Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0192358 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bassham, D. C. Bassham, D. C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Role of Autophagy in the Response of Plants to Environmental Stress Conditions
0192357 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cashore, B. W. Cashore, B. W. YALE UNIVERSITY CT Forest Certification Politics: Impacts on Markets and Sustainability
0192355 TERMINATED HATCH Ward, F. A. Ward, F. A. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM Economic Analysis of New Mexico Water Policies and Institutions
0192354 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Beghin, J. C. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA CARD Agricultural Trade Analysis
0192353 TERMINATED HATCH He, B. He, B. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Novel Processing and Isolation Processes of High Erucic Acid Oilseeds for Value-added Industrial Products
0192352 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Jones, J. B. Jones, J. B. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrated Management of Bacterial Diseases on Tomato
0192350 TERMINATED HATCH Burke, I. Burke, I. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Ecologically-Based Management of Annual Weeds in Dryland Grain Production Systems of Eastern Washington
0192349 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schillinger, W. F. Schillinger, W. F. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA PM-10 particulate emission prediction and control from agricultural lands in the pacific northwest Columbia Plateau
0192347 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hammon, D. S. Hammon, D. S. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Health and Nutritional Factors Associated with Endometritis in Lactating Dairy Cows
0192346 TERMINATED HATCH Koenig, R. T. Koenig, R. T. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Fertilizer Management for Irrigated Alfalfa
0192344 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Fedoroff, N. V. Fedoroff, N. V. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Molecular Analysis of Early Ozone Response Genes in Arabidopsis
0192343 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ebbs, S. D. Ebbs, S. D. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV IL Intercellular Metal Trafficking in Leaves of Accumulator Plants
0192342 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Cupp, A. S. Cupp, A. S. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Role of Paracrine Growth Factors in Bovine Ovarian Follicular Development
0192341 TERMINATED HATCH Stock, S. P. Stock, S. P. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Abundance, Distribution, Biomass and Productivity of Soil Nematodes in Oak Woodlands in Southern Arizona
0192340 TERMINATED HATCH Artiola, J. F. Artiola, J. F. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Soil Organic Matter Influenced by Irrigation Water Quality
0192339 TERMINATED HATCH Winzerling, J. J. Winzerling, J. J. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ The Effects of Iron on Human Lung Cells
0192338 TERMINATED HATCH Ax, R. L. Ax, R. L. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Assessment of Membrane Integrity of Stallion Sperm Prior to and Following Cryopreservation
0192337 TERMINATED HATCH Curry, J. E. Curry, J. E. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ The Effect of Chain Length on Film Forming and Adhesive Properties of Dextran, A Model Exopolymer
0192336 TERMINATED HATCH Duff, G. C. Duff, G. C. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Nutritional Management Programs for Improving Performance and Carcass Characteristics by Growing/Finishing Feedlot Cattle
0192335 TERMINATED HATCH Baumgard, L. Baumgard, L. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Bioenergetics of Early Lactating and Heat Stressed Dairy Cows
0192334 TERMINATED HATCH Mannan, R. W. Mannan, R. W. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ A Proactive Approach for Reducing Electrocution of Raptors in Tucson
0192333 TERMINATED HATCH Fane, B. A. Fane, BE. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ The Development of a Phage-Based Genetic Transfer System for Chlamydia and Bdellovibrio
0192331 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lynch, J. P. Lynch, J. P. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Magnanese Toxicity and Oxidative Stress in Trees of the Eastern Forest
0192330 TERMINATED HATCH Wortmann, C. S. Wortmann, C. S. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Improved Soil Productivity and Environmental Quality on Non-Irrigated Land in Southeastern Nebraska
0192329 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Lancia, R. A. Lancia, R. A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Forest Wildlife Habitat Relationships in Managed Landscapes
0192327 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Allen, H. L. Allen, H. L. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Sustaining Enhanced Production of Forest Plantations Through Silvicultural Manipulation of Site Resources
0192326 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Moore, R. L. Moore, R. L. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Linear Corrridor Recreation
0192324 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Gilliland, S. E. Gilliland, S. E. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Food Safety: Farm to Table
0192321 TERMINATED HATCH Salassi, M. E. Salassi, M. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Economic Analysis of Rice Production and Farm Management in Louisiana