Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1005419 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vang, B. Moua,Mai Hmong American Partnership MN Sustainable Farms for Urban Markets
0220352 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Huhnke,R,L Huhnke,Raymond L. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Sustainable Feedstock Production Supply Systems to Support Cellulosic Biorefinery Industries
0223558 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smedsrud, G. S. Smedsrud,Greg Communicating for Agriculture Scholarship and Education Foundation MN Sustainable Food Production, Farm Practice and Agripreneurism
1007082 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. Smith,Darron Eastern New Mexico University NM Sustainable food production, preparation and education for the prevention of childhood obesity and experiential learning for undergraduates
0232233 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berle, D. C. Berle,David UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Sustainable Food Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Graduate Research and Education
0226326 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gebrelul, S. Gebrelul,Sebhatu SOUTHERN UNIV LA Sustainable Forage Management Practices through Intensive Sequential Grazing System for Cattle and Goat production
0214188 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fellner, V. Vivek Fellner NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Sustainable livestock production practices through stakeholder partnerships: lessons with India
0210977 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS moore, J. moore, J. S. LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Sustainable Liviing (Ganawendizowin) Project
0225768 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baumgartner, K. Baumgartner,Kendra UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Sustainable Management of Canker Diseases to Extend the Productive Life of Vines, Stone Fruits, and Nut Crops
0230447 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gedikoglu, H. Gedikoglu,Haluk LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Sustainable Market Development and Resource Use for Specialty Crops
0229732 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalkowski, B. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Sustainable Organic Agriculture - a Menominee Legacy
1000400 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalkowski, B. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Sustainable Organic Agriculture-A Menominee Legacy
1007441 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chase, C. A. Chase,Carlene Ann UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Sustainable Organic Strawberry (SOS) Cropping Systems for the Southeast
0222357 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fausti, S. W. Fausti,Scott W. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Sustainable Organic Tribal Bison Production Using An Intra-Tribal Supply Chain Management System: A Planning Grant Proposal
0221224 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Suh, S. Suh,Sangwon UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Sustainable Pathways to Achieving Policy Goals on Biofuel
0230541 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sahlu, T. Sahlu,Tilahun LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Sustainable Small Ruminant Production Through Selection for Resistance to Internal Parasites
0204490 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Borneman, J. Borneman, J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Sustainable Strategies for Managing Replant Suppression
1007597 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burrack, H. J. Burrack,Hannah Joy NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Sustainable strategies to manage spotted wind drosophila in United States food crops.
0218890 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gleason, M. L. Gleason, M. L. IOWA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION IA Sustainable Systems for Cucurbit Crops on Organic Farms
0230346 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tuchman, N. Tuchman,Nancy LOYOLA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IL Sustainable Urban Agricultural Education for a Food Secure and Sustainable Future: A Workshop Series
1006641 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brewer, CA, E.. Brewer,Catherine NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Sustainable Use of Biomass Resources in a Semi-Arid Landscape: Connecting Chemical Engineering, Soil Science, and Extension
1018179 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Goetsch, A. L. Goetsch,Arthur Louis LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Sustainable Use of Saline Water by Ruminant Livestock Species
1004095 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Illukpitiya, P. Illukpitiya,Prabodh TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Sustainable utilization of winter oilseed crops in small-farm production systems to meet the needs of biodiesel
1011093 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hubbard, W. G. Boby,Leslie A. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Sustaining Excellence in Forest Resources Extension
0186496 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kurtz, W. B. Kurtz, W. B. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Sustaining Natural Resources on Private Lands in the Central Hardwood Region
1007628 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Michelmore, R. Michelmore,Richard W UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Sustaining the supply of high quality lettuce in changing technological and climatic environments
0193528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS LORENZO, A. B. LORENZO, A. B. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Sustaining Vegetation and Natural Environments in Urban Landscapes
0186497 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tess, M. W. Tess, M. W. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Sustaining Wildlife Habitat on Western Ranches
1016512 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Settles, A. M. Resende,Marcio F. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Sweet CAP: Integrated technologies to improve sweet corn production and marketability