Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0218831 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mazak, C. M. Mazak,Catherine Michelle RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR English for Academic and Career Success in Agriculture: A Needs-based Curriculum
0218899 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Santiago, A. Santiago,Alma Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico PR Establishment of a new BS Biotechnology Program
0222547 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chaparro, M. Chaparro,Mildred RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR Strengthening the pipeline of undergraduate students into the Master's program in Food Science and Technology at UPRM
0225833 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pinto-Lopez, E. Pinto-Lopez,Elsa UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR Nutrition Live at UPR-RP; Distance Education Courses within the Nutrition and Dietetics Program
0225835 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ramos-Rodriguez, O. Ramos-Rodriguez,Olgaly University of Puerto Rico - Utuado PR Improving Teaching Techniques and Agricultural Sciences Knowledge for Students in the Central Rural Region Of Puerto Rico
0226655 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roman-Velazquez, F. R. Roman-Velazquez,Felix Roberto RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR UPR-Mayaguez Center for Education and Training in Agricultural and Related Sciences (CETARS)
0226679 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Toro-Enriquez, B. Toro-Enriquez,Brenda UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR Improved Laboratory Facilities for the UPR-RP Nutrition and Dietetics Program
0226982 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. M. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Phase VII- Developing Residence Instruction in Food and Agriculture Related Sciences at Land Grant Institutions in the Pacific and Caribbean
0229757 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. M. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Phase VIII-Developing Resident Instruction in Food and Agriculture Related Sciences at Land Grant Institutions in the Pacific and Caribbean
0230070 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rivera, L. I. Rivera,Lydia I RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR DNA-Based, Immunofluorescence, and Nano Technologies: Inspiring the next generation of scientists at the College of Ag. Sc. of the UPR
1000503 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Orellana, L. Orellana,Lynette RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR RISE: Pathways to Diversity in Food Science Careers
1001309 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. M. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Phase IX-Developing Resident Instruction in Food and Agriculture Related Sciences at Land Grant Institutions in the Pacific and Caribbean
1003676 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. M. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Phase X-Developing Resident Instruction in Agriculture, Food, and Related Sciences at University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Land Grant Inst.
1003677 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. M. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Phase V- Developing Distance Education in Agriculture, Food and Related Sciences at University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Land Grant Institutio
1007141 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Perez-Jimenez, J. R. Perez-Jimenez,Jose R. SISTEMA UNIVERSITARIO ANA G. MENDEZ, INC. PR PRIMER Tropical Bioprospecting Venture for Agricultural Innovation
1007144 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Siritunga, D. Siritunga,Dimuth RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR Expanding Research Opportunities for Hispanic Students through DNA Barcoding of Three Agriculturally Important Plant Families in Puerto Rico
1007530 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barragán, M. J. Jiménez,Alwin UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Consolidating a Premier Masters of Science Program in Agricultural Economics for the Caribbean Basin
1008167 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Distance Education as a Tool for Shortening the Gap Between Two Campuses of the University of Puerto Rico
1008562 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Piping students to graduate school by increasing undergraduate research opportunities in two campuses of the University of Puerto Rico
1009872 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, E. Sanfiorenzo,Andre University of Puerto Rico - Utuado PR Improving Sustainable Agriculture Education at the University of Puerto Rico Utuado Campus
1009896 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rivera, L. I. Rivera,Lydia I RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR Encouraging careers in food security and safety: A multi-institutional collaborative approach in Puerto Rico
1010368 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hernandez, J. C. Hernandez,Julio Cesar UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Developing a High Quality Human Capital in Agribusiness through a Long Distance Program
1010383 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roman, F. R. Roman,Felix R UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Working in Agricultural Training: Education by Research (WATER)
1010430 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. M. Gonzalez,Gladys M UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Promoting local research and internship experiences in the US for undergraduate students of two campuses of the University of Puerto Rico
1010435 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jimenez, E. Jimenez,Esbal UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Promoting Distance Education by Offering Out-of-Classroom Experiences for Students of Two Campuses of the University of Puerto Rico
1010529 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Bonano, N. Rodriguez-Bonano,Nydia Universidad del Este PR Enhancing STEM Undergraduate Education and Experiential Learning for Women and Underrepresented Minorities at Universidad del Este
1011867 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schelske-Santos, M. Schelske-Santos,Michelle UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR Nutri-Vias: Pathways for Diversified Learning in Nutrition and Dietetics
1013589 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zimmerman, J. Zimmerman,Jess K. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR The Puerto Rico Natural Resource Career Tracks (NRCT)Program: New Collaborators and New Goals
1013635 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schelske-Santos, M. Schelske-Santos,Michelle UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR Curricula, Research and Technology: Capacity Building for Graduate Nutrition and Dietetics in Puerto Rico