Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1012025 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chiu, Y. Chiu,Yi-Wen CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Writing the Science of Sustainable Agriculture – A Transdisciplinary Teaching Model
0227969 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chisholm, B. Chisholm,Bret NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND The Development of New Coating and Adhesive Systems Derived from Novel Plant Oil-Based Polymers
1006713 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chischilly, S. CHISCHILLY,STEVEN NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Developing a research common garden to study climate change impacts on pinyon pine (Pinus edulis)
1013564 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS CHISCHILLY, S. Chischilly,Steven NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Seed sources and mycorrhizal inoculation to improve restoration and survival of Pinyon Pine on the Navajo Nation in face of Climate Change
0215240 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chin, K. L. Chin, K. L. SOUTHERN UNIV & A&M COLLEGE LA Adaptability, Flavonoid Properties and Value Addition of Hibiscus sabdariffa
0230455 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chin, K. L. Chin,Kit L SOUTHERN UNIV LA Alternative Utilization of Roselle Hibiscus as Small Farm and Niche Market Crop
1000740 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chin, K. L. Chin,Kit L SOUTHERN UNIV LA Specialty Mushroom as a Niche Market Crop for Limited Resource Family Farms
0225754 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chin, B. Chin,Bryan AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Magnetoelastic Biosensors for Detection of Pathogens on Globe Fruits
0229549 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chimenti, L. M. Chimenti,Linda M COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA Analysis of NIFA Biotechnology Research Expenditures
1000007 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chimenti, L. M. Chimenti,Linda M COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA Analysis of NIFA Biotechnology Research Expenditures
1003750 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chimenti, L. M. Chimenti,Linda M. COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA Analysis of NIFA Biotechnology Research Expenditures
1006793 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chimenti, L. M. Schescke,Kent G. COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA Analysis of NIFA Biotechnology Research Expenditures
0229694 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Childress, J. Bell,Amber Marie Southwest Georgia Project for Community Education, Inc. GA A Project to Create a Regional Food Hub in Rural and Urban Food Deserts in Southwest Georgia
1021140 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chilcote, A. G. Guin,Autumn H. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Powerful Families Powerful Communities (PFPC): Partnering to Prevent Opioid Misuse
1013988 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chilcote, A. Chilcote,Amy Green NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Empowering Youth and Families
1005453 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chiang, S. Chiang,Steven UNIV OF HAWAII HI University of Hawaii`s GoFarm Hawaii: A regional new farmer development initiative
1013389 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chiang, S. Yamamoto,Janel UNIV OF HAWAII HI University of Hawaii`s GoFarm Hawaii: A statewide beginning farmer initiative
1012000 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chi, T. Chi,Ting WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Preparing a Competitive 21st Century Workforce: Collaborative Curriculum Development and Assessment
1026377 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cheyne, L. Ray,Timothy CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OR Growing Career Pathways for Students in Agricultural Sciences and Technology: A Community College and Career Technology Secondary Education Center Partnership
0185336 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chew, K. K. Chew, K. K. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center Fourteenth Annual Work Plan
0188206 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chew, K. K. Puk, S. E. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center 15th Annual Work Plan (FY01)
0192027 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chew, K. K. Merlino, S. E. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center 16th Annual Work Plan (FY02)
0195368 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chew, K. K. Merlino, S. E. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 17th Annual Work Plan (FY03)
0199813 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chew, K. K. Merlino, S. E. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 18th Annual Work Plan (FY04)
1012589 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cheverton, A. Christoffel,Elizabeth VNA HEALTH CARE, AN ILLINOIS NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION IL FreshFirst: A Health Center based fruit and vegetable prescription program with nutrition and culinary skills education for low-income, SNAP eligible families
1007730 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cherney, D. J. Cherney,Debbie Jeannine CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Forage Quality Improvement in Reduced-Lignin Alfalfa Monoculture and Alfalfa-Grass Binary Mixtures
1002324 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cherian, G. Cherian,Gita OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Training the Next Generation of Scientists for the Systems Biology Era in Animal Production
1009982 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cheng, L. Cheng,Lailiang CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Accelerating the Development, Evaluation, and Adoption of New Apple Rootstock Technologies to Improve Apple Growers Profitability and Sustainability
1003831 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chenault, V. Rains,James HASKELL INDIAN NATIONS UNIVERSITY KS Establishment of a new Office of Extension, Outreach and Continuing Education
0186398 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chen, Z. Chen, Z. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Functional Genomics of the WRKY Gene Family from Rice