Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1007759 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, X. Zhou,Xin-Gen (Shane) TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Sustainable and Profitable Strategies for Integrated Pest Management in Southern Organic Rice
0223076 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Characterization of novel hydrolytic enzymes for improving conversion efficiency of lignocellulosic biomass into ethanol
0230436 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Identification and modulation of functional protein association networks for drought tolerance in switchgrass
1004030 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Professional Development in Proteomics and Biotechnology to Strengthen Teaching and Research in Plant Science
1015019 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Transgenerational adaptation of plants to acidic pH and toxic metals in soil
1016727 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Engaging Local Underrepresented Youth through a High School Agriculture Bioscience Certificate (HS-ABC) Program
0230627 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhong, Y. Zhong,Yan VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Student Experiential Learning in Sustainable Agriculture Tourism, a "Think Globally, Act Locally" Approach
0230137 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhong, Q. Zhong,Qixin UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Alternative post-harvest washing solutions to enhance the microbial safety and quality of organic fresh produce
1006456 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhong, Q. Zhong,Qixin UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN USDA National Needs Fellowship for Enhancing Food Safety through Development of Novel Intervention Strategies
0226305 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zheng, G. Zheng,Guolu LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Novel Escherichia coli genetic markers for water safety
1000723 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zheng, G. Zheng,Guolu LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Prediction and Control of the Performance of Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Manure through Metagenomics for Renewable Energy and a Sustainable Environment
0214225 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhao, X. Zhao,Xin UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL A Florida-Spain partnership for strengthening organic agriculture research and education
1010455 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhao, X. Zhao,Xin UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Partnership to Explore Integrated Systems for Sustainable High Tunnel Organic Vegetable Production in the Southeast Region
1013077 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhao, X. Zhao,Xin UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Adapting and Expanding High Tunnel Organic Vegetable Production for the Southeast
0231118 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Li, Y. Zhao,Lingying OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Bioenergy and Biofuels Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass via Anaerobic Digestion and Fisher-Tropsch Reaction
1000407 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhao, L. Zhao,Lingying OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Create eLearning in NIFA Challenge Areas to Transform Education of Controlled Environment Animal Production (eCEAP) For Sustainability
0193357 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhao, Y. Zhao, Y. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Improving Microbial Safety of Northwest Fresh and Processed Berries
0214133 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhao, Y. Zhao, Y. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Ensuring the safety of specialty foods production in the U.S. Northwest region
1017114 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Z. Zhang,Zhiwu WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Genomics Enabled Purging Selection to Develop 200 Alfalfa Inbred Lines Toward High Yield Hybrid Production
1006140 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Y. Zhang,Yifan WAYNE STATE UNIV MI An Integrated Approach to Ensuring Food Safety and Sustainability in Urban Agriculture in the Greater Detroit Area
1008693 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Y. Zhang,Yifan WAYNE STATE UNIV MI Investigating the extent of antibiotic resistance reservoir in urban agricultural production
1017206 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Y. Zhang,Yifan WAYNE STATE UNIV MI Evaluating Antibiotic Resistance in Locally-Grown Fresh Produce with the Aim to Enhance Urban Food Sustainability
1021064 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Maintaining and Further Improving NAHLN Level 1 Member Lab Capacity and Capabilities
1031094 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO NAHLN Level 1 Lab - Maintaining and Further Improving Capacity and Capabilities
1007470 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shouan UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrated management of Tomato chlorotic spot virus, an emerging tospovirus threatening tomato production in the eastern United States
1004073 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, P. Zhang,Ping ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS An automatic system for bruise detection on tomatoes and apples using 3-D near infrared imaging technology.
0232125 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mateescu, R. Zhang,Glenn OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Graduate Training for the Next Generation of Scholars in Application of Genomic and Computational Biology for Animal Production
0215279 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, C. Zhang,Chunquan ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Development of Virus Resistant Sweet Potato Varieties through Biotechnology Approach
0223019 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, C. Zhang,Chunquan ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Establishing an Advanced Plant Pathology course to strengthen agriculture related education at Alcorn State University
1004101 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, C. Zhang,Chunquan ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Investigation of small farm ecosystem crop diseases and integration of plant pathology resources for limited-resource farmers in rural Missi