Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0211289 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Allen, J. C. Allen, J. C. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center
1007221 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center
0229490 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bostock, R. M. Bostock,Richard Matthew UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic Network
1023852 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 32nd Annual Work Plan (FY20) RENEWAL
1017297 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 31st Annual Work Plan (FY18) RENEWAL
1024134 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program
1031593 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program III
1029222 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McRoberts, N. McRoberts,Neil UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Western Plant Diagnostic Network Regional Center
1028712 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Manzanarez, M. Manzanarez,Magdaleno WESTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY NM Western New Mexico University (WNMU) and partners seek to develop via a conference an interdisciplinary agriculture curriculum designed specifically for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).
1026043 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moss, E. Moss,Elizabeth WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV WEST VIRGINIA TREE MINDERS: Online Public Tree Care Certification Program and WVSU Campus Arboretum
1017246 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Toledo, J. U. Smith,Ami Marie WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia State University`s 1890 Facilities Five-year Plan of Work (2018-2022)
0200738 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Klein, R. Klein, R. FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Weed Control Methods During Juneberry Establishment and the Effect on Soil Quality
1028958 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Edler, R. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Weaving Global Indigenous Methods Into Education
1021805 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rasmussen, A. Rasmussen,Andrew FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Watershed Modeling Using Aquatic Indicator Species to Evaluate Ecological Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change
1023597 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hultberg, A. Hultberg,Annalisa UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN Water quality and the FSMA PSR: Developing risk assessment and educational tools for farmers and laboratories in the upper Midwest
1014077 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chanes, C. Chanes,Christina M UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Water Quality Ambassador Program: Bridging STEM Technology in St Thomas with UVI students by the mentoring of high school youth to impact water quality, health/nutrition,weather/climate in the VI.
0214603 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Staton, P. S. Staton, P. J. MARSHALL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION WV Water Pollutants, WV Project at Marshall University
1027027 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program 2021-2024
1008606 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thornton, J. Rucks,Lucas GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE WA Washington Forestry Training Initiative
1028680 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Clark, J. Clark,Jessica WALLA WALLA COMMUNITY COLLEGE INC WA Walla Walla Agricultural Leadership: Expanding Opportunities for Latinx Ag Students
0196226 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Regenstein, J. Regenstein, J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Visiting Food Plants via the Internet (Virtual Field Trips)
1027068 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sablani, S. Sablani,Shyam WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Virtual and Remote Laboratories for Enhanced Food Science and Engineering Education
1027305 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Seymour, A. Jackson,Monica AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF VA Virginia Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network
1026982 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Frank, D. Frank,Daniel VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION, VA POLYTECH INST. VA Virginia Extension Implementation Program
0199948 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hilgenberg, G. Hilgenberg, G. Crowder College MO Veterinary Technology Program
1027107 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, L. Wang,Leyi UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Veterinary Microbiology Residency Program at the University of Illinois Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1020754 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Payne, C. A. Payne,Craig A. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Veterinary Education and Training in Beef Cattle Reproduction and Genomics
1020299 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Elliott, R. Elliott,Robert VETERAN'S FARM OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC., THE NC Veteran`s Agricultural Training and Education Program
1026865 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lombardo, J. Lombardo,Jeanette FARMER VETERAN COALITION CA Veterans Farming Through Adversity