Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1015427 REVISED HATCH Schultz, B. Schultz, BR. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety
0222066 REVISED HATCH Scott, MA. Scott, MA. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Development of transgenic insect strains suitable for genetic control programs
1021304 REVISED HATCH Seaman, AB, J. Seaman, AB, J. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Comparing the Performance of Four Organic Bush Squash Production Systems
0200458 REVISED HATCH See, M. See, MI, TO. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Genetic selection for novel traits and their effect on efficiency and profitability of commercial pork production
1019887 REVISED HATCH Sehgal, SU, K. Sehgal, SU, K. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Winter wheat breeding and genetics to improve quality and performance for South Dakota
1023388 REVISED HATCH Sepulveda, MA, . Sepulveda, MA. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Agrochemical Impacts On Human And Environmental Health: Mechanisms And Mitigation
1010316 REVISED HATCH Carley, DA, SE. Seth-Carley, DA, GI. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Sustainable Managed Ecosystems: Researching Plant and Environmental Interactions to Enhance Sustainability and Protect the Environment in Managed Urban Landscapes
1013764 REVISED HATCH Louws, FR, . Seth-Carley, DA, GI. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Safeguarding Our Borders and Advancing Local to International Food Security, Ecological Sustainability and Human Health Through Integrated Pest Management
1017345 REVISED HATCH Shakiba, EH, . Shakiba, EH. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Development and Evaluation of Hybrid Rice Cultivars Adapted to the Southern U.S.
1013405 REVISED HATCH Shanoyan, AL, . Shanoyan, AL, . KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions
1021491 REVISED HATCH Rowland, RA, R.. Shi, JI, . KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Detection and Control of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus and Emerging Viral Diseases of Swine
0181697 REVISED HATCH Sparrow, S. D. Shipka, MI, P.. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Multistate Research Coordination, Western Region
0227917 REVISED HATCH Sparrow, S. D. Shipka, MI, P.. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Hatch Research Coordination
1004994 REVISED HATCH Shock, C, . Shock, CL. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Scaling Microirrigation Technologies to Address the Global Water Challenge
1018844 REVISED HATCH Shoemaker, CA, A. Shoemaker, CA, A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Specialty Crops and Urban Food Systems
1019740 REVISED HATCH Loy, J, . Sideman, R. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Plant Improvement in Cucurbita through Interspecific Hybridization
1019868 REVISED HATCH Sideman, R. Sideman, R. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Varieties and cultural practices for vegetable and small fruit production in New Hampshire
1018087 REVISED HATCH Siliveru, KA, . Siliveru, KA. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Marketing and Delivery of Quality Grains and BioProcess Coproducts
0231444 REVISED HATCH Silvertooth, J. C. Silvertooth, JE, C.. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Improving Fertilizer Efficiencies in Irrigated Crop Production Systems
0233439 REVISED HATCH Silvia, W. J. Silvia, WI, JO. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Methods to Increase Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle (NC1038)
1010506 REVISED HATCH Simpson, SH, . Simpson, SH, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Data and Information: Access, Exchange and Production for Environmental Design and Development
0216393 REVISED HATCH Sims, C. Sims, CH, . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Sensory Characteristics and Quality of Fresh and Processed Fruits and Vegetables
0189464 REVISED HATCH Sisler, E. Sisler, E. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Control of Ethylene Responses in Plants
1019081 REVISED HATCH skobba, KI, . skobba, KI. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA The road to substandard housing: Pathways, poverty, and life circumstances in rural Georgia
1013267 REVISED HATCH Matheron, M, . Slinski, ST, LE. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Integrated Disease Management Tools for AZ Lettuce/Spinach Downy Mildew and Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce
1012858 REVISED HATCH Smart, AL, . Smart, AL. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Prescribed Fire to Improve South Dakota Grasslands
1015621 REVISED HATCH Kirchhoff, H. Smertenko, AN. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Molecular Plant Sciences (MPS): Plant Productivity in a Dynamic Environment
1016773 REVISED HATCH Smith, B. Smith, B. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Anti-inflammatory Properties of Interleukin-10: A Novel Target to Mitigate Age-related Osteosarcopenia
0217905 REVISED HATCH Smith, D. P. Smith, D. P. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Poultry processing and products safety and quality