Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1016843 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ngirmeriil, G. S. Ikertang,Fredrick PALAU COMMUNITY COLLEGE Building Faculty Capacity and Enhancing Instruction Delivery Through Distance Education for Agriculture and Related Science Programs at Palau Community College.
1016846 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Craven, R. H. Craven,Robert UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Digital Center for Risk Management Education
1016847 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Craven, R. H. Craven,Robert UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Enhancing the Value of the National Farm Financial Benchmarking Database
1016854 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rader, H. B. Rader,Heidi B. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Alaska Native Youth Investigate Food SySTEMs and Explore Career Paths in Food and Agriculture
1016856 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lubben, B. Lubben,Bradley UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center
1016860 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Press, D. Philpott,Stacy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Evaluation Support and Technical Assistance EET for Beginning Farmer and Rancher Programs
1016862 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hedeen, L. Hedeen,Laura FOOD GROUP MINNESOTA INC..THE MN Enhancing Success for Beginning, Socially Disadvantaged Farmers through Customized Resources, Hands-On Training, and Comprehensive Supports
1016865 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Taboada, H. A. Contreras-Sapien,Luis Rene THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO TX ALFA-IoT: ALliance For Smart Agriculture in the Internet of Things Era
1016869 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rhoades, R. Rhoades,Ryan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Expanding Benchmarking and Financial Analysis to Ranches in the West
1016874 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS SOUNDAPPAN, T. Soundappan,Thiagarajan NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Fabrication and Education of Multi-Purpose Nano Electrochemical Sensor to Detect Endocrine Disruptors (Bisphenol Compounds) and Glucose in Navajo Nation
1016885 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kantrovich, A. Kantrovich,Adam CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC South Carolina Farm Financial Benchmarking Project
1016886 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Neibergs, J. S. Neibergs,Joseph Shannon WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Extension Risk Management Education Center
1016890 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Desmond, M. Desmond,Martha NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM NMSU Natural Resource Institute: Making Courses Accessible to HSI Partners
1016892 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Klair, K. S. Klair,Kevin UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Beginning Farmer Business Management Resources
1016902 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McConnell, J. McConnell,James UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Training and Technical Support for UOG Faculty Developing STEM Courses for Online Delivery
1016905 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stephenson, G. O. Stephenson,Garry Owen OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE OR Effective Support for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Grounded in a Stages of Development Framework
1016907 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wuertz, N. Wuertz,Nicholas LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA, INC. IA Training and Empowering Central Iowa Refugee Farmers for Success
1016914 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Giraldo, M. C. Giraldo,Martha C. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Supporting Tropical Agriculture Research by the Acquisition of Cutting-Edge Technology for Phytopathology Laboratories in Puerto Rico
1016915 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roman, F. R. ROMAN,FELIX R UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Enhancement of soft skills in undergraduate and graduate students form Food, Agriculture and Related Sciences by involvement them in Experiential Learning Activities
1016922 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peralta, P. Peralta,Perry NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Pathways to Sustainable Materials Science and Engineering: Supporting Rural Women from College to Career
1016926 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burger, L. M. Burger,Leslie M. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Engaging Women and Minorities in Agriculture-Related Stem Disciplines through Mentoring, Leadership Development, and Experiential Learning
1016930 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Higdon, A. L. Higdon,Andrea Lynn UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY LADDER: Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness
1016939 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dunham, R. Dunham,Rex AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effect of Gene Editing of Reproductive Genes on Fertility, Growth, Disease Resistance and Body Composition of Transgenic Catfish
1016941 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Motsenbocker, C. Motsenbocker,Carl LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Beginning farmer training program for small to mid-scale horticulture farmers with less than ten years experience.
1016942 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hyde, G. S. Hyde,Glenda Sue OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE OR Preparing Oregon for the Cascadia Subduction Zone Event through an Online Learning System
1016946 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kenning, R. Kenning,Robert SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants Program
1016952 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McFall, P. M. McFall,Pauline AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Developing Resident Instruction at the American Samoa Community College
1016953 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Picasso Risso, V. D. Picasso Risso,Valentin Daniel UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Resilience of Alfalfa cultivars to variable environments
1016960 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalkowski, B. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI CMN Extension Capacity Program 2018
1016965 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morgan, S. Morgan,Scott SISSETON WAHPETON COLLEGE SD Sisseton Wahpeton College: Extension Outreach & Informal Education