Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030644 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Su, X. Su,Xiao UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Valorization of proteins in whey waste through electrochemically-driven continuous separations for sustainable dairy manufacturing
1027741 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Coetzee, J. F. Coetzee,Johann F KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Validation of novel transcriptomic blood biomarkers of pain in cattle and swine after routine management procedures
1029764 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Taylor, M. Taylor,Matthew TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Validation of microbial pathogen control on dried RTE sausages by novel antimicrobial and mathematical approaches.
1032090 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Coetzee, J. F. Coetzee,Johann F KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Validation of a novel Bovine Rate of Consumption Index (BROCI) to assess pain and thermal stress in cattle
1030213 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Neibergs, H. L. Neibergs,Holly Louise WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Validation and Characterization of Loci Associated with Fetal Loss in Dairy Cattle
1008876 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Roland, K. Roland,Kenneth L ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Vaccine for the prevention of necrotic enteritis in poultry
1032711 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yoon, S. Yoon,Su'ad UNIV OF HAWAII HI Utilizing phytochemical diversity and microbes for effective nematode control
1030494 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chambers, L. Chambers,Lisa Gardner UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FL Utilizing Fine Sediment Amendment To Enhance The Health And Resilience Of Cultivated Histosols
1022566 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gonzalez, J. M. Gonzalez,John Michael UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Utilizing Dietary Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementation as a Countermeasure to Muscle Fatigue
1032642 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Fan, H. Fan,Hongbing UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Utilizing Collagen Of The Invasive Asian Carp, An Underutilized Protein Source
1030808 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tabaracci, K. Tabaracci,Kaitlin UNIV OF IDAHO ID Utilizing Biomechanical Engineering Methodologies, and Devices to Aid in Plant Scientists in Quantifying Crop Lodging Resistance
1029873 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kassas, B. Kassas,Bachir UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Utilizing Attribution and Projection Bias to Improve the Marketing of Healthy Foods: A Neurobehavioral Study
1032549 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Emmert, B. Emmert,Brittney PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Utilization of histological evaluation to compare keel bone fractures sustained by laying hens in cage-free housing systems and fractures modeled ex vivo
1027486 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Villalba, J. J. Villalba,Juan J UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Using Smart Foodscapes to Enhance the Sustainability of Western Rangelands
1029948 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cruz, C. D. Cruz,Christian D. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Using proximal sensing, imaging analysis, and a participatory modeling process to characterize tar spot epidemics
1030448 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, W. LI,Wenli AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Using Metatranscriptomics to Investigate the Liver and Blood Microbiome in Dairy Cattle with Feed-induced Acidosis
1030766 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mishra, A. Mishra,Ashok ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Using Machine Learning and Geospatial Data to Generate Near Real Time Crop Yield and Production Forecasts.
1032103 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Siddique, S. M. Siddique,Shahid Masood UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Using Genomics To Decipher Mechanisms Of Resistance Breaking And Host Range In Root-Knot Nematodes
1032585 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brabazon, H. K. Brabazon,Holly Kathryn Waddel UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Using genomic tools to promote sustainable cacao agroforestry
1030020 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tate, N. Tate,Nicole UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Using genetic predictive models to improve the health and performance of Standardbred racehorses
1030338 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brummer, E. C. Brummer,Edward Charles UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Using diploid germplasm to understand genome structure, segregation distortion, and yield of alfalfa
1027629 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Snapp, S. Cassida,Kimberly MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Using cover crops to build soil phosphorus fertility and soil health improvements that farmers need
1027846 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Crall, J. D. Crall,James DeWitt UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Using computer vision to characterize sublethal and synergistic impacts of pesticide exposure in bumble bees
1032168 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Love, J. Love,John SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CA Using Artificial Intelligence and Robust Protein Design Methods for Highly Efficient Production of Milk Proteins via Bacterial Fermentation
1032137 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kropp, J. D. Kropp,Jaclyn Donna UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Using A New Measure Of Store-Level Healthfulness To Untangle Dietary And Health Outcomes
1028232 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mosher, G. A. Mosher,Gretchen Ann IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Use of predictive modeling to improve measurement of worker safety risk in grain handling
1030409 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Trevisan, G. Trevisan,Giovani IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Use of diagnostic data to rapidly detect and raise stakeholder awareness of emerging biological animal health and production threats
1021817 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gu, Z. Gu,Zhengrong SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD USDA AFRI REEU: Sustainability of Agricultural Systems - Role of Interface and New Technology
1032897 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jolles, A. Jolles,Anna OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR US/UK Collab: Quiescence to emergence: Does nairovirus diversity loss increase disease transmission, severity and the risk of emergence?
1024784 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kapczynski, D. Kapczynski,Darrell ARS-USDA GA US-UK-China Collab: Predictive phylogenetics for evolutionary and transmission dynamics of newly emerging avian influenza viruses