Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1006980 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sloan, S. S. Sloan,Susan Sauer NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DC Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable Core Activities and the Federal Demonstration Partnership
1029267 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sloven, J. Sloven,Jonah SWEET HOLLOW FARM LLC ID Sweet Hollow Farm Apprenticeship for High Altitude Market Farmers and Regional Educators
1014023 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Slown, C. Slown,Corin CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MONTEREY BAY CA Planning to Scaffold Secondary and Post Secondary Agriculture Science Education
1014983 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Small, V. Small,Voulynne BEST BROTHERS EXELLING WITH SE NC Mobile Produce and Practicing Food Safety Project
0211259 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smalley, S. B. Susan Smalley MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI NACAA 2007 Conference Sustainable Agriculture Components
0218786 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smallidge,S,T Smallidge,Samuel T. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Range Improvement, NM
0221886 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smallidge,S,T Smallidge,Samuel T. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Range Improvement at New Mexico State University
1017131 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smanski, M. Smanski,Michael UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Engineering ‘Species-like’ Barriers to Sexual Reproduction to Prevent Gene Flow in Plants
0220050 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smart, A. J. Smart,Alexander SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Conservation Practices Assessment of the Lower Bad River Basin
0222818 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smart, C. D. Smart,Christine D. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY A Novel Extension/Education Experience in IPM Systems for Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Plant Pathology
0223558 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smedsrud, G. S. Smedsrud,Greg Communicating for Agriculture Scholarship and Education Foundation MN Sustainable Food Production, Farm Practice and Agripreneurism
1016293 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, A. Smith,Andra SEQUIM FOOD BANK WA Adding Value to Farm to Food Bank
1017556 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, A. Smith,Amy UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Growing North Minneapolis: Building Community-Based Food Systems Through Experiential Agricultural Education
0231197 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, C. Smith,Cheryl UNH Cooperative Extension NH University of New Hampshire FY 2012 Pesticide Education Program
1016666 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, C. Smith,Craig FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Connecting American Indians on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation to food, agriculture, natural resources and human sciences through advanced degrees at Fort Peck Community College
0230953 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, C. M. Smith,Craig M. FORT HAYS KANSAS STATE COLL KS Enhancing the technical and analytical skills of our farmers, technicians, and crop consultants
0196793 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. Smith, D. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Intervention Strategies to Reduce Escherichia Coli 0157:H7 in Beef Feedyards
1007082 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. Smith,Darron Eastern New Mexico University NM Sustainable food production, preparation and education for the prevention of childhood obesity and experiential learning for undergraduates
0222589 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. L. Smith, D. L. Eastern New Mexico University NM Enhancing Career Awareness and Develop Through Experiential Learning.
0225524 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. L. Smith,Darron Eastern New Mexico University NM Enhancing High School Students Career Awareness and Development through an Experiential Learning Summer Program
1020859 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, E. W. Smith,Erin W. JACKSON MEDICAL MALL FOUNDATION MS Innovating To Take Snap Incentives To The Next Level In Mississippi
1000716 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, G. Smith,George Robert TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN A Parking Lot on Grandpa`s Farm
0208071 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, G. M. Gary Smith UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Rural Business Enhancement, WI Project at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville
0214215 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, H. M. Smith, H. M. RIVERSIDE CITY COLLEGE CA GS-5 Certified: Increasing soil science educational oppportunities online for undergraduate students and USDA employees
0219138 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS SMITH, J. A. SMITH,JASON ANDREW UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Laurel wilt critical needs research: Disease management for avocado
1003813 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, K. Smith,Kaitlin NIAGARA, COUNTY OF NY AgX: Agriculture Exploration
1013401 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, K. Henning,Amanda NIAGARA, COUNTY OF NY AgNet: Agriculture and Food Systems Education and Training Network
1013547 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, K. Smith,Kasee UNIV OF IDAHO ID Idaho Agricultural Education Alternatively Certified Teacher Support Program (ACTS)
0207371 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, M. Smith, M. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Improved Management of Russian Wheat Aphids in Barley by Integration of Biological and Cultural Controls with Aphid- Resistant Cultivars