Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0223608 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zimmerman, J. Zimmerman,Julie YALE UNIVERSITY CT Transformation of lignin into building blocks for protective coatings
1024535 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Irish, V. Irish,Vivian YALE UNIVERSITY CT SP: Identification of HLB Susceptibility Genes in a Citrus Population Generated using Multiplexed CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing
1031541 NEW OTHER GRANTS Irish, V. Irish,Vivian YALE UNIVERSITY CT SP: Analyses of susceptibility genes in a library of multiplex gene edited citrus plants
1031890 NEW OTHER GRANTS Porter, M. Porter,Mary YAKUTAT TLINGIT TRIBE AK Expanding Yakutat Tlingit Tribe's Community Composting & Gardening Program
0214420 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ybarra, T. Ybarra, T. YAKIMA VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE WA Enhancing Opportunities for Workforce Training and Education in Food and Agricultural Sciences
0223801 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shelton, R. D. Shelton,Robert Duane WTEC MD Nanoscience and Technology Progress and Opportunity: Agricultural Aspects
0225368 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burgin, A. J. Burgin,Amy J. WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY OH Conversion of Farm Fields to Wetlands: How Do Created Wetlands Affect Global Warming Potential?
0201023 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lynch, S. Lynch, S. World Wildlife Fund DC Workshop: Building the Scienctific Basis for Green Payments
0219614 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cohen, A. M. Cohen, A. M. WORLD HUNGER YEAR, INC. NY Food Security Learning Center
0227233 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cohen, A. M. Cohen,Alison Meares WORLD HUNGER YEAR, INC. NY Food Security Learning Center
0230954 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cohen, A. M. Cohen,Alison Meares WORLD HUNGER YEAR, INC. NY Food Security Learning Center
1033356 NEW OTHER GRANTS Husain, M. Husain,Mashal WORLD FOOD PRIZE FOUNDATION IA Cooperative agreement for World Food Prize Foundations Borlaug Dialogue
1005193 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS MOREIRA, M. C. Moreira,Maria C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Conduct Farmer to Farmer Mentoring to Beginning, Immigrant, & Refugee Farmers in Crop Production & Marketing
1007368 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moreira, M. C. Moreira,Maria C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Farmer-to-Farmer Mentoring for Beginning, Immigrant, & Refugee Farmers in Crop Production & Marketing Using the Existing Thirty Year Old Fl
1016594 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moreira, M. C. MOREIRA,MARIA C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Farm Transition and Business Planning for Beginning Immigrant and Refugee Farmers through Farmer to Farmer Mentorship
1027229 NEW OTHER GRANTS MOREIRA, M. C. MOREIRA,MARIA C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Advancing Immigrants and Refugees Toward Farm Ownership and Building Learning Networks through Farmer-to-Farmer Mentorship across 25 Cultures
1028516 NEW OTHER GRANTS MOREIRA, M. C. MOREIRA,MARIA C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - World Farmers, Inc.
1033217 NEW OTHER GRANTS Isaboke, H. Isaboke,Henrietta WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Developing Mentorship Networks for Organizations Serving Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Farmer-Owned Businesses
1010131 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Norwood, C. Norwood,Carla WORKING LANDSCAPES NC Connecting our region`s farmers to low-income consumers through a rural food hub
1024415 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Norwood, C. Norwood,Carla WORKING LANDSCAPES NC Healthy, local, and convenient: building a food system that works for northeastern North Carolina
0225535 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stulz, D. L. Stulz,Diane L. Worcester Technical High School MD Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom (SPECA) Challenge Grant Program
0229307 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Adcock, L. Adcock,Leigh Women, Food and Agriculture Network IA Growing New Women Farmers in Iowa and Nebraska Through Networking, Mentorships, and Business Planning
1031629 NEW OTHER GRANTS Enloe, S. Enloe,Stephanie Women, Food and Agriculture Network IA Harvesting Our Potential: Training Beginning Women Farmers Through Mentorship
0222845 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, K. Karen Clark Women's Environmental Institute MN Cross-Cultural Urban Organic Farming--Reclaiming and Regenerating Healtful, Traditional Food Systems
0225531 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lichtash, N. Lichtash,Nora Women's Community Revitalization Project PA Increasing Eastern North Philadelphia community`s access to locally grown food through CSA, farmer's market, corner stores and buying club
1009936 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Herring, D. M. Herring,David Milo WOLFE'S NECK FARM FOUNDATION,THE ME Wolfe`s Neck Farm Dairy Farmer Apprenticeship Program
1010689 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mrdutt, K. J. Mrdutt,Katie Jo WISCONSIN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INC WI Food Armor Veterinary Student Educational Program: Optimizing food safety and proper drug use in the dairy industry
1023710 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pokorny, K. Quam,Bailey WISCONSIN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INC WI Building a Veterinary Medical Mastermind: Leaning on each other to improve professional development skills
1027523 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mears, J. Mears,Jeffrey WISCONSIN TRIBAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL, INC. WI Intertribal Produce-Food Safety Training for Farm-Grown and Traditional Foods