Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1008487 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Scholthof, K. G. Scholthof,Karen-Beth G. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Characterization of antiviral defense mechanisms in C3 and C4 grasses
1011857 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stapleton, A. E. Stapleton,Ann Elizabeth GORDON RESEARCH CONFERENCES, INC RI Catalyzing Mentoring of the Next Generation of Animal Quantitative Geneticists and Breeders Through the Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Gordon Research Seminar and Conference
1022154 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sneller, C. H. Sneller,Clay H OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Cultivar Development: Establishing a Public Breeding Consortium and Synergies for Field Testing Through Genomic Breeding
0221407 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gittelsohn, J. Gittelsohn,Joel JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MD A Multilevel Obesity Prevention Trial for American Indian Communities (OPREVENT)
1007905 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Camacho, L. E. Limesand,Sean W. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Elevated Catecholamines Program Skeletal Muscle Insulin Sensitivity in IUGR Lambs
1011475 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tempelman, R. Tempelman,Robert MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI PAPM EAGER: Novel approaches for the use of mid infrared spectroscopy & international data resources to enhance phenomics for improving fitness and fertility traits in dairy cattle
1020965 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ramaswami, A. Ramaswami,Anuradha (Anu) PRINCETON UNIV NJ INFEWS/T1:Sustainable Urban Food (SUrF) Actions for environment, health, equity & resilience at the FEW Nexus: Linking distributed agriculture, new technologies & behavioral nudges
0220871 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Fausti,S,W Fausti,Scott W. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD South Dakota County Risk Assessment Model for Corn Insect Pests.
1027716 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Frese, S. Frese,Steven UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Increasing The Effective Fiber Content Of Foods Using Gut Microbiome Derived Enzymes
0227658 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Baranowski, T. Baranowski,Thomas BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE TX Measuring Parenting: Current Status and Consensus Reports
1019375 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Behling-Kelly, E. Behling-Kelly,Erica CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Diet Modification to Improve the Anti-Inflammatory Actions of High Density Lipoproteins and Reduce Inflammation in a Bovine Mastitis Model
1010931 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arnold, C. Arnold,Chester UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Water and Sustainability: Educative curriculum using online mapping tools to support teacher and student learning
0220591 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Liu, W. S. Liu,Wansheng PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Genomic Structure and Function of the Bovine Y-chromosome Genes in the Male-Specific Region
1026195 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Siddique, S. M. Siddique,Shahid Masood UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Developing functional genomic tools for plant-parasitic nematodes
0226131 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abernathy, J. Abernathy,Jason TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Genetic Association between Copy Number Variation (CNV) and resistance to Campylobacter jejuni Colonization in the Chicken
1014826 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shakoor, N. Shakoor,Nadia DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER MO NIFA FACT Workshop: Big Data Analytics in Plant Breeding and Genomics - A Digital Agriculture Symposium
1009513 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jeremic Nikolic, D. Lim,Hyungsuk FOREST AND WILDLIFE RES CENTER MS Cyclodextrins as Agents for Improved Protection Methods of Oriented Strand Board Wood Composites
1012733 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Johnson-Maynard, J. Johnson-Maynard,Jodi UNIV OF IDAHO ID Inland Pacific Northwest Wheat-Based Systems: Landscapes in Transition
1025011 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Richardson, J. B. Richardson,Justin B UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Assessing Nutrient Sustainability in Forest Management: Novel Applications of Metal Isotopes and In-Situ Mineral Measurements
0224796 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Berenbaum, M. R. Berenbaum,May UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Regulation of detoxification of natural and synthetic toxins in Apis mellifera
1012355 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zuckermann, F. Zuckermann,Federico A UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Pathogenesis of exacerbated pneumonia in PRRSV-bacterial co-infections
1000202 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jerome, J. P. Jerome,John Paul MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Molecular characterization of the interaction between produce and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC)
1023357 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wagner, R. G. Wagner,Robert G. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN U.S. Forest and Forest Products R&D Capacity Summit
0224484 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Han, D. Sommerfeld,Milton ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Developing Best Practices Plan for Prevention and Treatment of Zooplankton Contamination in Algal Crop Production
0230344 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Germino, M. J. Germino,Matthew J USGS - Forest & Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center OR Exotic Bromus grasses in agroecosystems of the western US: REEnet synthesis of current and future impacts, and management.
1015602 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ruegg, P. L. Ruegg,Pamela L. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Epidemiology of Mycoplasma wenyonii in Dairy Cattle - a rapidly emerging pathogen?
1012107 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Moraru, C. I. Moraru,Carmen Ionela CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Novel Technologies, New Regulations: Critical Issues for the Validation of Nonthermal Processing for Controlling Pathogens in Foods to Ensure FSMA Compliance
1031351 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Steinbach, S. Steinbach,Sandro NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Conference on Global Governance, Economic Sanctions, and Agricultural Trade
0229689 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cox, C. Cox,Clayton UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Salmonella Exploitation Of Pectobacterium Pectinolytic Activity The And The Role Of Iaa Production In Colonization Of Tomato Soft Rot
1015470 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kinkel, L. Kinkel,Linda UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Advancing ecological, evolutionary, and mechanistic understanding of natural and induced suppressive soil microbiomes