010745 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berg, A. C. Berg,Alison Clune UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Cancer Prevention: Empowering Communities in the Rural South
1029000 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, SU. Xu, S. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Can living mulch enhance soil health and ecosystem services of organic vegetable production systems in South Dakota?
0190330 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lammi-Keefe, C. J. Lammi-Keefe, C. J. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Can DHA-Functional Food in Pregnancy Enhance Infant Neurobehavioral Development?
0229721 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Devlin, M. Devlin,Michael Camden City Garden Club NJ Camden Grows: Expanding Access to Food in America`s Poorest City
1003920 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stubblefield, A. Stubblefield,Andrew HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Cambio: Climate-change Adaptation and Management for Biodiversity to promote Inclusion and Opportunities for Hispanic students in the Fields of Forestry, Watershed,and Rangeland management
0208498 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bezerra, J. A. Joe A. Bezerra CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE CA California State University Agricultural Research Initiative Federal Funding Initiative (FFI)
0214672 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bezerra, J. A. Bezerra, J. A. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA California State University Agricultural Research Initiative (ARI) Program
1006157 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bourque, M. Bourque,Martin ECOLOGY CENTER CA California Market Match: Healthy Food Incentives
1027277 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rittenouse, T. Rittenouse,Thea FOOD & AGRICULTURE, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CA California Farmer and Farmworker Stress Assistance Program - a component of CalHope
1012685 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fong, E. Fong,Elysia FOOD & AGRICULTURE, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CA California Department of Food and Agriculture: California Nutrition Incentive Program
0213892 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Danaher, A. Dr. Anita Danaher CALALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TX Calallen High School Plant Systems Academy