Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027268 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stack, J. P. Stack,James P KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Great Plains Plant Diagnostic Network
0220176 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stafne, E. T. Stafne, E. T. OKLAHOMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE OK Development of a Grape Community of Practice for the eXtension System
0232114 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stafne, E. T. Stafne,Eric T MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Development of a Grape Community of Practice for the eXtension System
1027445 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stafne, E. T. Stafne,Eric Thomas MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Exploring the Potential of Passion Fruit in Subtropical North America
0221393 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Staggenborg, S. Staggenborg,Scott A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Pelleting Forages to Increase Cellulosic Ethanol Production: Proof of Concept Justification Techical Area: 3. Production
0223649 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Staker, J. Staker, J. W. IOWA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION IA 4-H and Fish and Wildlife Service GIS Mapping Project
0227414 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Staker, J. Staker,Jay IOWA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION IA 4-H and Fish and Wildlife Service GIS Mapping Expansion Project
0209714 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stalker, H. T. Stalker, H. T. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Plant Breeding Workshop
1001628 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stamm, M. Stamm,Michael J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region
1008357 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stamm, M. Stamm,Michael J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region
1020580 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stamm, M. Stamm,Michael J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region
1023771 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stamm, M. Stamm,Michael J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region
0222783 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stangle, N. W. Stangle, N. W. Athens Land Trust GA Athens, GA Community Garden Network
1010139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stanich, N. A. Stanich,Nicholas A FRANKLINTON GARDENS OH Unearthing Franklinton`s Potential: Cultivating a Vibrant Foodscape
0211613 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stanley, V. G. Stanley, V. G. PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Building an Academic Pathway Towards a Doctoral Degree Program in the Agricultural Sciences
0226011 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stanton, J. Stanton,John SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY PA Marketing Vitamin D Mushrooms: A Case Study of Nutrition Marketing for Specialty Crops
1016814 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stapp, A. Stapp,Amy SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CA Cultivar: Cultivating Latinx Student Participation and Success in Agriculture Education
0208758 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stark, J. D. Stark, J. D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA The Grand Fir Twig Borer, Argyresthia sp., a New Pest of Christmas Trees in the Pacific Northwest
1008697 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stark, W. Stark,William FORT HAYS KANSAS STATE COLL KS Unmanned Aerial Systems and Precision Agriculture: Building Capacity in Emerging Technology
0219811 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Starkweather, K. Starkweather,Kathie CENTER FOR RURAL AFFAIRS NE Cherry County Nebraska Food System Assessment and Planning
1007097 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Starkweather, K. Starkweather,Kathie CENTER FOR RURAL AFFAIRS NE Santee Sioux and UmoNhoN Tribal Food Sovereignty Plans
1016357 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS States, S. L. States,Sarah L PHIPPS CONSERVATORY AND BOTANICAL GARDENS, INC. PA Homegrown: Edible Garden Installation
0197098 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Staton, P. J. STATON, P. S. MARSHALL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORP. WV Assessment of West Virginia Water Quality: Bacterial Source Tracking Database Development and Method Validation
1012644 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Swain, L. Stavely,Nick FRESHFARM MARKETS, INC. DC FRESHFARM, Arcadia and Community Foodworks Fresh Match Coalition to Incentivize SNAP Spending on Fruits and Vegetables
0231111 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Steadman, J. Steadman,James UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Genetic approaches to reducing fungal and Oomycete soilborne problems of common bean in Eastern and Southern Africa
0226912 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stedman, N. Stedman,Nicole UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL An Analysis of Principle Investigators` Perceptions of Leadership Behavior, Teamwork, and Motivation
1008631 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stedman, N. L. Stedman,Nicole LaMee Perez UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Creating a Community of Global Thinking Fellows
0229755 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Steele, T. Steele,Tammy National Women In Ag Association OK NWIAA`s New Generation Innovative and Sustainable Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
0218426 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Steenhuis, T. S. Steenhuis,Tammo CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Enhancing Water Sustainability in a Water Scarce Region in Africa