Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031121 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 33rd Annual Work Plan (FY23)
1029069 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 33rd Annual Work Plan (FY22)
1032987 NEW OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program III
1029283 NEW OTHER GRANTS Neibergs, J. S. Neibergs,Joseph Shannon WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Extension Risk Management Education Center – Meat and Poultry Processing Supply Chain and Workforce Education
1032247 NEW OTHER GRANTS Neibergs, S. Neibergs,Shannon WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Extension Risk Management Education Center Improving Profitability And Economic Viability For Western Agricultural Producers
1033229 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jaczynski, J. Jaczynski,Jacek WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia University (WVU) Food and Feed Innovation and Analytics Facility
1029648 NEW OTHER GRANTS McCovey, L. McCovey,Louisa YUROK TRIBE CA Weitchpec Food Village Project
1031294 NEW OTHER GRANTS de Batista, J. de Batista,Jacquelyn ANGELIC ORGANICS LEARNING CENTER IL Weathering Change: Holistic Farm Management Training for Financial and Environmental Resilience
1029469 NEW OTHER GRANTS Den, W. Den,Walter TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-SAN ANTONIO TX Water for Texas through Education and Research – A transdisciplinary undergraduate sustainability program (WaTER)
1032936 NEW OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. M. Walsh,Doug M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program 2024-2027
1032796 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zhong, Q. Zhong,Qixin UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Washable essential oil emulsion coatings to extend the shelf life and enhance the safety of organic fruits and vegetables
1033086 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ebeler, S. E. Ebeler,Susan E UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA WAMS: Addressing Climate Smart Solutions-A STEM Career Pathway Program in Food and Agriculture
0218269 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sproat-Beck, S. Sproat-Beck,Stacy WAIPA FOUNDATION HI Waipa Foundation Community Kitchen, Poi Mill & Farm Project
1032903 NEW OTHER GRANTS Snekvik, K. R. Snekvik,Kevin Roy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA WADDL NALHN Level 1 status: To increase NAHLN capabilities and capacity in addressing adverse animal health events such as emerging disease detection or foreign animal disease.
1021219 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ranco, D. Ranco,Darren UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Wabanaki Youth Science (WaYS) Program to Higher Education
0196497 NEW OTHER GRANTS Guy, E. T. Guy, E. T. CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Volunteerism and Leadership program
0200233 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chavez, J. Chavez, J. D-Q UNIVERSITY CA Vision Quest Leadership Volunteer Development Program
1028601 NEW OTHER GRANTS Monsur, M. Monsur,Muntazar TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Virtual Tours to Train Childcare Professionals And Future Leaders to Create Healthier Early Childhood Environments
1030896 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. Smith,Dimitra Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Virtual Interactive Produce Safety (VIPS) Exploration Program for Underrepresented Beginning Farmers
0217072 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reaves, D. W. Dixie Watts Reaves VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Virginia Tech AEEMS for Success!
1032962 NEW OTHER GRANTS Frank, D. Frank,Daniel VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Virginia IPM Extension Implementation Program
1031532 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hood, L. Hedges,Sam LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGRICULTURE PROJECT, INCORPORATED VA Virginia Fresh Match: Adapt, Expand and Sustain the Nutrition Incentive Network through Innovative Collaboration
1027412 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fenney, H. Fenney,Heather Community Services Unlimited Inc. CA Village Market Place Community Nutrition Incentives Program
0217909 NEW OTHER GRANTS Couchman, T. S. Couchman,Tera Shea VILLAGE GARDENS, JANUS YOUTH PROGRAMS, INC. OR Village Gardens: partnering with low-income people, farmers, government, and business to meet food needs and organize for lasting change
1029619 NEW OTHER GRANTS Blaurock, A. Blaurock,Amanda VILLAGE EXCHANGE CENTER, INC. CO Village Farm at Stanley: Social Enterprise Sustainability and Food Sovereignty in Our Community
1032710 NEW OTHER GRANTS Luke, N. A. Luke,Nicholas A Clay Veterinary Clnic LLC KS Veterinary Services Rural Practice Enhancement grant for Clay Veterinary Clinic to provide needed food animal services to Clay, Washington, and Cloud counties.
1033291 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dudley, A. E. Dudley,Amy Entress FLORIDA IS FOR VETERANS, INC. FL Veterans Florida Agriculture Program
1031225 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jayachandran, K. Jayachandran,Krish FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL Veterans as New Farmers in south Florida: Resources, Training, Crop Production, and Marketing
1031589 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sorensen, M. Sorensen,Mark PAINTED DESERT DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS, INC. AZ Veterans Agricultural Education and Apprenticeship Program in the Southwest
1033186 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mulder, M. Mulder,Matthew ARCADIA FOOD VA Veteran Farmer Training, Incubation, and Technical Assistance