Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0193045 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scott, H. M. Scott, H. M. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX The Moral Economy of Antimicrobials in Animal Agriculture: Advancing Policy and Practice in an Era of Antimicrobial Resistance
0193044 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Burton, D. M. Burton, D. M. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Optimal Contracts with Risk Averse Agents for Intellectual Property Protection of Agricultural and Forest Biotechnology Innovations
0193043 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tang, I. C. Tang, I. C. BIOPROCESSING INNOVATIVE CO. OH Production of Galacto-oligosaccharides From Whey Lactose by -Galactosidase Immobilized on Cotton Cloth
0193042 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schwartz, D. K. Schwartz, D. K. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO Correlating the Rheology and Structure of Beta-Casein Interfacial Layers
0193041 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shriver-Lake, L. C. Shriver-Lake, L. C. NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY DC Mycotoxin Array Detection
0193040 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ficht, A. R. Ficht, A. R. TEXAS A&M RESEARCH FOUNDATION TX Genetic Diversity Applied to the Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis
0193039 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dowd, S. E. Dowd, S. E. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE TX Direct Manipulation of Corticotropin Releasing Factor to Identify the Relationship Between Stress and Pathogen Shedding in Pigs
0193038 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bar-Peled, M. Bar-Peled, M. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA The Synthesis of UDP-xylose: a Regulatory Metabolite and Precursor Required for Formation of Plant Cell Wall Polysaccharides
0193037 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wyatt, S. E. Wyatt, S. E. OHIO UNIVERSITY OH Characterization and Cloning of the GPS Mutants of Arabidopsis
0193034 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Caruso, F. L. Caruso, F. L. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Validation of a Reduced Fungicide Strategy for Management of Cranberry Fruit Rot
0193033 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Featherstone, A. M. Featherstone, A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Improving Farm Competitiveness: Explaining and Forecasting Farm Profitability
0193032 TERMINATED HATCH Kirchmaier, A. Kirchmaier, AN, L. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Heterochromatin Formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
0193030 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Perez-Escamilla, R. Perez-Escamilla, R. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Development of a HACCP-Like Model for Home Prepared Chicken & Salad in a Puerto Rican Community
0193029 TERMINATED HATCH Gent, M. Magnarelli, L. A. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT The benefit of shade to improve quality of greenhouse tomato in the northeast USA.
0193028 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gang, D. R. Gang, D. R. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ An Acyltransferase at a Branch Point in the Phenylpropanoid Pathway in Basil
0193027 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Lewis, C. E. Mitchell, G. A. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK New Crops for New Markets
0193026 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Shaw, S. R. Shaw, S. R. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Braconid Wasps in Wyoming Forest Ecosystems
0193025 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mooney, S. Mooney, S. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY A Measurement and Monitoring Protocol for Policies Designed to Sequester Soil Carbon
0193021 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Davies, C. J. Davies, C. J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Assessment of the role of the bovine lymphocyte antigen (BoLA) DQ genes in resistance to mastitis
0193019 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sriranganathan, N. Sriranganathan, N. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Brucella Abortus RB51-Based Live Recombinant Vaccine Against Neosporosis
0193018 TERMINATED HATCH Akers, R. M. Akers, R. M. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Extracellular Matrix, Steroid Receptors, and IGF-I Axis Molecules in Bovine Mammary Development
0193017 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Moreira, R. G. Moreira, R. G. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX A Powerful New Approach to Improve Electron Beam Treatment of Complex Food Items
0193016 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chopra, S. Chopra, S. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Regulation of Flavonoid and Phytoalexin Biosynthesis in Sorghum and Maize
0193015 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Smart, L. B. Smart, L. B. STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Characterization of Genes Associated with Differentiation and Function of Guard Cells
0193014 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mohammed, H. O. Gilmour, R. F. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Risk of Listeria Monocytogenes in Dairy and Beef Herds
0193013 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sussman, M. R. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The in Planta Role of Calcium-Sensing Protein Kinases in Arabidopsis Thaliana
0193012 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chapman, K. D. Chapman, K. D. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS TX Regulation of N-Acylethanolamine Metabolism in Seeds
0193011 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Karr, G. S. Karr, G. S. AGRENEW, INC. KS Non-Corrosive Propionate Based Road Deicer
0193010 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Buell, C. R. Buell, C. R. INSTITUTE FOR GENOMIC RESEARCH MD Sequence and annotation of rice chromosome 3
0193009 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McLaughlin, D. K. McLaughlin, D. K. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Changing Income Inequality in a Period of Economic Expansion, 1999 to 2000