Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030519 NEW OTHER GRANTS Muthan, B. Muthan,Bagyalakshmi WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Understanding the effect of solar radiation stress and genetic improvement of soybean yield to advance food security
1030518 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanjaya, S. A. Sanjaya,Sanju Adagoor WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Genetic improvement of photosynthesis and biomass yield in switchgrass for bioenergy production
1030418 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reddy, U. K. Reddy,Umesh K WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Machine learning approaches for modelling color patterns, fruit shapes with metabolites for breeding Capsicum chinense peppers
1030417 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nimmakayala, P. Nimmakayala,Padma WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Infrastructure for teaching and training genome editing, single cell sequencing and machine learning for phenomics
1030416 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reddy, U. K. Reddy,Umesh K WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Breeding high value squash for enhanced flavor, nutraceuticals and disease resistance by using an interspecific cross of Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata
1030074 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1029341 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gazal, K. A. Gazal,Kathryn Arano WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Promoting Climate Smart-Forestry Through Forest Carbon Management and Sustainable Biomaterials Training
1029213 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hudson, J. Hudson,Jennifer WILLIAMSON HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER, INC WV Fresh Choice Prescription Produce in West Virginia
1029087 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rowen, E. Morrissey,Ember M WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Liquid, Composted Or Dry-Stacked? Unravelling The Effects Of Manure Treatment On Pests In Organic Field Crops
1028989 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brown, B. C. Brown,Breanna Caitlin Lewis Mobile Veterinary Services LLC WV Serving central WV through a large animal ambulatory service and haul-in facility to eliminate the shortage situation in WV-221.
1028830 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1028581 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hankins, G. R. Hankins,Gerald WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Translational genomics using Drosophila model for obesity and human health by linking gut microbiome with the benefits of various phytochemicals
1028580 NEW OTHER GRANTS Natarajan, P. REDDY,UMESH K WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Empowering Next Generation Plant Geneticists and Crop Breeders: Machine Learning Tools and Techniques in Data Driven Genomics Research
1028557 NEW OTHER GRANTS Liedl, B. E. Liedl,Barbara Ellen WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Establishing Plant and Soil Science Curriculum and Experiential Learning at WVSU
1028553 NEW OTHER GRANTS Surface, T. Price,Sara WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Sowing Young Sprouts
1028420 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1027317 NEW OTHER GRANTS Toledo, J. U. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1026996 NEW OTHER GRANTS Moss, S. C. Moss,Spencer C WEST VIRGINIA FOOD AND FARM COALITION, INC. WV COVID Relief 2020-70030-33118: Lettuce Support SNAP Stretch
0213873 NEW OTHER GRANTS Newcome, B. A. Newcome, B. A. PIERPONT COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE WV Engaging secondary and post secondary students in a sustainable agriculture curriculum developed for multiple learning styles...
0204910 NEW OTHER GRANTS Constantz, G. Constantz, G. CANAAN VALLEY INSTITUTE WV Characterization of Wetlands in North-Central West Virginia for Conservation and Restoration Prioritization
1033473 NEW OTHER GRANTS ORTEGA OBANDO, M. ORTEGA OBANDO,MARTHA SOFIA UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Training the next generation of animal scientists through experiential learning
1033462 NEW OTHER GRANTS Daily, R. Daily,Rose CITY OF SUN PRAIRIE WI City of Sun Prairie Food RESCU Pilot
1033335 NEW OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI SP: Bringing RejuAgro to Market: Development of a Groundbreaking Trunk Injection Biopesticide for HLB
1033243 NEW OTHER GRANTS FOREST, K. FOREST,KATRINA UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Mass Spectrometer for Microbial Natural Products Discovery
1033177 NEW OTHER GRANTS Larson, S. Larson,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Filing the Equity Capital Gap in Financing Beginning Farmers
1033168 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomandl, J. Tomandl,Joseph DAIRY GRAZING APPRENTICESHIP, INC. WI Between Legacy and Livelihood: Developing a Comprehensive Farm Transfer Program for a New Generation of Managed Grazing Dairy Farmers
1032992 NEW OTHER GRANTS COLQUHOUN, J. COLQUHOUN,JED UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development and Delivery of Progressive IPM Outreach for Wisconsin Crops
1032801 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mickelson, A. V. Mickelson,Abagail Viola TWISTED ROAD VETERINARY SERVICES, LLC WI Funding from the Veterinary Services Grant Program will be utilized to purchase ambulatory equipment for a newly established veterinary service in a rural, underserved region of Northern Wisconsin.
1032776 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zhu-Barker, X. Zhu-Barker,Xia UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Developing Guidelines For Organic Grain Growers To Manage Soil Health And Mitigate Climate Change Impacts
1032768 NEW OTHER GRANTS Busch, D. Busch,Dennis UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Choreographing Change in Agroecology: An NLGCA – Tribal College Network