Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0193083 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kelly, C. J. Christine Kelly, C. J. SYRACUSE UNIV NY Effect of Inhibitors and pH on Microbiological Xylitol Production
0193079 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gleason, B. J. Gleason, B. J. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM Improving the Safety of Fresh and Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables on Small and Medium-Sized Farms Operated by Minority Farmers
0193078 TERMINATED HATCH Ellington, J. J. Ellington, J. J. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM Integrated Management of Pecan, and Cotton Insects
0193076 TERMINATED HATCH Mansfield, L. S. Mansfield, L. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Genetic Basis for Campylobacter jejuni Induced Pathotypes in the Host
0193073 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Richards, M. P. Richards, M. P. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Using Site-Directed Mutagenesis to Determine the Mechanism of Heme Protein-Mediated Lipid Oxidation in Muscle Foods
0193072 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Marcotte, W. R. Marcotte, W. R. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Structure-Function Analysis of Group 1 Lea Proteins
0193071 TERMINATED HATCH Bengtson, D. A. Bengtson, D. A. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Increased Efficiency of Summer Flounder Aquaculture Through Nutrition
0193070 TERMINATED HATCH Myrold, D. D. Myrold, D. D. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Oregon Soils
0193069 TERMINATED HATCH Ross, A. S. Ross, A. S. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Development of Wheat Varieties with Enhanced End-Product Suitability
0193068 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wu, S. Wu, S. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH An Analytical & Experimental Analysis of Regulatory & Legal Restrictions on Agricultural Production Contracts
0193067 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stinner, D. Stinner,Deborah OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Carbon Sequestration and Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Processes in Organic Agricultural Ecosystems
0193066 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sohngen, B. Sohngen, B. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Land Use Change and Agricultural Competitiveness in the Midwestern United States.
0193065 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gatto, C. Craig Gatto, C. ILLINOIS STATE UNIV IL Structure and Function of the Tomato Plant Ca-ATPase
0193063 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Foley, M. E. Foley, M. E. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE ND Developing a Genetic System to Clone Dormancy Genes from Weedy Rice
0193062 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Spalding, E. P. Spalding, E. P. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Genes and Signaling Pathways Controlling Stem Growth in Red Light
0193061 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wilkinson, B. J. Wilkinson, B. J. ILLINOIS STATE UNIV IL Molecular Mechanisms of Psychrotolerance in Listeria Monocytogenes
0193060 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Germino, M. J. Germino, M. J. IDAHO STATE UNIV ID Instrumentation for Evaluating the Role of Photosynthetic Ecophysiology in Plant Invasions of Semiarid Communities
0193058 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Farin, P. Farin, P. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Strategies for enhancing reproductive efficiency of cattle and swine
0193057 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Todd, E. C. Todd, E. C. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Risks for Organic Food-Real or Perceived?
0193056 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Herrman, T. Herrman, T. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development and Implementation of a Voluntary HACCP Program for the Commercial Feed Industry
0193055 TERMINATED HATCH Annis, P. A. Annis, P. A. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Cotton Flax Blended Nonwoven Fabrics with Value-Added Properties for Industrial Markets
0193054 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Maclachlan, N. J. MacLachlan, N. J. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Novel Recombinant Bluetongue Virus Vaccine
0193053 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cardona, C. J. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA The Role of Immunosuppression in On-Farm Food Safety
0193052 TERMINATED HATCH Anderson, M. Anderson, M. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Water Quality in Southern California Lakes and Reservoirs
0193051 TERMINATED HATCH Myles, D. G. Myles, D. G. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA The molecular basis of fertilization
0193050 TERMINATED HATCH Pasternack, G. Pasternack, G. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Rehabilitating Instream Habitat in California
0193049 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ullman, D. E. Ullman, D. E. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Molecular Characterization of Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates After Transmission by Aphis gossypii, A. spiraecola and Toxoptera citricida
0193048 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Joens, L. A. Joens, L. A. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Assessment of the Pathogenicity of Campylobacter jejuni in Broilers
0193047 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Joens, L. A. Joens, L. A. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in C. Jejuni Virulence
0193046 TERMINATED HATCH Jacob, J. B. Jacob, J. B. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Psychosocial Factors Related to Body Image, Self-esteem, and Diet/Exercise Habits of West Virginia Adolescents