Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0193186 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT James, G. A. Hiebert, R. MSE TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS, INC. MT Biofilm Barrier for In Situ Groundwater Denitrification
0193185 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McClung, C. R. McClung, C. R. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE NH Positional Cloning and Characterization of a Locus Required for Photorespiratory Serine Hydroxymethylransferase Activity
0193184 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thippareddi, H. Thippareddi, H. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE HACCP Training and Research to Assist Meat Processors With Process Deviations for Lethality and Stabilization
0193183 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Thompson, A. L. Thompson, A. L. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Development of Multipurpose Potato Cultivars with Enhanced Quality, Disease and Pest Resistance-North Central Program
0193182 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Garden-Robinson, J. A. Garden-Robinson, J. A. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Food Safety Education in the 21st Century: Improving the Process
0193181 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abrahante, J. E. Abrahante, J. E. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Regulation of Bovine Intestinal Epithelial Cell Gene Expression by Cryptosporidium Parvum
0193180 TERMINATED HATCH Ottinger, M. A. ottinger, M. A. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Developmental and Lifespan Effects of Environmental Chemicals
0193179 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Normark, B. Normark, B. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Molecular Systematics of Armored Scale Insects (Diaspididae)
0193178 TERMINATED HATCH Zolkiewski, M. Zolkiewski, M. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Structure and Function of AAA Proteins
0193177 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hennessy, D. A. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Systemic Risk and the Failure of Incentives in Food Systems
0193176 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gilmore, S. A. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Food Safety Practices and HACCP Implementation in Assisted Living for the Elderly
0193175 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ahn, D. U. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Effect of Dietary and Irradiation Interventions on the Pathogen Reduction and Quality of Turkey Meat
0193174 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schnable, P. S. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Genetic and Genomic Dissection of Male Fertility Restoration in Maize
0193173 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Mahdavian, E. Walker, Jr., J. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Synthesis of a new class of vitamin E Derivatives as potential Chemotherapeutic Agents
0193172 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kuldau, G. A. Kuldau, G. A. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Molecular Database of Fusarium Mycotoxicology
0193171 TERMINATED HATCH Sugar, D. Sugar, D. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Control of Postharvest Decay of Winter Pears in Southern Oregon
0193170 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gebreyes, W. A. Gebreyes, W. A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Source, Diversity and Resistance of Foodborne Pathogens in Swine and Pork
0193168 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Bollich, P. K. Brown, W. H. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Tillage, Silviculture and Waste Management
0193166 TERMINATED HATCH Schulthess, C. P. Hart, I. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Modeling the Adsorption and Entrapment of Oxyanions on Goethite
0193165 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Steelman, C. D. Stephen, F. M. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Evaluation of Monitoring Systems, Pathogen Detection, and Alternative Tactics for IPM of Filth Flies in Poultry Production Facilities
0193164 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Meullenet, J. F. Meullenet, J. F. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Predicting Poultry Texture Using Spectral Force Deformation Analysis: A Method for the 21st Century
0193163 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, Y. J. Wang, Y. J. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Application of High Intensity Ultrasound and Protease Treatment in Improving Corn Wet Milling Process
0193162 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bendich, A. J. Bendich, A. J. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA The Structure and Replication of the Plant Mitochondrial Genome
0193161 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pan, W. Pan, W. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Low Temperature, Low Pressure Straw Pulping for Production of Linerboard, Corrugated Medium, Newsprint & Fertilizer
0193160 TERMINATED HATCH Busboom, J. R. Busboom, J. R. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Pre- and Post-Harvest Manipulation of Palatability, Appearance and Lipid Composition of Red Meat
0193159 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Love, B. C. Love, B. C. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Salmonella Newport Infections in Dairy Cattle: Epidemiology and On-Farm Management
0193158 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ye, Z. H. Ye, Z. H. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Molecular and Genetic Analysis of Fiber Differentiation
0193157 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Babbitt, K. J. Babbitt, K. J. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Experimental testing of buffer requirments for amphibians inhabiting vernal pools in a forested landscape
0193156 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT SIMS, N. A. SIMS, N. A. BLACK PEARLS, INC. HI First Triploidy in Tropical Bivalves: Can This Increase Profitability in Pearl Farms?