Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1013954 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Koppa, K. Koppa,Kavita GLOBAL GROWERS NETWORK INC GA Practical Tools for Food Safety on Small, Diversified Fruit & Vegetable Farms
1013957 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chapin, T. K. Krug,Matthew David UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Revision and Expansion of the Florida "Build Your Own Farm Food Safety Manual" Program
1013958 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fogarty, K. Fogarty,Kate UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Promoting STEM Educational Equity (STEM-EE) for Rural Minority Youth through Experiential Learning and Mentoring Opportunities
1013962 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Leppla, N. C. Leppla,Norman C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL 2017 Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Project for the University of Florida
1013965 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Miller, R. L. Miller,Rhonda L UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western SARE 2017 Plan of Work
1013966 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jepson, P. C. Coop,Leonard Bryan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Statewide Networks for Overcoming Barriers to IPM Adoption in Oregon
1013967 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Washburn, L. Head,Debie ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Interventions to Prevent Opioid Abuse and Misuse in Rural Arkansas
1013968 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. M. Kutka,Frank COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Menominee Agricultural Practices, Historical Perceptions and Late Prehistoric Reality
1013970 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Matney, C. Matney,Casey UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Extension Implementation Program Area (EIP)
1013972 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mueller, D. S. Mueller,Daren Shane IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Iowa State University Integrated pest Management Extension Implementation Program
1013973 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Alcaine, S. D. Alcaine,Samuel CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY National Dairy Food Safety Plan Coaching Workshop
1013975 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Haseeb, M. Haseeb,Muhamamd FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Implementation of Effective IPM Strategies for Specialty Crop Growers and Communities in North Florida
1013976 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Almodovar, W. Almodovar,Wanda UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Coordination and Implementation of an IPM Program in Puerto Rico
1013977 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kovacevic, J. Kovacevic,Jovana OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Integration of FSMA produce safety outreach and education into extension initiatives in Oregon
1013980 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gibson, K. Gibson,Kristen UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Environmental Assessments to Customize Food Safety Training for Very Small to Small Strawberry Producers in the Southeastern United States
1013981 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burrows, M. Burrows,Mary MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Montana State University's Extension Implementation Plan for Integrated Pest Management
1013984 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, J. M. Caldwell,James Marcus UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Supporting Early Career Veterinarians in Rural Practice in Tennessee
1013986 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zink-Sharp, A. Zink-Sharp,Audrey VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Increasing Awareness and Opportunities for Women and Minority Students in Sustainable Biomaterials Education
1013988 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chilcote, A. Chilcote,Amy Green NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Empowering Youth and Families
1013989 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cunningham, K. K. Cunningham,Kutcher Kyle ARKANSAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AR A robust instructional effort to guide Extension professionals in the latest technology-enabled forest management tools and silvicultural sciences enhancing impact for multiple objectives
1013990 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fadamiro, H. Y. Held,David AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Statewide Extension IPM Coordination Program for Auburn University and Alabama Cooperative Extension System 2017-2020
1013998 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dahlquist-Willard, R. Dahlquist-Willard,Ruth UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Hands-On Food Safety Training for Small Farms in Fresno County
1013999 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kobe, R. Huff,Emily MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Understanding Forest Carbon Management: An E-Learning Program
1014000 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Grant, J. Calixto,Alejandro CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY An Integrated Pest Management Program for New York State, 2017-2020
1014003 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kinchla, A. J. Kinchla,Amanda J UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Food Safety Management Training for Small and Emerging Food Businesses: Integrating a Food Safety Culture from Concept to Commercialization
1014005 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Varenhorst, A. J. Varenhorst,Adam SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD SDSU Integrated Pest Management: Agronomic Crops, Specialty Crops, Pollinator Health, Pesticide Applicators, Public Health and Diagnostic Clinics
1014008 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sharkey, J. R. Sharkey,Joseph R TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM,THE TX Empowering Rural Communities And Families : Preventing Chronic Disease Through Experiential Nutrition Education
1014011 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ilic, S. Ilic,Sanja OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Food Safety Education and Outreach Programming for Plain Growers
1014013 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calfo, C. Calfo,Cathy CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARMERS INC. CA Fulfilling FSMA Requirements: PSA Training Courses & Technical Assistance for Small and Organic Growers
1014018 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Delaplane, K. S. Delaplane,Keith UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Removing Obstacles To Genetic Host Resistance In The U.S. Beekeeping Industry