Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1005515 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ehsani, R. J. Ampatzidis,Yiannis UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Steam-generated Supplementary Heat Thermotherapy as an Immediate Treatment for Prolonging Productivity of HLB-infected Citrus Trees
1005188 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burke, A. Burke,Adam Veterans Farm, LLC FL Enhancing Veterans Farm Fellows Program
1004936 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Leppla, N. C. Leppla,Norman C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Delivering Effective, Sustainable IPM for Specialty Crops: A Priority of the University of Florida IPM Program
1004822 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morgan, K. T. Morgan,Kelly T UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Smart Phone Apps: Scientific Validation Quantification of Water Conservation
1004704 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Grogan, K. A. Grogan,Kelly A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Innovative Policies to Optimize the Allocation of Water Quality and Conservation Investments and Maximize Multiple Benefits
1004321 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peres, N. A. Peres,Natalia A R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Strategic Management of Multiple Diseases in Strawberry Nurseries and Production Fields in the Eastern U.S.
1004108 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thompson, S. Thompson,Sandra K FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL FAMU- Agricultural-Education Mobile Delivery System in North Florida
1004078 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kanga, L. H. Kanga,Lambert H. B. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Development of an Integrated Model for Healthy Honey Bee Production
1003822 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Boyd, N. S. Boyd,Nathan S UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Enhance Efficacy of Soil Applied Fumigants in Florida Strawberry and Vegetable Production
1003699 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vickroy, T. W. Vickroy,Thomas W UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) Program: University of Florida Component
1003687 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Guan, Z. Guan,Zhengfei UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL The economic impact of methyl bromide transition on Florida tomato and bell pepper production
1003528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, R. Brown,Russell Indian River State College FL Amplifying Awareness of Opportunities for Women and Underrepresented Minorities in STEM
1001425 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Taylor, R. W. Taylor,Robert W. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL FAMU FY 2017 Facilities Grant Program
1001420 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kambiranda, D. Sheikh,Mehboob Basha FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Improving Nutraceutical Value of Muscadine Grapes to Promote Consumer Health, Increase Market Value and Grower Profit
1000913 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rohr, J. Rohr,Jason UNIV OF SOUTH FLORIDA FL Building capacity to train the next generation of under-represented and cross-disciplinary scholars of agricultural sustainability
1000588 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vickroy, T. W. Vickroy,Thomas W. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) Program: University of Florida Component
1000583 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mizell, R. F. Mizell,Russell F UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Improvement and Implementation of Organic Pecan Systems in the Southeastern US
1000266 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barrick, R. K. Turner,R Elaine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL USDA Cooperative Agreement National Food and Agricultural Sciences Teaching, Extension and Research Awards Program (TERP)
0232128 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jayachandran, K. Jayachandran,Krish FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL Infusing Food Security, Food Safety, Bioenergy into the Environmental Studies Graduate Program at Florida International University
0232127 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rowland, D. Rowland,Diane L UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Interdisciplinary training in agroecology: enhancing a broader training in agricultural science through traditional and web based curricula
0231067 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vallad, G. E. Vallad,Gary E UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Improving the efficacy of Methyl Bromide alternatives for small fruit and vegetable production in Florida.
0230963 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vickroy, T. W. Vickroy,Thomas W. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) Program: University of Florida component
0230893 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turpen, T. H. Turpen,Thomas Henry Citrus Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) FL Rear and Release Psyllids as Biological Control Agents - An Economical and Feasible Mid-Term Solution for Huanglongbing (HLB) Disease
0230666 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fishel, F. Fishel,Fred UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Pesticide Safety Education Program 2012
0230526 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sheikh, M. B. SHEIKH,MEHBOOB BASHA FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL An Integrative Transcriptome, Proteome and Metabolome Approach for Better Understanding Plant - Pathogen Interactions in Grape
0230477 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Richardson, V. Richardson,Vonda FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Reaching a New Generation of Agro-Entrepreneurs Through Enhanced Program Delivery Strategies
0230466 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Haseeb, M. Haseeb,Muhammad -- FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Enhancing the Capacity of Urban Agriculture in North Florida Using Best Management of Farming Practices
0230465 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Colova (Tsolova), V. M. Colova (Tsolova),Violeta M. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Building Capacity for Clean Plant Diagnostic of Grape & Small Fruits at FAMU to Enhance Research & Extension in Florida & Southeastern US
0230464 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Leong, S. Umar,Gohar FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Youth Development Summer Inst. Phase II: Enhancement of Research & Ext. Learning Labs (RELL), In Search of Next George Washington Carver
0230013 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yanez, M. M. Yanez,Mario M Earth Learning FL Community FoodWorks at Verde Gardens