Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017061 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kocher, S. D. Kocher,Susan Denise UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Disasters happen: Preparing UC ANR to respond to disasters in California communities
1017062 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Areta, A. Areta,Aufai AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Developing Distance Education at the American Samoa Community College
1017064 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kravchenko, A. Kravchenko,Alexandra MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Transition to organic in row-crop systems: enhancing sustainability in topographically diverse Midwest landscapes
1017066 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drinkwater, L. Drinkwater,Laurie CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Harnessing variation in vetch and rhizobia populations to optimize nitrogen fixation
1017069 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roberts, A. Roberts,Andrew ILSI Research Foundation DC Conference/Workshop Grant: Criteria for use of modeling to inform regulatory assessment of gene drive applications
1017071 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Welker, T. L. Welker,Thomas L AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Underlying Mechanisms For Selected Disease Resistance And Enhanced Non-Specific Resistance In Rainbow Trout
1017073 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kim, Y. Auty,David NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY AZ Training The Next Generation of Native American Leaders for Managing Resilient Agroecosystems
1017075 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hu, S. Hu,Shuijin NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Does organic farming promote soil microbial communities with high nitrogen use efficiency in acidic Southeastern US soils?
1017076 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cartmill, A. Cartmill,Andrew UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI UW-Platteville: Sustainable Intensification of Agro-ecosystems
1017078 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pethybridge, S. J. Pethybridge,Sarah N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Breaking Down the Barriers to Organic No-Till Soybean and Dry Bean Production Through Improved White Mold Management
1017079 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gassmann, A. J. Gassmann,Aaron John IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Risk of Resistance to Cry34/35Ab1 by Western Corn Rootworm
1017081 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reisig, D. Reisig,Dominic NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Impact of refuge management tactics on Helicoverpa zea population dynamics and resistance risk implications for Bt crops
1017083 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Qi, Y. Qi,Yiping UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Genome-wide analysis of off-target effects of base editing systems in crops
1017086 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sundin, G. Sundin,George MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Optimization of bacteriophage for management of fire blight disease
1017101 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, K. Brown,Kim WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Strengthening Anishinaabe Youth and Family Food Literacy by Building Resilience through Culture, Food, and Arts.
1017102 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schauer, J. SCHAUER,JAMES J UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI National Atmospheric Deposition Program
1017103 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Douches, D. Douches,David MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Genome wide evaluation of off-targets from gene editing reagents in seed vs. vegetatively propagated crop species
1017104 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Phillips, G. C. Xu,Jianfeng ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Isolated Microspore Culture of Soybean: A Pathway to Doubled Haploids
1017105 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sanchez-Vega, M. Sanchez-Vega,Margie SISTEMA UNIVERSITARIO ANA G. MENDEZ, INC. PR Turabo Food Safety (TuFS) Education and Outreach Initiative
1017114 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Z. Zhang,Zhiwu WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Genomics Enabled Purging Selection to Develop 200 Alfalfa Inbred Lines Toward High Yield Hybrid Production
1017118 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nair, S. Nair,Shyam SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY TX An Integrated Project to Enhance Sustainable Agriculture Education Through Research-based Pedagogical Practices
1017119 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gekara, O. Gekara,Ondieki CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV CA Enhancing Research Skills of Underrepresented Students: Summer Research Experience
1017120 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chumbley, S. B. Chumbley,Steven TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Enhancing Agriculture Mechanics Education & Curriculum in Higher Education (Ag MECH Ed)
1017121 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Biswas, D. Biswas,Debabrata UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Ecology, transmission and control of Salmonella and shigatoxin producing E. coli in integrated crop-livestock farm
1017122 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turner, E. Turner,Elaine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL National Food and Agricultural Sciences Teaching, Extension and Research Awards Program
1017125 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Snyder, A. Yousef,Ahmed Elmeleigy OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Document Development and Management Training for Small-Scale Processors of Fermented, Acid, and Acidified Foods
1017128 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gunn, A. Rucks,Lucas GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE WA Grays Harbor College Fish Lab Capacity Building
1017129 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bhargava, K. Bhargava,Kanika UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA OK Enhancing Food Science Capacity through Transformative Learning Experiences in Education and Research
1017131 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smanski, M. Smanski,Michael UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Engineering ‘Species-like’ Barriers to Sexual Reproduction to Prevent Gene Flow in Plants
1017132 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morales, M. Friskics,Scott Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Aaniiih Nakoda College Extension Program Capacity Grant