Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1015045 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edgar, L. D. Rucker,K. Jill UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Food Literacy: Using Cultural Competency to Increase Awareness in Agricultural and Human Sciences
1017202 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hipp, J. S. Parker,Erin S. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR The Courage to Lead: Native BFR in Indian Country will Provide Us the Future We Seek (EET)
1020252 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Worthington, M. Worthington,Margaret UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Research and extension needs assessment for the U.S. blackberry industry
1020562 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gibson, K. Gibson,Kristen UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Development and Implementation of Innovative Food Safety Training Tools for the Production and Distribution of Microgreens
1023534 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Estepp, C. Estepp,Christopher UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR PREPARES: Providing Relevant Experiences and Pedagogy in Agriculture to Retain and Engage Students
1024291 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Matlock, M. Griffith-Hotvedt,Carly UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Bridging the Gap in Agricultural Food Systems Education for Tribal Students
1029256 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Threlfall, R. Threlfall,Renee UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Through the Grapevine: Building Research and Extension Potential between Subgenera Vitis and Muscadinia for the U.S. Grape Industry
0193729 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ellstrand, N. C. Ellstrand, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Gene Flow Potential and Establishment of a Transgene into Cultivated Landraces
0196968 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yates, S. Yates, S. R. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Development of a Reactive Surface Barrier to Reduce Fumigant Emissions from Soil Surfaces
0197873 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ellstrand, N. Ellstrand, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA GMOs in 2030: Reaping the Promise While Leaping the Pitfalls- An International Conference
0201062 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mullens, B. A. Mullens, B. A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA House Fly Behavior and Improving IPM in Confined Animal Systems
0201310 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Miller, T. A. Miller, T. A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Environmental Impact of Transgenic Alcaligenes Used to Control Pierce's Disease
0204490 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Borneman, J. Borneman, J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Sustainable Strategies for Managing Replant Suppression
0208168 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Miller, T. A. Miller, T. A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Workshop on Regulation of Biological Pest Control Agents: Communicating with the Regulated Community
0212093 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McHughen, A. McHughen, A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Specialty Crop Regulatory Initiative: Business Plan Phase II
0216034 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McHughen, A. McHughen, A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Specialty Crop Regulatory Initiative: Business Plan Phase III
0216561 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hardesty, S. Deetz, L. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Farming For Success: Effective Management Of California`s Small Farms
0219041 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McHughen, A. McHughen, A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Specialty Crop Regulatory Initiative (SCRI) Phase IV
0219997 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Melnicoe, R. S. Melnicoe, R. S. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Management of Regional Integrated Pest Management Competitive Grants Program - Western Region
0201343 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gliessman, S. R. Gliessman, S. R. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Improving Fertility and Pest Management Strategies for Organic Crop Production and Strengthening Researcher/Grower Networks
0210949 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Carol Shennan UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Optimizing Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation as an Alternative to Methyl Bromide Fumigation
0215452 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Kate Aja UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Project planning grant: Assessment of the use and effectivenes of ecological management practices across different cropping systems and envi
0219551 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Swezey, S. Swezey,Sean UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Management of alfalfa trap crops to prevent first generation lygus bug (Lygus hesperus Knight) damage in California strawberries
0226309 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Shennan,Carol UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA A Collaborative Research and Extension Network for Sustainable Organic Production Systems in Coastal California
0229566 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Press, D. Press,Daniel UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Building A Foundation For New Farmers: Training, Resources, And Networks
0231273 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Shennan,Carol UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Implementing Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for soilborne disease control in Strawberries and Apple Nurseries
1000162 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Philpott, S. Philpott,Stacy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA An Institutional Partnership Model for Sustainable Agriculture Curriculum Development & Recruitment of Underrepresented Students
1011052 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Shennan,Carol UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Refining anaerobic soil disinfestation for disease management in strawberry and apple production
1013075 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Shennan,Carol UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Integrating anaerobic soil disinfestation, crop rotation and variety for disease management in strawberry production
1016860 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Press, D. Philpott,Stacy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Evaluation Support and Technical Assistance EET for Beginning Farmer and Rancher Programs