Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029979 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ewers, A. W. Ewers,Alexander William 3 ROCKS ENGINEERING LLC CO Flow Control Gate to Increase Irrigation, Water Quality Treatment, and Detention Efficiency
1029973 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Adams, Z. Adams,Zachary Howard PITCH AERONAUTICS INC. ID Environmental Protection: Power Line Bird-Diverter Installation with Novel Touch-Capable Drone
1029970 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT RELLERGERT, W. RELLERGERT,WADE IONICSCALE LLC GA Development of Compact, Low-cost Mass Spectrometers for Autonomous, in Situ Monitoring of Water, Soil, and Air Quality
1029961 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Beckwith, A. Beckwith,Ashley FORAY BIOSCIENCE, INC. MA Advancing tissue culture in tree species for use in climate adaptation, breeding, production of cultured tree products
1029958 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Richard, A. R. Richard,Anthony R. ACADIAN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT LLC WY Value-added graphene materials from woody resources
1029955 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wheeler, M. A. Wheeler,Michael GRADY'S GARDEN LLC WI Grady`s Garden web App in concert with animation content, healthy branded products to improve the health of kids of color who live in underserved communities and are at risk of childhood obesity.
1029952 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pust, N. Pust,Nathan NWB SENSORS INC. MT A low-cost snow water equivalent sensor
1029950 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ssenyange, S. N. Ssenyange,Solomon REDNOX, INC. CA Sensors for Measuring Subsurface and Ambient Nitrogen Oxides (NOx and N2O) from Agricultural Production Systems
1029949 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Peterman, M. C. Peterman,Mark OndaVia, Inc CA Automated, online nitrogen analyzer
1029944 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jensen, D. W. Clayton,Marianne ISOTRUSS INDUSTRIES LLC UT Crane-less IsoTruss Tower Solutions for More Expansive Rural Broadband Coverage
1029935 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Koplik, G. Koplik,Gary GEOMETRIC DATA ANALYTICS NC SMoLDER: Situational awareness, ModeLing, and Decision support Engine for wildfire Response
1029887 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Soh, J. Soh,Jun Hui CELLBAE INC. CA Validation of rapid test kits for foodborne pathogens
1029854 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schlafly, S. Schlafly,Sarah MIGHTY CRICKET LLC MO Developing Pre-Consumer Waste as Low-Cost Cricket Feed for Small Farming Operations
1029817 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schmid, M. Schmid,Michael MICRO NANO TECHNOLOGIES LLC FL Solar-powered Efficient Dryer for Crop Preservation, Conditioning, and Storage
1029241 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Preslar, A. T. Padda,Malkeet HAZEL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC IL Extended Release Delivery of Organic Sprout Inhibitors to Control Potato Sprouting Postharvest in the Supply Chain
1028844 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xiong, X. Yu,Liang INTEGRATED LIPID BIOFUELS LLC WA SBIR Phase II: Converting Organic Waste to Biopolymer by Synergizing Anaerobic Digestion and Synthetic Biology
1028738 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Varshovi, A. Varshovi,Amir GREENTECHNOLOGIES, L.L.C. FL New reactive mineral layer coating technology for the production of biobased enhanced efficiency fertilizers
1028664 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Burks, T. Burks,Thomas Geo-Spider, Inc FL Autonomous Robotic Scout and Precision Sprayer for High Density Citrus
1028627 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Batta-Mpouma, J. Batta-Mpouma,Joseph CELLUDOT LLC AR Vapor Drift Reduction of Dicamba Herbicide using a Nanocellulose-based Adjuvant
1028623 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bonham, D. Bonham,Douglas FIELD DATA SERVICES LLC MT Automated Pollinator Identification: Next-Generation Sensors for Species and Behavior
1028617 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wells, J. G. Wells,Jennifer Gayle LATERAL.SYSTEMS LLC OR Lateral.Systems Aquaponics Edge Platform
1028598 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Placella, S. Placella,Sarah ROOT APPLIED SCIENCES INC. CA Development and optimization of an in-field, automated detection system for airborne grapevine powdery mildew spores
1028596 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ledebuhr, M. Ledebuhr,Mark APPLICATION INSIGHT, LLC MI Radar-based Spray Drift Detection and Quantification System
1028595 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Donovan, M. Donovan,Matthew Trent AGRICULTURE INTELLIGENCE, INC. FL Agroview and AgroSense for AI-enhanced precision nutrient management
1028591 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Elman, N. Elman,Noel GEARJUMP TECHNOLOGIES LLC MA Remote Autonomous Detection System for Detection of Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA).
1028588 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Loux, S. Loux,Shavahn INVICTUS INFORMATICS LLC KY Development of Informatics Infrastructure to Support the use of High Throughput Genetic Data for Herd Management on Small and Mid-size Farms
1028539 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kittrell, J. R. Kittrell,James R. K S E INC MA Manufacture of 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid from Furfural Produced from a Lignocellulosic Waste Stream
1028521 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rowley, C. J. Rowley,Christopher J. SKYWARD, LTD. OH Edge-computing for Real-time and Persistent Automated, Multi-sensor Collection, Processing, and Dissemination of Imagery-derived Fire Line and Hotspot Detections
1028502 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Park, C. Park,ChanJin INSIGNA, INC. IL Single injection alternative to surgical castration in pigs