Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033308 NEW OTHER GRANTS Taylor, B. Taylor,Barry Land at Home Project, Inc. AZ Agriculture Internship and Education Program for Veterans
1033307 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ryu, D. Ryu,Dojin UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Collaborative Food Safety Education and Training for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Farmers in the Pacific Northwest
1033306 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Magnuson, A. D. Magnuson,Andrew D UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Enriching Poultry Eggs With Buttermilk-Sourced Sphingomyelin
1033305 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, J. Yu,Jiujiu Case Western Reserve University OH Dietary exosome-like nanoparticles and their impact on the gut microbiome in obesity
1033304 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Liu, Q. Liu,Qiang UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE CropTwin: Automatic Digital Twin for Crop Growth Modeling towards Smart Irrigation Management
1033303 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Guo, Y. Guo,Yinsheng UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Sensing soil nitrogen using enhanced Raman technology
1033302 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marczak, M. Marczak,Mary UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN USDA WIC Workforce Initiative- A Collaborative Approach to Develop Staffing Model Recommendations and Training Materials
1033301 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ranco, D. Ranco,Darren UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME New Beginning for Wabanaki Students at the University of Maine System
1033300 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tribett, E. Tribett,Erika PROJECT OPEN HAND CA Project Open Hand SNAP Match Nutrition Incentive Pilot (POH SNAP Match pilot)
1033299 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cody, K. Cody,Kioshi MARIANAS PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION INC. MP Cultivating Heroes: Empowering Veterans through Agricultural Training in the Marianas
1033298 NEW OTHER GRANTS Probert, K. L. Probert,Karen Lynn ASSOCIATION OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION DIRECTORS AZ National WIC Fellowship for Students at Minority Serving Institutions
1033297 NEW OTHER GRANTS Close, A. Close,Alexis APPALACHIAN RESOURCE CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TN Tennessee AgVets Opportunities on farmLand (AgVOLs) Program
1033296 NEW OTHER GRANTS LaForge, K. LaForge,Kirt LITTLE BIG HORN COLLEGE MT Providing Agricultural Equity for the Crow Indian Reservation and Surrounding Community Tribal Members
1033295 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hale, M. Hale,Margo NATIONAL CENTER FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY MT Armed to Farm Connections: In-Depth Training and Strengthening Farmer-to-Farmer Support
1033294 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, L. Li,Li GORDON RESEARCH CONFERENCES, INC RI 2025 Carotenoids Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar
1033293 NEW OTHER GRANTS Parks, C. Parks,Courtney CHN NEBRASKA NE Special Supplemental Nutrition Program For Women, Infants, And Children Workforce - Evaluation And Technical Assistance Center
1033292 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hendel, K. R. Hendel,Katherine Rose UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN WIC Professional Opportunities for Paraprofessional Staff (POPS)
1033291 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dudley, A. E. Dudley,Amy Entress FLORIDA IS FOR VETERANS, INC. FL Veterans Florida Agriculture Program
1033290 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ruder, E. Ruder,Elizabeth ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (INC) NY NutriScholar: Leveraging Data Science and Field Expertise to Advance an Impactful, Diverse WIC Workforce
1033289 NEW OTHER GRANTS Otto, M. Otto,Mark UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN WIC Technical Assistance and Peer Coaching Workforce Development
1033288 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, J. Zhang,Jinwen WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Developing Non-Isocyanate Polyurethans Foams and Elastomers with Inherent Recyclability from Renewable Feedstocks
1033287 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Molaei, B. Molaei,Behnaz TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN PARTNERSHIP: Improving Crop Water Use Estimation with UAS-Based Models and Controlled Automated Temperature Reference Surfaces
1033286 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Steinbach, S. Steinbach,Sandro NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Conference on Agricultural Sustainability and International Trade
1033285 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cochran, S. Cochran,Soni UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Strengthening extension’s capacity to provide education and outreach through collaborative networks in response to extreme weather events
1033283 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lang, S. Lang,Sarah OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Enhancement & Expansion Of The Virtual Lab School Professional Development System For Military Child Care
1033282 NEW OTHER GRANTS Johnstone, M. Johnstone,Mary Beth CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC PowerSNAP SC - a nutrition incentive pilot program for increasing access to affordable vegetables and fruits in a rural, South Carolina grocery store
1033281 NEW OTHER GRANTS Meredith, G. Meredith,Gen CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Nutrition Paraprofessional Projects For Wic
1033280 NEW OTHER GRANTS Edwards, M. Edwards,Michael HOOSIER UPLANDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION IN Indiana Agvets Certification and Internship Program
1033279 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arungwa, P. Arungwa,Priscilla UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT New Beginnings for USU Blanding Tribal Students
1033278 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Clem, C. S. Clem,Carl Scott ILLINOIS STATE UNIV IL Addressing key limitations to capitalizing on hover fly (Diptera: Syrphidae) pollination and biological control services