Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0211474 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bright, A. Bright, A. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Public Values and Attitudes toward Agricultural Water Use in the West
0214529 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ehsani, R. Ehsani,Reza John UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Publishing the Proceedings of the Application of Precision Agriculture for Fruits and Vegetables Symposium
0226678 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Beto, J. Beto,Judith Dominican University IL PUENTES: Pathway of Undergraduate Education for Nutrition Training Experience and Success
1016769 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Davila, M. Davila,Marisol University of Puerto Rico - Utuado PR Puerto Rico School Garden Network: Using Distance Education Technologies to Advance K-16 Agriculture Education in Central Puerto Rico
0223162 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS James, C. James,Clint Jones County Junior College MS Pulp and Paper Agri-based Renewable Education/Training
1024384 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Narayanan, S. Narayanan,Sruthi CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Purchase of a Shared-Use Conviron BDW160 Plant Growth Chamber for Plant Science Research across Multiple Disciplines and Institutions
1024203 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marshall, M. Marshall,Maria PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Purdue University's Proposal To Host NCRCRD
1016502 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Westphal, A. Westphal,Andreas UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Putting phenotypic and genotypic tools to work for improving walnut rootstocks
1024003 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Renner, S. Renner,Sandra CENTER FOR RURAL AFFAIRS NE Putting the Pieces Together, A Year in the Life of a Diversified Farm
1014095 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dandurand, L. Dandurand,Louise-Marie UNIV OF IDAHO ID Pyramiding biofumigants and trap crops for eradication of Globodera pallida
0196693 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Warfield, C. L. Warfield, C. L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Quality of Life Sustainability Initiative for the U. S. Food and Fiber System
0200780 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zeng, S. Sahlu, T. LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Quality, Safety and Shelf-Life of Goat Milk and Dairy Products on the Market
0190029 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aylor, D. E. Magnarelli, L. A. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Quantifying aerial dispersal of corn (Zea mays) pollen
0201193 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aylor, D. E. Magnarelli, L. A. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Quantifying Aerial Dispersal of Corn (Zea Mays) Pollen
1007409 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, R. S. Wilson,Robyn S OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Quantifying and predicting the effects of ecological weed management strategies on organic agroecosystems to inform farmer decision making
0220034 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bunning, M. Bunning,Marisa COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Quantifying Microbial Risks during Growth of Produce
0193328 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Norman, J. M. Norman, J. M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Quantifying Phosphorus Losses From Agricultural Fields
0207789 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Siegfried, B. D. Siegfried, B. D. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Quantifying Risk Factors for Evolution of European Corn Borer Resistance to Cry1F Expressing Corn Hybrids
1000744 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Johnson, A. Abdollahi,Kamran K SOUTHERN UNIV LA Quantifying the Net Effect of Urban Wetlands in Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Louisiana
0223103 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ning, Z. H. Ning,Zhu H. SOUTHERN UNIV LA Quantifying the Responses of Urban Tree Species to Elevated CO2 and Flooding
0215891 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Manshardt, R. Manshardt,Richard UNIV OF HAWAII HI Quantifying Transgene Flow in Papaya
1016992 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Luck, B. Luck,Brian D UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Quantifying, predicting, and modeling the effects of machinery traffic on alfalfa yield and forage quality
0231022 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brannon, T. Brannon,Tony MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Racer Academy of Agriculture: Building a Bridge between Secondary Agricultural Education and Baccalaureate Degrees in Food and Ag Sciences
0201015 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tang, J. Nordquist, D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Radio Frequency Energy as an Alternative to Methyl Bromide Fumigation for Controlling Pests in Stone Fruits and Nuts
1006696 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mader, W. Mader,William NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Radon Gas Impacts to Navajo Indians; An Opportunity to Save Lives
1003622 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ulery, A. Ulery,April NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Raising the Gates: Addressing Gaps in Students` Understanding of Math and Chemistry in the Animal and Plant Sciences
0225763 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Alavi, S. Alavi,Sajid Kansas State University KS Raising the Global Intelligence Quotient of U.S. Workforce via Food Security and Agricultural Value Addition in Mozambique
1024195 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Olson, K. Olson,Kenneth C SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Ranchers, Diversification, and Rural Communities: Helping Beginning Producers Weather Impacts of a Global Pandemic
1021169 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fankhauser, T. Karney,Erin Colorado Cattlemen's Association CO Ranching Legacy Program: Providing expanded education and opportunities for Colorado`s young and beginning ranchers
0213832 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baker, T. T. Baker, T. T. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Range Improvement - Analyzing the Cumulative Impacts of Federal Land Policy and Management