Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1001796 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Park, Y. Park,Yong-Lak WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Effect of Climate Change on Multitrophic Interactions among Solitary Pollinator bees, Bee Parasites, and Crops
1001895 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McFadden, J. W. McFadden,Joseph William WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Mechanisms mediating insulin resistance in overconditioned dairy cows transitioning from gestation to lactation
1005261 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Jingxin WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Enhancing the Nanostructure of the Lignocellulosic Cell Wall as A Natural Template for Highly-ordered Mesoporous Carbons
1005291 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Matak, K. Matak,Kristen E. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Innovative Protein Sources for a Growing Population: Repurposing Protein from Underutilized Resources
1007851 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McFadden, J. W. McFadden,Joseph William WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Characterizing the relationship between ceramide and insulin resistance in overweight dairy cows transitioning from gestation to lactation
1008949 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yao, J. Yao,Jianbo WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Role of a novel oocyte-specific KRAB-containing zinc finger transcriptional regulator in early embryonic dev. in cattle
1009166 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Elbakidze, L. Elbakidze,Levan WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV ‘Evaluating irrigation water quality regulation in fresh produce production: the case of Treasure Valley in Eastern Oregon and Southwest Ida
1011034 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Garza, J. J. Garza,Javier Jesus WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Kinomic Analysis Of Immunological Signaling Pathways Associated With Expulsion Of Gastrointestinal Nematode Larvae In Sheep
1014939 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cumming, J. R. Cumming,Jonathan Reast WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV FASE: Acquisition of an ICP to Support Environmental Research from Genes to Ecosystems
1015507 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gutensohn, M. Gutensohn,Michael WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Tissue-specific engineering of terpenes with activity against aphids in cultivated tomato
1015859 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Morrissey, E. Morrissey,Ember M WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Identifying Microbial Allies in N Retention with 15N Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing
1018314 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Blythe, J. M. Blythe,Jessica Marie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Creating Connections between Secondary Teachers and University Faculty through Agricultural STEM Research Professional Development
1018664 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ventura-Marra, M. Ventura-Marra,Melissa WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Potential Effect of Ramps (Allium Tricoccum) on Inflammation and Blood Pressure in Adults with Salt-Sensitive and Salt-Resistant Prehypertension
1018778 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gutensohn, M. Gutensohn,Michael WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV 2019 ASPB Midwestern Section Meeting
1018856 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Freedman, Z. B. Morrissey,Ember M WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Leveraging Plant-Microbe Interactions to Increase Nutrient Use Efficiency and Bioenergy Crop Yield on Marginal Lands
1018857 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Jingxin WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Advancing Forest Logging Residue Harvesting and Collection Logistics in the Eastern United States
1019027 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hileman, S. M. Hileman,Stanley Michael WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Neurokinin B and alpha-MSH in ovine puberty
1023211 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gutensohn, M. Gutensohn,Michael WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Characterization of the terpene-cannabinoid metabolic network and its genetic regulation in industrial hemp
1028207 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Aerts, E. Aerts,Eliana WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Estrogenic regulation of LH secretion in prepubertal ewes
0224144 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McMeans, O. F. McMeans, O. F. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Sponsoring the 16th Biennial Research Symposium of the Association of 1890 Research Directors
0232839 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McMeans, O. F. McMeans,Orlando F. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Providing Experiential Opportunities for Students through Scientific Conference Participation
0220850 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tao, S. Tao,Shiquan WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Development of Optical Fiber Sensors and a Sensor Array for Continous Monitoring Ammonia Spatial Distribution in Animal Feedlots
0228890 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tao, S. Tao,Shiquan WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Liquid Core Waveguide Spectroscopy Combined with Magnetic Microparticle ELISA for Highly Sensitive Detection of Salmonella in Eggs
1005979 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Howell, N. Howell,Nathan WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX A water quality valuation approach to strategic planning
1009062 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ward, M. G. Ward,Meliza Grace WEILL MEDICAL COLLEGE OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY The role of phytosterols on pancreatic beta-cell function during glucolipotoxicity
0225897 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Westfall, C. S. Westfall,Corey Stephen Washington University MO Structure And Function Of The Rice Gh3 Enzyme Family: Regulating Plant Hormone Activity
1000736 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mitreva, M. Mitreva,Makedonka Washington University MO Characterizing the Pan-Nematoda Secretome for Proteins that Activate Innate and Acquired Immunity
1000815 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Warren, W. C. Warren,Wesley Charles Washington University MO Improving The Chicken Genome Assembly and Annotation
1003839 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Korasick, D. A. Korasick,David Andrew Washington University MO Understanding the structural basis of auxin signaling in plants.