Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0203074 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McLeod, R. V. McLeod, R. V. National Wild Turkey Federation SC Conservation and Educational Outreach Programs for Women and Disabled
0203731 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dawson, P. L. Dawson, P. L. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Undergraduate Research Teams Integrated into a Food Science and Human Nutrition Curriculum in a Six Semester Sequence
0204100 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Norsworthy, J. K. Norsworthy, J. K. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Use of Natural and Synthetic Isothiocyanates as Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for Pest Suppression in Vegetables
0204808 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jones, E. G. Jones, E. G. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Project OTC-FCS" (Online Teacher Certification in Family and Consumer Sciences)"
0205166 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Luo, H. Hong Luo CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Development of Controlled Total Vegetative Growth for Prevention of Transgene Escape from Genetically Modified Turfgrass
0206743 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Browdy, C. L. Browdy, C. L. SC DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES SC Organic Farming of Marine Shrimp: A Holistic Approach to Management of Feeds & Microbial Dynamics
0211578 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Luo, H. Hong Luo CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC An integrated dual site-specific recombination system for use in developing environmentally safe and clean transgenic turfgrass
0213332 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hood, W. M. Hood, W. M. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Assessment of Current Miticide Use on Honey Bee Longetivity and Colony Health
0214264 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fraser, A. M. Fraser, A. M. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Improving Food Handling, Hygiene, and Sanitation in the Child Care Environment in North Carolina and South Carolina
0214480 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McLeod, R. V. Leggett, D. National Wild Turkey Federation SC Conservation and Educational Outreach Program for Women
0216849 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Selassie, H. Selassie,Haile M SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Promoting Diversity in the Agribusiness Profession: Multicultural Scholars Program at SC State University
0218397 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS liang, H. LIANG, H. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC An international collaboration to understand molecular mechanisms of vegetative/reproductive transition in gymnosperms
0219114 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Agbodjan, E. Agbodjan,Edoe SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Partnership for Building Capacity of Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers in South Carolina
0219234 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Layton, P. A. Layton, P. A. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Preparing Forestry and Natural Resources Leaders in an Era of Change
0219759 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fraser, A. M. Fraser, A. M. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Pilot Study to Determine the Effect of a Nutrition/Food Safety Curriculum Targeting Older Adults in the South Carolina
0219806 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Boys, K. Boys, K. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Bridging Specialty Crop Producers & Institutional Food Purchasers: Distilling a Research & Extension Agenda in Support of Local Food Systems
0219965 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, W. H. Brown, W. H. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Development of a new web based database system
0221501 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, W. H. Brown, W. H. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Development of a new web based database system
0221574 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Duckett, S. K. Duckett, S. K. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Clemson University Veterinary Institute, SC
0222465 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Khalilian, A. Khalilian,Ahmad CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Innovative Nematode Management Strategies to Reduce Pesticide Usage While Enhancing Farm Profit and Environmental Quality
0223180 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS HONG, J. Hong,Jae-Dong SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Optimization and Simulation of Integrated Biomass and Bio-energy Logistics Networks
0223286 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Luo, H. Luo,Hong CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Environmental risk assessment of perennial grasses genetically engineered for abiotic stress tolerance
0223484 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lamie, R. D. Lamie, R. D. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Building Entrepreneurial, Business Management, and Land Stewardship Capacity for South Carolina New and Beginning Farmers
0223639 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kole, C. Kole, C. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Developing Canola Varieties with Durable and Robust Blackleg Resistance by Pyramiding Race-specific Resistant Genes
0223880 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fraser, A. M. Fraser, A. M. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Nutrition and Food Safety Education Targeting Rural Older Adults: Using a Volunteer-based, Train-the-Team Approach
0225162 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marcoccia, B. Marcoccia,Bruno Domtar Paper Company SC Integrated Biorefinery at the Domtar Plymouth, North Carolina Pulp Mill
0225720 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tang, C. Tang,Chuanbing University of South Carolina SC A US-China Joint Program on Forestry Biomass Utilization for Sustainable Materials and Nanotechnologies
0225797 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, S. White,Sarah CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Containment, Remediation, and Recyclig of Irrigation Water for Sustainable Ornamental Crop Production
0226375 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McCrary-Quarles, A. R. McCrary-Quarles,Audrey SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Combining Youth, Passion and Resources for Environmental Science Studies (CYPRESS)