Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024459 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clevenger, C. Ramsey,Lisa TRUMBULL NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP OH Trumbull County Grower Training and Development Program
0226568 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clendaniel, J. W. McIntosh,Dennis DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Establishment of a Mobile Meat Processing Lab (MMPL) at Delaware State University
0216253 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clay, S. Clay, S. A. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Fire, Atmospheric N Depositions, and Water Availability Impacts on Rangeland Health, Forage Availability, and Invasive Species Control
1004469 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clay, D. Clay,David SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Precision farming workforce development: standards, working groups, and experimental learning curricula.
0219635 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clatterbuck, W. K. Clatterbuck, W. K. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Absentee Forest Landowner Education Workshops in Metropolitan Areas
0208441 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clatterbuck, W. Clatterbuck, W. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN The National Learning Center for Private Forest and Range Landowners 2006
0206531 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clary, J. M. Clary, J. M. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Communities Caring for Families: A Focus on MS Katrina Victims
1012116 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clarke, M. Marsh,Lurline E University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Melding Undergraduate Research Internships, Mentorships and Tutorships to Increase Student Progression to Graduation in Agriculture
1013303 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clarke, J. Brenneman,Thomas PROJECT GROWS, INC. VA Growing a Healthy Food System in the Central Shenandoah Valley
1029391 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clarke, J. Clarke,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE ODF: National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative: A Strategic Framework for Innovation
1020854 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, S. Lee,Tobin MACON, COUNTY OF NC MountainWise: "A People Worth Preserving" The Double Up Food Bucks Program
0197720 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, M. W. D. Mitchell Flinchum UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Wetland Enhancement Decision-Making Tools and Training for Landowners and Technical Service Providers
0222845 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, K. Karen Clark Women's Environmental Institute MN Cross-Cultural Urban Organic Farming--Reclaiming and Regenerating Healtful, Traditional Food Systems
0219285 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, J. K. Clark, J. K. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Center for Farmland Policy Innovation
0221531 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, J. K. Clark,Jill Kathleen OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Center for Farmland Policy Innovation, Ohio
0219052 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, D. Clark,David REEDLEY COLLEGE CA Partners in Agricultural Leadership
1004472 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, C. D. Clark,Christopher David UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Using Hydro-Economic Modeling to Optimally Allocate Water in the Humid Southeastern U.S.
1009429 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clapp, J. Clapp,Jenifer FUND FOR PUBLIC HEALTH IN NEW YORK, INC. NY Incentivizing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in the Big Apple: NYC`s Strategy to Increase Access and Improve Health in High Need Neighborhoods
1006436 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cipriani Davis, K. Craig,Latonia PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN The Purdue Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) MSP: Increasing diversity and intercultural competence within the veterinary profession
1017710 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ciolkosz, D. E. Ciolkosz,Daniel Edward PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Energy Answers for the Beginning Farmer and Rancher
1005169 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cincotta, C. Cincotta,Christy TYONEK TRIBAL CONSERVATION DISTRICT AK Education, Outreach, and Training to Alaska Native Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
1009024 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cilia, M. Cilia,Michelle NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY MD Harnessing natural variation in transmission of Liberibacter by the Asian citrus psyllid to develop novel HLB control strategies
0204918 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cilek, J. E. Cilek, J. E. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Alkenol/Alkynols and Unique Blends as Mosquito Attractants for Disease Surveillance and Control
0195176 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chumley, F. Rife, C. L. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region
0211654 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chumley, F. Chumley, F. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region
1004221 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chumbley, S. B. Swafford,Marshall Eastern New Mexico University NM Increasing College Access to Underrepresented Students Through Dual Enrollment
1017120 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chumbley, S. B. Chumbley,Steven TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Enhancing Agriculture Mechanics Education & Curriculum in Higher Education (Ag MECH Ed)
1018214 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chumbley, S. B. Chumbley,Steven TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Wildlife Education and Sustainability Training (WEST) Program