Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0214139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS sahyoun, N. R. Sahyoun, N. R. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Preventing Foodborne Illnesses Among Vulnerable Older Adults Through The Home Delivered Meal Program: A Multifunctional Approach
0214134 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Richards, J. K. Richards, J. R. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Food Safety in the Classroom: Building a Model for Expansion and Long-term Sustainability
0214133 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhao, Y. Zhao, Y. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Ensuring the safety of specialty foods production in the U.S. Northwest region
0214130 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Street, J. E. Street, J. E. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Basic Weather Service for Research & Extension, Stoneville, MS
0214116 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Boyce, L. J. Boyce, L. J. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION WI Nutrition Enhancement/School Breakfast
0214102 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lusby, A. K. Lusby, Aaron LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY LA Louisiana Tech University Rural Development Certification Program
0214094 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aulich, T. R. Ted Aulich UNIV OF NORTH DAKOTA ND National Alternative Fuels Laboratory (NAFL) 2008
0214085 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hung, Y. C. Hung,Yen-con UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Reducing fresh produce microbiological safety risk through innovative home washing technologies
0214084 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Briggeman, B. C. Briggeman, B. C. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Developing an Internet Agricultural Bank Simulation Game
0214083 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lima, M. Marybeth Lima LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA A community engaged fellows program to combat childhood obesity
0214075 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McInerney, M. F. McInerney, M. F. UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO, THE OH Dietary and Genetic Risk Factors in Obesity and Diabetes
0214071 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Foutz, T. L. Foutz, T. L. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Humanistic Studies into Engineering Education to Enhance Service Learning: Improvement of Competecies of Biological and Agricultural Engine
0214070 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wolf-Hall, C. E. Wolf-Hall, C. E. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Population of Food Safety Students Using Market Research for Enhanced Programs
0214067 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burgus, S. Burgus, S. FARM SAFETY 4 JUST KIDS IA FS4JK Chapter Strength Assessment
0214049 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, D. A. Anderson, D. A. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Research and Education Outreach at the Utah Botanical Center
0214047 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Li, S. Li,Shiyou STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY TX Medicinal and Bioactive Crops, Texas
0214043 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Freyermuth, S. K. Freyermuth, S. K. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Searching the deep sea for clues to enhance agricultural carbon fixation: An undergraduate research program to isolate, characterize
0214042 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Khaitsa, M. L. Khaitsa, M. L. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Promoting Global Expertise in Combating Emerging Infectious Diseases of Animals
0214041 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Evans, M. R. Evans, M. R. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Resource Sharing for the Enhancement of Curricula in Core and Emerging Issues in the Agricultural Plant Sciences
0214040 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Duffrin, M. W. Duffrin, M. W. EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY NC Impacting food and agricultural sciences education with distance education and service learning
0214035 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Urbanczyk, K. Urbanczyk, K. SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Sustainable Agricultural Freshwater Conservation - Texas
0214034 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ostrowski, A. C. Ostrowski, A. C. OCEANIC INSTITUTE MAKAPUU POINT HI Shrimp Aquaculture, AZ, HI, LA, MA, MS, SC & TX
0214012 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rasmussen, V. P. Rasmussen, V. P. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program
0213997 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS o'brien, J. J. O'Brien, J. J. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY FL Climate Forecasting for Florida: Decision Support System for Reducing Agricultural Risks Caused by Seasonal & Longer-Term Climate Variabilit
0213980 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS JORDAN, J. L. JORDAN, J. L. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Implement Plan of Work for the Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) Program
0213969 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schillinger, W. F. Schillinger, W. F. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA PM10 Particulate Emission Prediction and Control from Agricultural Lands in the Pacific Northwest
0213963 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stepien, C. A. Stepien, C. A. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO OH Genetic Detection and Geographic Analysis of Great Lakes Fish Infection by Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia
0213955 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ducan, B. Ducan,Beth MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Rural E-Commerce Extension Initiative: A National Demonstration Project
0213912 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jackson, D. G. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Entrepreneurial Alternatives, PA