Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1014990 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moore, T. Moore,Timothy SUNY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY NY Cobleskill and Cornell - Applied Plant Science Education Collaborative
1014991 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Si, H. Si,Hongwei TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Professional Development in MicroRNA and Nutrition Research Using Human Subjects
1014993 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fouladkhah, A. Fouladkhah,Aliyar Cyrus TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Assisting Producers and Processors Meeting the Water and Food Safety Requirements in the Current Regulatory Climate
1014998 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Blair, M. W. Blair,Matthew W. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Professional Development in Transcriptomics and Proteomics to Enhance Teaching in Biotechnology
1015005 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tesfaye, S. Tesfaye,Samson LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Disseminating Geospatial Information Science and Technology Knowledge to K-12 Educators and Youth
1015007 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS de Koff, J. de Koff,Jason TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Building Extension Capacity by Developing Relevant Opportunities for Novel Experiences (DRONEs) in Agriculture
1015008 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Patras, A. Patras,Ankit TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN An Integrated Approach to Control Foodborne Bacterial, Viral, and Mycotoxins in High Risk Foods using Ultraviolet Technologies
1015009 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Khanal, A. R. Khanal,Aditya Raj TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Enhancing economic benefits and sustainability of small farm businesses in Tennessee through enterprise diversification and agritourism
1015011 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Crocker, E. V. Crocker,Ellen Veronica UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Development of an Urban and Community Forestry Undergraduate Certificate
1015018 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ahmed, S. Ahmed,Selena MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Advancing an Inclusive Food Systems Curriculum based on a Signature Pedagogy
1015019 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Transgenerational adaptation of plants to acidic pH and toxic metals in soil
1015025 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Siddiqui, R. A. Siddiqui,Rafat A. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Green papaya as a potential source for antidiabetic and diabetic-wound healing therapy.
1015033 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rutto, L. K. Rutto,Laban K. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Professional Development Application to Build Capacity in Hops Disease Management and Alternative Production Practices
1015034 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ren, S. Ren,Shuxin VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Strengthening VSU`s Interdisciplinary Research Capacity to Address Heavy Metal Contaminations in Virginia Urban Soils
1015035 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, J. M. White,Jacquelyn M PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Building capacity within Extension to enhance nutrition and physical activity program delivery among underserved population/community
1015036 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kommalapati, R. Kommalapati,Raghava Rao PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Energy and Nutrient Recovery from Goat Manure by Anaerobic Co-Digestion with Cotton Gin Trash and Food Waste
1015038 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Besong, S. A. Taylor,Betttina DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Provide Experiential Learning Opportunities and Financial Support to facilitate transfer from Community College to DSU’s Coordinated Program in Dietetics
1015044 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thompson, D. R. Thompson,Dale Robert UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Student Cross-Training Opportunities for Combining Food and Cybersecurity into an Academic Food Systems Education Program
1015045 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edgar, L. D. Rucker,K. Jill UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Food Literacy: Using Cultural Competency to Increase Awareness in Agricultural and Human Sciences
1015048 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Muthan, B. Muthan,Bagyalakshmi WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Genetic Improvement of Switchgrass for Energy uses
1015050 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ericksen, A. Payne,Hannah WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Cultivating Young Agripreneurs
1015051 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eya, J. C. EYA,JONATHAN C WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Improving efficiency of growth, nutrient utilization and mitochondrial oxidative function using alternative feed ingredients
1015052 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Newton, G. Foxworth,William PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Microbiome Research Program Development
1015056 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Feng, K. Feng,Keli SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Enhancing Economic Development for Rural South Carolina through Food Marketing and Agribusiness Center
1015065 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kering, M. K. Kering,Maru K. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Liming and Flax Yield Potential in Mid-Atlantic Region: Pre-positioning the State for Alternative Fiber and Grain Crop
1015066 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Temu, V. W. Temu,Vitalis W VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Studies on sustainable crop-livestock systems for free-range poultry and grain teff (Eragrostis tef) production in the mid-Atlantic region
1015069 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lu, L. Lu,Li KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Implementation of Molecular Biology/Biotechnology Core Laboratory at Kentucky State University
1015072 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walston, H. Walston,Herman KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Positive Youth Development: An Afterschool Mentoring Program for African-American and Hispanic Youth
1015073 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turner, S. C. Turner,Steven Cornell MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS SRDC Base Funding FY 17