Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0219690 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ainsworth, E. A. Ainsworth,Elizabeth Anna USDA, ARS, Midwest Area Office IL Improving Soybean Production in Elevated Ozone: Selecting Genotypes and Understanding Mechanisms of Tolerance in the Field
1005313 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ainsworth, E. A. Ainsworth,Elizabeth Anna AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Phloem loading as a driver of plant photosynthetic responses to carbon supply
1015000 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akdeniz, N. Akdeniz,Neslihan UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Biosecure animal mortality composting for reducing release risk of pathogens and ARGs
1007788 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akers, R. M. Akers,Robert M VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Impact of Pre-Weaning Nutrition on Endocrine Induction of Mammary Development in Dairy Heifers
0219050 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akhunov, E. Akhunov, E. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers for high-throughput genotyping to advance genomic, genetic and breeding research in wheat
0228331 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akhunov, E. D. Akhunov,Eduard D KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Functional genomics of stem rust - wheat pathosystems
1008356 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akhunov, E. D. Akhunov,Eduard D KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Empowering wheat breeding using the genomic signals of eco-geographic adaptation
1011365 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akhunov, E. D. Akhunov,Eduard D KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Genome editing for improving wheat yield and yield-related traits
1018279 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akhunov, E. D. Akhunov,Eduard D KANSAS STATE UNIV KS BTT EAGER: A Pathway to the Exploitation of Epigenetic Variation in UK, US and International Breeding Programmes
1022329 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akhunov, E. D. Akhunov,Eduard D KANSAS STATE UNIV KS PLANT BREEDING PARTNERSHIPS: Applications of CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing for precision breeding in wheat
0219321 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akoh, C. C. AKOH,CASIMIR C UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Enzymatic Production of Trans-Free Structured Margarine and Infant Formula Fat Analogs
1031348 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akotsen-Mensah, C. Akotsen-Mensah,Clement LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Impact of Climate Extremes on Species Range: Can Smart Agriculture Benefit Minority Growers to Fight Challenges of Invasive Insect Pests?
1000524 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Albers, S. Albers,Stevan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO AFRI Fellowship: Stevan Albers: Metabolic Engineering of Cyanobacteria and the Development of Hands-on Learning Modules for the K-12 Science
1010862 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Albracht-Schulte, K. Albracht-Schulte,Kembra TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX MicroRNAs as mediators of Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Effects On Inflammation And Lipid Metabolism
1022943 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Albracht-Schulte, K. Albracht-Schulte,Kembra TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Combining fish oil and exercise to improve obesity-associated inflammation
0224240 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Albrecht, J. A. Albrecht,Julie Ann UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA - LINCOLN EXTENSION NE Growing Healthy Kids through Healthy Communities
1005006 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alcaine, S. D. Alcaine,Sam D. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Genetic Modification of T7 Bacteriophage For The Rapid, Electrochemical And Broad Host Range Detection of E. coli In Agricultural Water
1010308 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alcaine, S. D. Alcaine,Sam D CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Genetic Modification of T7 Bacteriophage For The Rapid, Electrochemical And Broad Host Range Detection of E. coli In Agricultural Water
1024834 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Aleong, C. Aleong,Charmaine RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NY BCC will host a conference on our South Bronx campus to share and advance innovative research with the potential to improve food access, eating patterns, and health in low-income communities.
1008590 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alexander, M. M. Alexander,Mariko M. BOYCE THOMPSON INSTITUTE NY Molecular mechanisms of luteovirid phloem tropism
1001854 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alfano, J. Alfano,James UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE The Pseudomonas syringae type III translocon and the injection of bacterial effectors across the plant cell wall and plasma membrane
0229617 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ali, J. G. Ali,Jared CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Belowground Chemical Ecology and Interactions of Strawberry Root Pests and Biological Control
1014767 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ali, J. G. Ali,Jared Gregory PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Cover crop cascades can benefit mycorrhizae-associated maize resistance to insect pests
1011837 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alison, M. W. Alison,Montgomery W. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Understanding Potential Soil Health & Forage Contributions of Diverse Species Mixtures
1018805 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alison, M. W. Pitman,William Don LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Pollinator Diversity, Abundance, and Health Responses to Legume Plantings in the South-Central US
1015569 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allan, M. Allan,Matthew PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN The effects of sugars and salts on starch retrogradation
1009079 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allen, C. M. Allen,Christina M UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Describing the growth of Streptomyces scabies and identifying the genetic basis of resistance to common scab in potatoes
1015557 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allen, M. K. Allen,Melanie Kammerer PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Designing farms that support wild bees
1001988 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allen, M. S. Allen,Michael Stephen MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Increasing energy intake of lactating cows in the postpartum period
1015603 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allen, P. J. Allen,Peter J. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Complete ectotherm blood-gas system for catfish research