Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031931 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Weng, J. Weng,Jing-Ke NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY MA Discovery and engineering of plant branched cyclic peptide biosynthesis
1031907 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Leisner, C. P. Leisner,Courtney Price VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Dissecting The Physiological Mechanisms Of Plant Nutrient Responses To Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels
1031886 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brister, P. Brister,Paul C. FOUNDATION INSTRUMENTS, INC. TN SBIR Phase I: Sustainable Management of Quality Drinking Water Through Greener and More Affordable Analytical Monitoring Tools and Techniques
1031883 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wetzel, W. Wetzel,William MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production Systems
1031877 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gervasi, M. Gervasi,Maria Gracia UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT CT Bovine sperm Ca2+ signaling and energy pathways in basic science and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
1031876 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stewart, J. Stewart,James ELECTRA.AERO INC. VA Solar-Powered HALE UAS with L-band Radar for Wildfire Predictive Mapping and Prevention
1031870 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Reed, S. Reed,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT CT From project to publication: A writing workshop for future animal scientists
1031869 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Khan, M. Zia,Osama AMK TECHNOLOGIES OF OHIO, LLC OH Development of Portable Wireless Medical Examination Kit to Expand Telemedicine in Rural Areas
1031865 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cavender-Bares, K. Cavender-Bares,Kent ROWBOT SYSTEMS LLC MN Robotic greenhouse gas monitoring to measure impacts of climate-smart farming practices
1031859 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gibbs, R. Gibbs,Rachel UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Evaluating allostatic load indexes for feedlot sheep and cattle to better understand heat stress susceptibility
1031855 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Maxwell, B. Maxwell,Bridey GREENLIGHT BIOSCIENCES INC. MA Developing an RNAi-based biological seed treatment to protect soybeans from the causal agent of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) Fusarium virguliforme
1031847 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aldridge, D. Aldridge,David SOUTHEASTERN CONNECTICUT REGIONAL RESOURCES RECOVERY AUTHORITY CT Building a Regional Composting Facility for Southeastern Connecticut
1031820 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hindi, D. Hindi,Daniel MADAIN CORP. CA Revolutionizing Crop Management: Harnessing AI and Edge Computing for Enhanced Plant Health
1031818 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Slater, G. Slater,Garett USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Breeding Better Honey Bees through Genomic Selection
1031816 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goodwin, A. Goodwin,Autumn VECTECH, LLC MD A native bee camera trap to support sustainable agriculture practice and environmental protection
1031813 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Huber, R. Huber,Robert RADMANTIS LLC OH Advanced imaging transforms RAS via individualized tracking of salmon growth and welfare
1031807 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Leisner, C. P. Leisner,Courtney Price VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Understanding Plant Natural Product Biosynthesis In Blueberry Through Core Gene Discovery
1031803 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Velasquez, E. Velasquez,Ever CHEMFINITY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NY Livestock-derived biogas upgrading to biofuel using high-performance thin-film composite membranes
1031802 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Saindon, L. Saindon,Luke TWIYO INC. NY 3D-COAST System (3-Dimensional Cultivation of Oysters Automated with Solar Tumbling)
1031798 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, D. Anderson,David KAUAI SEA FARMS LLC HI Advancing Sea Cucumber Aquaculture in Hawaiian Fishponds
1031776 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Libault, M. Libault,Marc UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Single Cell Characterization of the Transcriptional Programs Controlling Plant Root Organ Initiation
1031765 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lee, J. J. Lee,Jaehyung James STRATIO INC CA A Low-Cost, High-Sensitivity Germanium (Ge)-Based Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Spectral Sensor for Monitoring Soil Organic Carbon Levels
1031764 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Veleva, A. Veleva,Anka BENANOVA INC NC Next-Gen Biocontrol for Efficient Meloidogyne Enterolobii Management
1031763 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Saremi, R. Saremi,Raha ECOATEX, LLC GA Converting Agricultural Waste into Biobased, Nontoxic, and Biodegradable Alternatives to Animal and Synthetic Leathers
1031760 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuyper, E. Kuyper,Edith OLE HEALTH CA Produce Rx: Health Centers Leveraging Local Produce for Wellness
1031754 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Watkins, G. Watkins,Ginger ORB TECHNOLOGIES, LLC KY A Novel Bonding Method for a Plant-Based, Load-Bearing Insulation for Carbon-Storing Buildings
1031748 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Killion, J. Killion,Jesse EVICIENT, LLC GA OakTREE Urban Embedded Closed Cycle Greenhouses
1031740 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shorter, J. Shorter,Joanne Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Sampling and Analysis System to Track Nitrogen Transport and Transformations in Plants
1031732 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thomas, R. Thomas,Ross SYNTRO TEK CORPORATION WA Smart Multiparameter Water Quality Sensors for Protecting Agriculture and Watersheds
1031729 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT KEWLANI, G. KEWLANI,GAURAV SOFTWORTHY LLC TX A Physics-Based Virtual Environment System To Study Influence Of Agricultural Activity On Air Quality