Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0226798 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fishel, F. Fishel,Fred UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Pesticide Safety Education Program
0226689 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Milla, K. Milla,Katherine A. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Developing a Decision Support Interface System for Selection and Implementation of Agricultural Best Management Practices in Florida
0226643 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rousseau, M. Rousseau,Mary Broward College FL Establishment of the Global Trade and Logistics Bachelor of Applied Science Program with an emphasis on Food and Agriculture products.
0226605 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bhat, M. G. Bhat,Mahadev G. FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL Florida-Caribbean Consortium for Agriculture Education and Hispanic Workforce Development
0226528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mbuya, O. Mbuya,Odemari FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Enhancing Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention in Soil and Water Science at Florida A&M University
0226492 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scott, S. W. Scott,Samuel W. NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE FL Ethnic & Specialty Crops Research and Development: Local Food Networks & Heritage Marketing in Florida and Alabama
0226437 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kanga, L. H. Kanga,Lambert H. B. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Biological Control of Honey Bee Pests in Florida: Enhancement of Market Competitiveness
0226310 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Handler, A. M. Handler,Alfred M. USDA/ARS/CMAVE FL Recombinase-based transformation vectors for improved transgenic strain development and ecological safety in tephritid pest species
0225893 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Harder, A. M. Harder,Amy Marie UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Increasing Undergraduates` Knowledge of International Dimensions
0225781 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vickroy, T. W. Vickroy,Thomas W UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) Program: University of Florida component
0225619 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gray, D. J. Gray,Dennis J UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Disease-Resistant Seedless Muscadine Grape Cultivars Utilizing Eco- and Consumer-Friendly Cisgenic Modification Technologies
0225137 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vermerris, W. Vermerris,Wilfred University of Florida Genetics Institute FL Next-Generation Sweet Sorghums - Sustainable Production of Feedstocks for Fuels, Chemicals and Value-Added Products
0225076 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barrick, R. K. Barrick,Kirby UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL The North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference
0224362 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jayachandran, K. ". Jayachandran,Krishnaswamy FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL Multicultural Scholars Program for Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture at Florida International University
0224131 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jayachandran, K. ". Jayachandran,Krishnaswamy FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL National Needs Fellows in Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences at Florida International University:
0223765 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pena, J. E. Pena, J. E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Management Strategies for the Red Bay Ambrosia Beetle on Avocado
0223751 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mizell, R. F. Mizell, R. F. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Improving ambrosia beetle management by understanding and exploiting beetle-host interactions
0223745 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Torres, N. I. Torres, N. I. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Family Resilience Conference Facilities and Registration Coordination
0223693 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Andersen, P. C. Andersen,Peter C. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Environmental and Economic Costs of Transitioning to Organic Production via a Sod-Based Rotation and Strip-Tilling in the Southern Coastal P
0223593 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS noling, J. W. Noling,Joseph W UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Large Scale Demonstration Trialing and Industry-Wide Testing of Methyl Bromide Alternatives in Florida Strawberry.
0223528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yanez, M. M. Yanez, M. M. Earth Learning FL Generating Permanent Farmers through Permanent Agriculture
0223386 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cuda, J. P. Cuda,James P. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Sustainable Approach for Integrated Management of Herbicide Resistant Hydrilla in the U.S.
0223295 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Carter, L. Carter, L. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL FAMU Rural Youth Entrepreneurial Project
0223281 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Paul, H. A. Paul,Harriett Ann FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Study Abroad: Achieving an International Perspective on Agriculture and Natural Resources in South Africa
0223214 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Phills, B. R. Phills,Bobby R FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL CESTA Summer Youth Development Institute: (In Search of the Next George Washington Carver)
0223195 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, X. Xu,Xia FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Towards understanding mechanisms of host resistance to downy mildew disease of grapevine (Vitis L.)
0223193 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mobley, R. Mobley,Ray FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Establishment of Veterinary Technology Track: Cultivating Pre-vet./Veterinary Tech. Professionals to Satisfy the Need of the 21st century
0223138 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jain, A. Jain,Amita FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Building Capacity of the Soil and Water Analysis Laboratory at Florida A&M University
0223137 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rasmussen, A. Rasmussen,Andrew FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Biological Assessment of Headwater Streams in Ravine Ecosystems of Northwest Florida
0223131 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Colova (Tsolova), V. M. Colova (Tsolova),Violetka Marinova FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Empowering the Students to Decisiveness - FAMU Summer Biotech Academy