Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021643 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Parent, JA, R. Parent, JA, R. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Using Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis to Improve Forest Monitoring and Facilitate Management of Storm-Resilient Forests
1021271 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Akumu, CL, . Clement Elumpe, AK. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Using SPOT 7 and Landsat 8 Satellite Data in Mapping and Monitoring Softwood Forest Vegetation and Canopy Water Content in Tennessee
1026473 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Martinez, GU. Martinez, GU. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Using the ecological footprint of reservoir sediments as tools towards the planning of sustainable multifunctional landscapes in Puerto Rico
1026493 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dudash, MI, . Dudash, MI, . SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Using the woodland model system Silene-Hadena to quantify the impact of climate change on species interactions and maintenance of biodiversity
1024742 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Eastin, IV, . Eastin, IV. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI Using Thermal Modification to Increase the Value of Low Quality Aspen (Poplar) Lumber and Promote Economic Development Within Rural, Timber Dependent Communities in Michigan
1021042 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dawson-Andoh, B. Dawson-Andoh, B. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Valorization of biomass waste-streams
1026723 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Yoo, CH. Yoo, CH. STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Valorization of Forest Residues using a Novel Lignin-based Solvent
1025463 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Pal, LO, . Pal, LO, . NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Valorization of Ligno-Nanocellulose in Packaging (VaLiNa Pack) — Biobased ligno-nanocellulose composite materials with a high barrier alternative to fluorochemicals and synthetic/single- use plastics
1018771 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Ochuodho, TH, . Ochuodho, TH. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services and their Integration in Economic Accounts for Policy Analysis in Central Hardwood Region: A Case Study of Kentucky
1025849 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dev, SA, . Dev, SA, . FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Value Addition to Forest Biomass using Novel Bioconversion Process for High Throughput Production of Crystalline Nano-Cellulose
1015620 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wisely, S. Wisely, S. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Vector-borne diseases impacting wildlife, livestock and human health in the forests of Florida
1022913 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Anderson, J. Anderson, J. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Water Quality and Wetland Wildlife in Mitigated and Natural Wetlands of the Central Appalachians
1027555 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Surfleet, CH. Surfleet, CH. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Watershed and soil response to wildfire at the Swanton Pacific Ranch
1020105 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Karwan, DI, . Karwan, DI. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Watershed Connections to Maintain Surface Water Quantity and Quality
1018936 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Rasmussen, TO. Rasmussen, TO. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Watershed Protection: Identifying and Enabling Enhanced Forestry Best Management Practices (eBMPs) to Protect Water Resources
1018008 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Johnson, LE, R.. Johnson, LE, R.. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Weaving the Green Ribbon: Understanding Neighbor Attitudes and Actions to Improve Health and Function of Urban Streamside Forests
1017108 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Vidon, EL, . Vidon, EL, . STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Where have all the hunters gone? Exploring the place of wildlife in Adirondack Park wilderness areas
1016014 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Oswald, B, . Oswald, BR. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY TX Wildland Fuels and Fire Management at the Wildland-Urban Interface in Texas: Volatility of Treated Fuels
1020656 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Roth, AM, . Roth, AM, . UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Wildlife Conservation through Improved Forest Management and Use of New Technologies
1021155 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Demchik, M, . Demchik, M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Wildlife Habitat Management Demonstration Sites as Nuclei for Involving Family Forest Owners in Cross-Boundary Forest Management
1021277 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Hauer, R. Hauer, R. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Wisconsin's Urban Tree Canopy Cover: Estimation Methods and the Influence of Urban and Community Forestry Program Characteristics and Land Use
1012928 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Gazo, RA, . Gazo, RA. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Wood Products Manufacturing Process Engineering