Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0229263 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS James, F. James,Frank Dakota Rural Action SD South Dakota Beginning Farmer Training, Mentoring, Networking, and Marketing Support Project
0229752 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Colombe, L. Colombe,Lisa Sinte Gleska University SD Evidence-Based Strategies To Optimize Range Bison Herd Health And Well-Being
0229954 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Daly, R. F. Christopher-Hennings,Jane SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD NAHLN: SD (National Animal Health Laboratory Network: South Dakota)
0230888 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hadi, B. Hadi,Buyung SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Pesticide Safety Education Program in South Dakota
1000577 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gu, X. Gu,Xingyou SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Silencing of naturally occurring genes controlling seed dormancy to reduce fitness of transgene-contaminated weedy rice
1002342 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Owens, V. Owens,Vance SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Sun Grant Program -North Central Region
1003101 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Witt, K. M. Morgan,Scott SISSETON WAHPETON COLLEGE SD Sisseton Wahpeton College Equity Program Science Program Education and Outreach
1003254 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bordeaux, S. Bordeaux,Shawn Sinte Gleska University SD SGU Restoring the Buffalo Economy Education Project
1003438 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS LaGarry, H. Witt,Karla OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD Tribal Colleges Education Equity
1003762 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Henry, L. Henry,Leslie OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD Agricultural Extension Capacity
1003794 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nleya, T. Nleya,Thandiwe SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Providing Opportunities for Increased Minority High School Students Enrollment into University Agricultural Sciences, Mathematics, and Engin
1004138 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nichols, T. J. Bott-Knutson,Rebecca C SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Meeting the Grand Challenges.
1004469 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clay, D. Clay,David SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Precision farming workforce development: standards, working groups, and experimental learning curricula.
1005354 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Deneke, D. L. Johnson,Paul O SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD SDSU Integrated Pest Management: Agronomic Crops, Specialty Crops, Conservation Partnerships, and Recreational Land
1005387 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burke, S. Schoch,Jason SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Healthy Food, Healthy Communities: A Collaborative Approach To Producer Education on Native American Reservations
1005465 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS DuMarce, H. W. Morgan,Scott SISSETON WAHPETON COLLEGE SD Sisseton Wahpeton College Extension Program - Informal Education and Outreach
1005817 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Owens, V. Owens,Vance SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Advancing the National Bioeconomy through Regional Sun Grant Centers
1006970 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tilsen, N. Means,Tatewin THUNDER VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SD Thunder Valley Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Project
1007003 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS James, F. James,Frank Dakota Rural Action SD South Dakota Beginning Farmer Training, Mentoring, Networking and Market Support Project
1007460 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Olson, K. Olson,Kenneth SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD beefSD: Enhancing knowledge and success of beginning beef producers through mentorship and training
1007479 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edwards, L. M. Edwards,Laura May SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Support for the 2015 National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) Professional Improvement Conference, Sioux Falls, SD
1010532 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Derner, J. D. Derner,Justin Dean AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE SD Grazing Lands Soil Health Workshop
1014005 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Varenhorst, A. J. Varenhorst,Adam SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD SDSU Integrated Pest Management: Agronomic Crops, Specialty Crops, Pollinator Health, Pesticide Applicators, Public Health and Diagnostic Clinics
1015110 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lounsbery, N. Lounsbery,Nicole SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Expanding the Circle: Increasing Access to Graduate Education for Tribal Communities and Colleges
1016001 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stluka, S. Dvorak,Samantha SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Double Up Dakota Bucks! Working to Increase Fruit & Vegetable Purchases in Tribal Communities in North and South Dakota
1016628 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morgan, S. Morgan,Scott SISSETON WAHPETON COLLEGE SD Sisseton Wahpeton College Equity Program Culinary Food Science Education and Outreach
1016645 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Witt, K. Witt,Karla OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD Tribal College Equity
1016658 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bordeaux, S. Bordeaux,Shawn Sinte Gleska University SD SGU Range Management Program
1016965 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morgan, S. Morgan,Scott SISSETON WAHPETON COLLEGE SD Sisseton Wahpeton College: Extension Outreach & Informal Education