Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1009682 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hein, G. Hein,Gary UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Bridging the Gap: Educating Multidisciplinary Professionals to Steward Pest Management Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture
0226957 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS INGHAM, B. H. INGHAM,BARBARA H UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Bridging the Gap: Integrated Research and Extension in Support of Small Food Processors of Acidified Canned Foods
1010648 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Blumberg, R. Blumberg,Renata MONTCLAIR STATE COLL NJ Bridging the Gap Between New Jersey Farmers and Consumers Through Research, Education and Outreach
0226644 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Darling-Novak, S. Darling-Novak,Stacey University of La Verne CA Bridging the Gap between HSI Community Colleges, University of La Verne, and Agricultural Science Graduate Schools
1008627 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Irlbeck, E. L. Irlbeck,Erica Lynn TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry: A New Pathway for Agricultural Communication Curriculum
1003679 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cadotte, J. Cadotte,Jennifer LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Bridging the Gap and Sharing Our Stories
0190428 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morrissey, M. T. Morrissey, M. T. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Bridging the Divide - Collaborative Integration of Research and Community Development
0222308 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pastor,M,K Pastor,Monica Kilcullen University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Maricopa County AZ Bridging the Digital Divide in Agriculture Careers
1013644 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Louzada, E. S. Louzada,Eliezer Silva TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Bridging Students from a 2-year College to a 4-year University, and Retention through Internships.
0219806 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Boys, K. Boys, K. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Bridging Specialty Crop Producers & Institutional Food Purchasers: Distilling a Research & Extension Agenda in Support of Local Food Systems
1003647 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mercer, E. Woodard,Janyce Lynn LITTLE PRIEST TRIBAL COLLEGE NE Bridging Resources in Agriculture, Energy, Health, and Nutrition; HoChunks Developing a Sustainable Tomorrow; Common Ground Gardens
0222587 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mercer, E. Sechrist,Shanae Quinn LITTLE PRIEST TRIBAL COLLEGE NE Bridging Resources in Agriculture, Energy, Health and Nutrition (BRAEHN) HoChunks Developing a Sustainable Tomorrow
1017188 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Harris, L. J. Harris,Linda Joan UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Bridging knowledge gaps in food quality assurance to strengthen the foundation for food safety training.
0189268 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dodgson, J. B. Dodgson, J. B. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bridging Genome Sequence to the Prevention of Marek's Disease in Poultry
0227672 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peralta, P. Peralta,Perry N NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Bridging Forest Biomaterials Engineering and Forest Biotechnology
0225941 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gwinn, K. Gwinn,Kimberly D. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN BRIDGE for the Future: Building Research Interest and Developing Global Engagement in USDA-NIFA Priority Areas
0227667 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS COXHEAD, I. A. COXHEAD,IAN A UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI BRICs and Mortarboards: Preparing for the New International Agricultural Economy
0226523 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS BHARDWAJ, H. L. Bhardwaj,Harbans L VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Breeding Tepary Bean for Drought Tolerance, Yield, and Nutritional Quality
1003877 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scott, P. Scott,Paul AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Breeding Non-commodity corn for organic production systems.
1010611 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Murphy, K. Murphy,Kevin P. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Breeding and agronomy of quinoa for organic farming systems
1013413 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schoen, RO. Schoen,Roberta NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DC Breakthroughs 2030: A Strategy for Food and Agricultural Research
1017078 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pethybridge, S. J. Pethybridge,Sarah N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Breaking Down the Barriers to Organic No-Till Soybean and Dry Bean Production Through Improved White Mold Management
0223560 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, R. L. Williams, R. L. Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Breaking Barriers for Beginning Hispanic Farmers and Ranchers
0230506 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hanna, M. Hanna,Milford UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE BRDI post award site-visits - 2012 to 2014
0226471 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hanna, M. Hanna,Milford UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE BRDI post award site-visits - 2011
0229002 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kabat Lensch, E. Kabat Lensch,Ellen Eastern Iowa Community College District IA BP3 Building on Partnerships, Projects and Purpose:Improving instruction and increasing the number of students in the agricultural workforce
1007140 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mix, K. Mix,Kenneth TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Boots to Roots: Preparing Female Veteran and Hispanic Veterans in the Agricultural and STEM Degrees
1015976 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Simeziane, S. Evers,Jacquelyn LAND CONNECTION FOUNDATION, THE IL Boosting Farmers` Market SNAP Purchases of Fruits and Vegetables Using Strategic Incentives
0221972 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Henton, J. Henton,June M. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL BolsteringThe Universities Fighting World Hunger (UFWH) Network
0230056 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Henton, J. M. Henton,June M. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Bolstering the Universities Fighting World Hunger (UFWH) Network