Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032335 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhao, J. Zhao,Jikai UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX TRIPARTITE: Sustainable Production of 3-Hydroxypropionic Acid and Biopolymers from Biomass
1027160 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Z. ZHANG,ZHOU UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI AlfAdvisor: A web-based cyber-platform to estimate alfalfa yield and quality to support harvest scheduling
1028196 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, Z. Zhang,Zhou UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI DSFAS-AI: Harnessing Machine Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging for High-Throughput Maize Silage Phenotyping
1028199 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, Z. ZHANG,ZHOU UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI DSFAS-AI: Developing an Integrated Deep Learning Model Framework for County-Level Crop Yield Prediction in support of USDA NASS Operation
1023750 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, Z. Zhang,Zhiwu WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA FACT: Predicting Wheat Hagberg Falling Number from Near Infrared Spectrometers
1010543 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Byrum, B. Zhang,Yan DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OHIO OH ODA NAHLN supplemental agreement for IT, equipment & support
1027994 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, W. Zhang,Wendong IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Measuring and Forecasting China’s Agricultural Production, Stocks, and Imports with High Quality Data and Machine Learning Methods
1018961 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, W. Zhang,Wen Foundation at New Jersey Institute of Technology NJ Use of Novel Nanobubble Watering Processes for Enhanced Plant Growth and Pathogen Control
1025022 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, W. Zhang,Wen UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Elucidating the fate of intra- and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural reuse water
1026939 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO NAHLN Level 1 Lab - Maintaining and Further Improving Capacity and Capabilities
1029078 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO NAHLN Level 1 Lab - Maintaining and Further Improving Capacity and Capabilities
1026395 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, S. Zhang,Shiqi BOYCE THOMPSON INSTITUTE NY Spatial and temporal imaging of intracellular phosphate profiles during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses using genetically-encoded biosensors
1022720 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, J. Zhang,Jinwen WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA A Biobased Catalyst-Free Epoxy Vitrimer System Build On Hyperbranced Prepolymer and Its Potential Application For Self Healable Powder Coating
1028357 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, J. Zhang,Jinfa NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Enhancing Upland cotton oil content and qualities through introgression genetics and breeding approaches using multi-parent populations
1022123 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, H. Zhang,Huichun Case Western Reserve University OH Predictive Tools For Degradation Of Chemicals Of Emerging Concern In Livestock Manure By Anaerobic Digestion And Advanced Oxidation Processes
1025029 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, B. Zhang,Boce UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Machine Learning Enabled Detection of Spoilage and Foodborne Pathogens using Paper Chromogenic Arrays of Dye-Impregnated Porous Nanosilica
1016465 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, B. Zhang,Bo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Developing edamame varieties for mechanized production and improved consumer acceptance to increase sustainability of the vegetable industry
1027436 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, B. Zhang,Bo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Link and Advance the Supply Chain of Edamame Industry in the U.S: A Planning Proposal
0193800 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, D. Y. Zhang, D. Y. MT. SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE NY A Novel DNA Amplification Technology for Detecting Echerichia Coli O157:H7 and Other Shiga Toxin-Producing E. Coli in Food
1022739 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zeng, Q. Zeng,Quan CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Functional characterization of flower microbiome in fruit development and resistance to plant disease
0203252 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zeng, Z. B. Zeng, Z. B. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Algorithms and Programs for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci
1009766 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zempleni, J. Zempleni,Janos UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Molecular signatures of new bioactive compounds in humans: cows milk microRNAs
1021942 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zempleni, J. Zempleni,Janos UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Milk Exosome-Driven Evolution Of Antibiotic-Resistant Gut Pathogens
1027887 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zempleni, J. Zempleni,Janos UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Biopharming: engineering nanoparticles in milk for use in drug delivery
0214592 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brooks, Z. L. Zeecha L. Brooks RESTORATION TECHNOLOGIES, LLC NM Engineered Wodd Chip Composite Erosion Control Material
0204502 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zedler, P. H. Zedler, P. H. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Role of Natural Habitats in Agroecosystems: Evaluating Benefits and Establishing Standards for Restored Non-Crop Lands
1027057 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zebelo, S. Zebelo,Simon University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Empowering small-scaled, limited-resource and other farmers with IPM knowledge
1026754 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zavodna, T. Zavodna,Tetiana-Olena CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Establishing the role of CITFL transcription factors in copper homeostasis and reproduction in wheat and its model Brachypodium
0223329 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT zasada, I. Zasada, I. USDA-ARS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS RESEARCH LAB OR IPM Tactics to Manage Pratylenchus penetrans in Red Raspberry: Providing Growers with Decision-Making Information
0211425 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zaretzki, P. M. Zaretzki,Philip Martin QUINTEK MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, INC TN Predictive modeling of industrial engineered wood quality parameters and processes using genetic algorithms and neural networks