Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017768 NEW HATCH Agudelo, P, . Agudelo, PA. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Assessment of Economic Impacts of Agricultural Research
1023418 NEW HATCH Ahn, SE, . Ahn, SE. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
1023073 NEW HATCH Ahola, JA, . Ahola, JA. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Optimizing and Characterizing Sustainable Beef Cattle Production in Forage Based Systems on Western Rangelands
1021035 NEW HATCH Ahrendsen, B. Ahrendsen, B. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition
1019950 NEW HATCH Aita, GI, M. Aita, GI, M. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Conversion of Sugar Crops and By-Products to Chemicals with Applications in the Sugar, Food, Pharmaceutical, and Nutraceutical Industries.
1013324 NEW HATCH Ajami, HO, . Ajami, HO. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Understanding surface water-groundwater interactions at large catchment scales
1021254 NEW HATCH Ajami, HO, . Ajami, HO. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Soil, Water, and Environmental Physics to Sustain Agriculture and Natural Resources
1013612 NEW HATCH Ajuwon, KO, . Ajuwon, KO. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN The role of dietary factors and exogenous enzymes in the regulation of efficiency of nutrient utilization and tissue composition in pigs
1009509 NEW HATCH Akbari, OM, . Akbari, OM. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Innovating insect vector control measures for both disease vectors and crop pests
1026559 NEW HATCH Akhundjanov, SH. Akhundjanov, SH. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Global Farm and Trade Policies, Health, and Implications for Regional Development
1024219 NEW HATCH Akoh, CA, C. Akoh, CA, C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Enzymatic Modification of Lipids
1024043 NEW HATCH Alaimo, K. Alaimo, K. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Community and School-based Supports for Food Security, Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
1017847 NEW HATCH Alamo, CA, . Alvarado, AD, N. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Validation of newly introduced coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix)-resistant varieties to Puerto Rico (PR)
1025965 NEW HATCH Alberini, AN, . Alberini, AN, . UNIV OF MARYLAND MD The Effect of Energy Efficiency and Energy Input Price on Energy Consumption
1014173 NEW HATCH Alcaine, SA, D. Alcaine, SA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Engineering for food safety and quality
1012775 NEW HATCH Ale, SR, . Ale, SR. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Sustainable management of water resources on crop, pasture and grazing lands under changing climate
1026305 NEW HATCH Alexander, HE. Alexander, HE. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Forest fuels and flammability: changes with fire history, stand composition and structure, and hurricane damage
1019171 NEW HATCH Alferez, FE, . Alferez, FE. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrating Horticulture with Physiology and Molecular Biology to address Citrus Production Challenges in Florida
1024573 NEW HATCH Ali, JA, GR. Ali, JA, GR. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
0219612 NEW HATCH Allen, F. Allen, F. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Variety Evaluations and Management Research on Agronomic and Potential Biofuel Crops
1017665 NEW HATCH Allen, J. Allen, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Foods, food components, and processes for improved nutrition and metabolism in a changing environment
1016416 NEW HATCH Allen, R, . Allen, RI. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Automation of Satellite-based Evapotranspiration Procedures for use in Agricultural Water Management
1017958 NEW HATCH Allen, CA, . Allen, CA. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Understanding a Global Threat to Potato Production
1026255 NEW HATCH Allen, JE, S. Allen, JE, S. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Integrating Multi-Level Remote and Intelligent RiverĀ© Hardware Platform Based Direct Sensing for Understanding Agricultural and Forest Land and Water Relationships in South Carolina River Basins
1020020 NEW HATCH Allen, KY, . Allen, KY. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Functional and Mechanistic Investigation of Radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzymes in Methanogens
1023677 NEW HATCH Allen, PE, J.. Allen, PE, J.. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Hill Area Aquaculture
1016164 NEW HATCH Allen, RA, DA. Allen, RA. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Function analysis of HSBP genes in cotton
1026307 NEW HATCH Allen, SC. Allen, SC. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Community-Interaction Effects on Root water Uptake and Use in Great-Basin Rangelands
1018449 NEW HATCH Allred, C, D. Allred, CL, D. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Arylhydrocarbon receptor mediated modulation of colorectal cancer by microbiota metabolites
1014554 NEW HATCH Almenar, E. Almenar, E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Vegetables and Fruits