Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0206897 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chase, C. A. Chase, C. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Crop Diversification Complexity and Pest Beneficial Organism Communities in Humid Tropical and Sub-Tropical Climatic Regimes
0210705 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chase, C. A. Chase, C. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Crop Diversification Complexity and Pest and Beneficial Organism Communities in Humid Tropical and Sub-Tropical Climatic Regimes
0218412 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Diaz-Perez, J. C. Diaz-Perez,Juan Carlos GEORGIA COASTAL PLAIN EXPT STA GA Croatia Agriculture Research and Educational Exchange
0222501 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gadoury, D. M. Gadoury,David M. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Critical Research and Extension to Reduce Losses due to Strawberry Powdery Mildew (Podosphaera aphanis)
0210968 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whalon,M,E Whalon,Mark E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Critical development and delivery of reduced risk and OP alternative pest management to US tart cherry producers
0215026 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Subramanyam, B. Bhadriraju,Subramanyam KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Critical analysis of methyl bromide, sulfuryl fluoride, and heat treatment in disinfesting food-processing facilities
1013743 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Strauss, S. H. Strauss,Steven H OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis for genetic containment of forest trees
1016580 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Carr, P. Carr,Patrick MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT CREEP STOP: Integrating Biological, Cultural, and Mechanical/Physical Tools for Long-Term Suppression of Creeping Perennial Weeds in northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest Cropping Systems
1003497 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kenning, R. S. Kenning,Robert Scott SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT Creation of Wildlife Biology Program, and Multidisciplinary Integration of Curriculum
0231469 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Given-Seymour, S. Given-Seymour,Susan NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Creation of Teaching Tool Kits for Educators Working in the Field of American Indian Health, Wellness, and Culture
0215563 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lu, L. Lu,Li KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Creation of Summer Educational Opportunities in Biotechnology to Recruit Students and Enhance STEM Areas at Kentucky State University
1026715 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tracy, W. F. Tracy,William F UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Creation of regional and local maize food systems (products integrating breeders, growers, supply chains and end users)
0226074 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Urbanec, L. Urbanec,La Belle NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Creation of Pacific Northwest Native American Traditional Plants and Foods Institute
0220340 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS DeGomez, T. DeGomez,Thomas UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Creation of an eXtension Community of Practice for Forests Climate Change
1010136 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berg, A. Stenson,Amber FOOD GROUP MINNESOTA INC..THE MN Creation of an Alternative Value Chain to Reduce Food Insecurity in the Community
0199420 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Holmes, G. J. Gerald J Holmes NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Creation of a National Training Program in Crop Biosecurity for First Detectors
0216108 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jackson, B. D. Jackson,Ben UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Creation of a Forest-Based Bioenergy Community of Practice
0214280 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dworkin, M. S. Dworkin,Mark S. UNIV OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO IL Creation and evaluation of language-appropriate evidence-based educational materials for food safety training of restaurant food handlers
0222785 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wright, A. N. Wright,Amy AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Creating Virtual Nursery Trips to Improve On-Campus and Distance Education in Nursery Production
0230525 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Laska, M. N. Laska,Melissa N. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN Creating the University of Minnesota Child and Adolescent Obesity Training Center
1007504 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mirsky, S. B. Mirsky,Steven Brian AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MD Creating the Cover Crops that Organic Farmers Need: Delivering Regionally Adapted Varieties across America
1026288 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Daley, C. Daley,Cindy California State University, Chico CA Creating the Agricultural Management Systems Learning Collaborative
1016694 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Welton, W. Welton,William HASKELL INDIAN NATIONS UNIVERSITY KS Creating Resiliency in Campus Sustainability Efforts
0223621 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rood, K. A. Rood,Kerry UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION UT Creating Profitable and Sustainable Beginning Utah Ranchers
1004272 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peck, G. M. Peck,Gregory M VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Creating InterDisciplinary Extension and Research (CIDER) Programs to Redevelop the North American Hard Cider Industry
0190279 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zeuli, K. A. Zeuli, K. A. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Creating Integrated Value-Added Agricultural and Community Ventures
0229527 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Holmes, J. Holmes,Jenny Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon OR Creating Healthy Food Access and Economic Opportunity in Gresham, Oregon's Rockwood Neighborhood
1010817 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pszczolkowski, M. A. Pszczolkowski,Maciej A MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY MO Creating hands-on experience for students by investigating the effects of neem essential
1015336 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rausch, B. Rausch,Beth UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Creating Career Pathways through Innovative Agricultural Science Curriculum and Outreach
1000610 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dahlberg, S. Dahlberg,Steven WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Creating Capacity for Indigenous Crops Preservation