Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025767 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Babst, BE, A. Babst, BE, A. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Effects of Environmental Stress on Ecologically and Economically Important Bottomland Trees
1026931 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Saud, PR, . Saud, PR, . UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Assessment of bottomland hardwood and pine forests ecosystem in Arkansas
1027615 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Blazier, MI, . Blazier, MI, . UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Administration of the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research Program at the University of Arkansas
1014362 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Koprowski, J, . Steidl, RO. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Resilience of Western Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems: Drivers, Challenges & Ecosystem Services
1016938 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Breshears, D, . Breshears, DA, D.. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Ecohydrology and Watershed Management of Western Ecosystems
1017074 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Sanchez Meador, AN, . Sanchez Meador, AN. NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY AZ Data Fusion for Forest Planning and Implementation Monitoring: Development and Validation of a Big Data, Remote Sensing and Inventory Platform for Forest Ecosystem Assessment
1020371 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Waring, KR. Waring, KR. NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY AZ Managing aspen in the US Southwest: Developing Resilience through Regeneration
1020440 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS De La Torre, AM, . De La Torre, AM. NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY AZ Using genomics and climate modeling to predict the potential for adaptation to climate change in southwestern conifers
1024508 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Edgeley, CA, . Edgeley, CA. NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY AZ Exploring the scale of human adaptation to wildfire across Southwestern landscapes
0205176 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Han, H. S. Han, H. S. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Research Planning and Administration
1011406 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Paine, T. Paine, T. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Integrated Management of Arthropods in California Urban and Native Forests
1013903 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Silver, W. Silver, WH. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation potential in ecosystems
1018945 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dawson, T. Dawson, T. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Adding plants to the hydrologic cycle using a novel H217O approach
1020682 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Goldenberg, M, . Goldenberg, MA. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA An Examination of Pacific Crest Trail Land Managers and Thru-Hikers
1020787 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Huntsinger, L. Huntsinger, L. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Developing the social and ecological framework for Mediterranean oak woodland conservation and fire hazard reduction through ranching and extensive land use
1020791 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Potts, MA, . Potts, MA. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Reducing wildfire risk to improve forest health and human well-being in California
1021885 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Kerhoulas , LU, . Kerhoulas, LU. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Tree mortality and regeneration across competitive and geographic gradients in Northern California
1021886 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Greene, DA, . Greene, DA. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Predicting post-fire conifer regeneration density
1021887 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Kelly, ER, . Kelly, ER. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Assessing the efficacy and intent of state-level forestry policies on private lands in the United States, and their fit with landowner needs and objectives
1022005 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Zald, HA, . Byrne, KE. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Quantification and mitigation of large pine mortality after prescribed burning in a drought altered Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, California USA
1022837 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Prince, JA, . Prince, JA, . CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA McIntire-Stennis Program Administration and Forestry Student Research 2020-2015
1024130 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Rees, GO, . Rees, GO, . CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Using portable X-ray fluorescence analysis to predict physical and chemical properties of California forest soils
1024424 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Battles, J, . Battles, J, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Keeping fire on the landscape: Understanding the challenges of a restored fire regime.
1024425 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Baldocchi, D, . Baldocchi, D, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Upscaling Ecosystem Metabolic Trace Gas Fluxes by Handshaking Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements with Hyperspectral, High-Resolution Remote Sensing
1025088 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Harrill, HU, . Harrill, HU. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Evaluating Soil Disturbance Associated with Tethered Machine Felling Operations on Steep Slopes in Northern California Forests
1027555 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Surfleet, CH. Surfleet, CH. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Watershed and soil response to wildfire at the Swanton Pacific Ranch
1027583 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cobb, RI. Cobb, RI. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Identification of effective and scalable forest health treatments for coastal California forests: mitigating wildfire and fire-disease interactions
1022906 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wei, Y, . Wei, YU. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO A Neural Network Approach to Understand Forest Restoration Prioritization in Colorado
1022907 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Davis, TH, SE. Davis, TH, SE. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Restoration is in the eye of the bee-holder: The Influence of Ecological Restoration Treatments on Pollinator Health and Reproduction in Ponderosa Pine Forests of Colorado