Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0230434 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Elavarthi, S. Elavarthi,Sathyanarayana DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Integrating Agricultural and Cultural Experiences in Student Training: A Study Abroad Program to Ghana
1012054 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Elavarthi, S. Elavarthi,Sathya DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Sabbatical to enhance teaching, research and integration of experiential learning in agricultural sciences
1021745 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Elavarthi, S. Elavarthi,Sathya DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Student Experiential Learning and Faculty Preparation Opportunities in Tropical Agriculture
0231088 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Elangovan, E. Elangovan,Elango Ceramatec Inc UT Lignocellulosic Biomass Conversion to Infrastructure Compatible Fuel, Products and Power
1021741 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS El-Sharkawy, I. El-Sharkawy,Islam FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Bioactivity-Guided Discovery of Effective Anticancer and Antioxidant Compounds in Muscadine Grapes (Muscadinia rotundifolia).
0183035 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ekanem, E. Ekanem, E. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Contributions of Agriculture and Manufacturing to Rural Development in Southern States
0196900 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ekanem, E. Ekanem, E. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Assessing Risk and Communicating Food Irradiation Benefits to High-Risk Consumers
0197264 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ekanem, E. Ekanem, E. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Food Safety Practices and Risk Reduction Education for Rural Residents of Selected States
0222259 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ejimakor, G. Ejimakor,Godfrey NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Enhancing US Agribusiness Expansion to Emerging Markets through Collaborative Research and Education.
1004367 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ejimakor, G. Ejimakor,Godfrey Chima NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Development of An Interdisciplinary General Education Course in Food, Agriculture and Related Sciences
1001223 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eivazi, F. Eivazi,Frieda LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Collaboration with K-12 Institutions and Community Colleges to Enhance Recruitment and Retention in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
1012055 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eivazi, F. Eivazi,Frieda LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Use of Simulation Modules to Enhance Learning Chemistry and its Applications in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
1014988 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eivazi, F. Eivazi,Frieda LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Spatial Variability of Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Microbial Diversity and Function in Conventional and Alternate Land Use Systems in Floodplain Soils
0190824 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eisenhauer, D. Eisenhauer, D. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Control of Agrichemical Loading to Streams Using Grassed Buffers in Great Plains Watersheds
0222846 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Einach, J. Einach,Judith New York Sustainable Agriculture Working Group NY Project to plan a unique social enterprise green grocery supplied by local growers
0214477 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eigenbrode, S. D. Eigenbrode, S. D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Reducing Risks Associated with Viruses Affecting Legumes in the Inland Pacific Northwest
0214267 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eifert, J. D. Eifert, J. D. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Enhancing Retail Grocery Store Food Safety
0225895 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eichler, J. F. Eichler,Jack F The Regents of University of California CA Enhancing Foundational STEM Instruction and Recruitment of Students to Agricultural Science Careers
1005515 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ehsani, R. J. Ampatzidis,Yiannis UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Steam-generated Supplementary Heat Thermotherapy as an Immediate Treatment for Prolonging Productivity of HLB-infected Citrus Trees
0214529 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ehsani, R. Ehsani,Reza John UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Publishing the Proceedings of the Application of Precision Agriculture for Fruits and Vegetables Symposium
1020438 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ehlers, S. Ehlers,Shawn PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Indiana PREPared (Purdue Rural Emergency Preparedness), Development of targeted rural-disaster specific resources and associated training with special emphasis on agricultural production sites.
1004553 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Egnin, M. EGNIN,MARCELINE TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Training The Next Generation Y of Agricultural Professionals and Farmers Through Molecular Genetics And Breeding Curricula
1007445 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS EGILLA, J. N. EGILLA,JONATHAN N LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Eval. Of Soilless Root-Support Substrates For Control Of Nitrate & Phosphorus Pollution From Veg. Prod. In Non-Recirculating Hydroponic Sys.
1000425 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Egan, S. P. Tank,Jennifer Leah UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME IN Monitoring The Dispersal Of Genetically Engineered Organisms And Their Byproducts Using Light Transmission Spectroscopy
1010442 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Egan, S. P. Egan,Scott P. RICE UNIVERSITY TX Monitoring The Dispersal Of Genetically Engineered Organisms And Their Byproducts Using Light Transmission Spectroscopy II
1013096 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Egan, J. F. Egan,John Franklin PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE PA Growing a Community of Sustainable, Grass-Based Dairy Farmers in the mid-Atlantic through Formal Apprenticeship
1019777 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edwards, M. Edwards,Michael HOOSIER UPLANDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION IN Indiana Ag Vet Grant offers opportunities for military interested in employment in agriculture to develop skills for successful agricultural-related careers.
1007479 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edwards, L. M. Edwards,Laura May SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Support for the 2015 National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) Professional Improvement Conference, Sioux Falls, SD
0230687 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edwards, J. Edwards,Jeffrey UNIV OF WYOMING COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE WY Pesticide Safety Education Program