Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031493 NEW OTHER GRANTS Taylor, M. Taylor,Melissa WHEATLAND UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT CA Agriculture Work-Based Learning and Leadership Institute Project
1032825 NEW OTHER GRANTS Erickson, J. A. Erickson,Jeffrey A WESTERN PLAINS VETERINARY SERVICE, P.C. NE Enhancement of a Rural Veterinary Practice Supplementing Shortage Region NE243 in Hayes County, Nebraska
1028579 NEW OTHER GRANTS Khouryieh, H. Khouryieh,Hanna "John" WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY KY A Multistate Partnership for Improving the Safety of Meat and Poultry at Farmers Markets Through Integrating Teaching, Research, and Extension Activities
1030989 NEW OTHER GRANTS Clark, K. Clark,Katherine WESTERN COLORADO UNIVERSITY CO Food Systems, Public Lands and Hunting Program
1031975 NEW OTHER GRANTS Eggleston, E. Eggleston,Emma WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CORP WV "Farm To You Mobile" Produce Prescription Program: Increasing Access To Local Produce And Nutrition/Cooking Education Via Mobile Outreach
1029087 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rowen, E. Morrissey,Ember M WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Liquid, Composted Or Dry-Stacked? Unravelling The Effects Of Manure Treatment On Pests In Organic Field Crops
1029341 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gazal, K. A. Gazal,Kathryn A. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Promoting Climate Smart-Forestry Through Forest Carbon Management and Sustainable Biomaterials Training
1030939 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Expand the Current Food Safety Modernization Act Training Program for West Virginia Very Small Local Produce Growers with the Content of Triple-Wash and Related Outreach Activities
1031053 NEW OTHER GRANTS Park, Y. Park,Yong-Lak WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Drone-Assisted Precision IPM to Manage and Prevent Reinvasion of Invasive Plants
1032646 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Young Farmer Food Safety Education Project: Developing and Implementing Food Safety Outreach Activities for WV High School Horticulture Instructors as Supplement to the Farm-to-School Program
1032899 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ramsay-Seaner, K. Ramsay-Seaner,Kristine WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Safety First: Preventing Rural Youth Risk Behaviors
1033048 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chandran, R. S. Chandran,Rakesh S WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Extension Implementation Program for IPM at West Virginia University
1033093 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ogunade, A. Ogunade,Adeola WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Seeing is Believing: Bridging Equity Gaps in STEM
1033105 NEW OTHER GRANTS McDonald, S. McDonald,Suzanne WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Save the Bananas! An Agri-STEM introduction to crop vulnerability and solutions-seeking for 4-H youth in rural WV
1033128 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dahle, G. A. Dahle,Gregory A. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Promoting Workforce Diversity Through Education of Climate-Smart Urban Forestry
1033156 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh-Knights, D. Singh-Knights,Doolarie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Empowering Agritourism Service Providers to Strengthen Agritourism Programs as a Farm Diversification Strategy
1033229 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jaczynski, J. Jaczynski,Jacek WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia University (WVU) Food and Feed Innovation and Analytics Facility
1033320 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cobb, N. Cobb,Nila WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV NIFA Mentoring at Risk and Rural Youth 2025
1027317 NEW OTHER GRANTS Toledo, J. U. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1028420 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1028548 NEW OTHER GRANTS Eya, J. C. EYA,JONATHAN C WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Characterization of Phenotypic and Genetic Relationship Between Digestive Efficiency and Gut Microbiome Composition in Rainbow Trout Fed Vegetable- or Insect-based Ingredient Sources
1028553 NEW OTHER GRANTS Surface, T. Price,Sara WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Sowing Young Sprouts
1028557 NEW OTHER GRANTS Liedl, B. E. Liedl,Barbara Ellen WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Establishing Plant and Soil Science Curriculum and Experiential Learning at WVSU
1028558 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rojano Aguilar, F. Rojano Aguilar,Fernando WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Impact of Water Quality on the Fluxes of Greenhous Gases for Regulated Rivers
1028580 NEW OTHER GRANTS Natarajan, P. REDDY,UMESH K WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Empowering Next Generation Plant Geneticists and Crop Breeders: Machine Learning Tools and Techniques in Data Driven Genomics Research
1028581 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hankins, G. R. Hankins,Gerald WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Translational genomics using Drosophila model for obesity and human health by linking gut microbiome with the benefits of various phytochemicals
1028830 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1030074 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1030416 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reddy, U. K. Reddy,Umesh K WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Breeding high value squash for enhanced flavor, nutraceuticals and disease resistance by using an interspecific cross of Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata
1030417 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nimmakayala, P. Nimmakayala,Padma WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Infrastructure for teaching and training genome editing, single cell sequencing and machine learning for phenomics