Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0230477 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Richardson, V. Richardson,Vonda FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Reaching a New Generation of Agro-Entrepreneurs Through Enhanced Program Delivery Strategies
1028878 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Muzaffar, H. Muzaffar,Henna NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY IL Reaching Out to Advance Diversity in Science (ROADS): Constructing rural and underserved pathways to careers in Food, Agriculture, Consumerism Technology and Sciences (FACTS)
0212121 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Filson, T. D. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Ready Ag - Disaster and Defense Preparedness for Production Agriculture
1005119 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Leidy, B. D. Leidy,Brian CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Ready and Resilient Program/Portfolio Evaluation
1004322 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Koch, B. Koch,Becky NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Ready Business Smartphone and Tablet Apps
0230780 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Davis, A. Davis,Alison UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY ReadyCommunity Evaluation and National Training Program
1001334 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Davis, A. Davis,Alison UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY ReadyCommunity Stage Two
0226330 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lee, J. Lee,Jung-lim DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Real-time PCR viability assay for Vibrio and total bacteria in seafood and water
1012198 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Awal, R. Awal,Ripendra PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Real-Time Site Specific Irrigation Scheduling Tools for Agricultural Crops and Urban Landscape in Texas Using a Mobile Web App
0230893 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turpen, T. H. Turpen,Thomas Henry Citrus Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) FL Rear and Release Psyllids as Biological Control Agents - An Economical and Feasible Mid-Term Solution for Huanglongbing (HLB) Disease
1020304 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Godfrey, R. Zimmerman,Thomas W UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Rebuilding Animal Handling Facilities at the UVI-AES Beef Cattle Research Facility
1010151 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moreno, T. Moreno,Tirso FARMWORKER ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA FL Rebuilding Local Food Systems in Farmworker Communities Project
1023569 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jacobsen, K. L. Jacobsen,Krista L. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Reclaiming High Tunnel Soil Health for Sustained Specialty Crop Production
0231222 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Belli, K. Belli,Keith UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Recognition of the Impacts of the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research Program
0223407 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS MILLER, P. J. Miller,Patti J Agricultural Research Service GA Recombinant Newcastle Disease Vaccines: Risk for Recombination, Reversion to Virulence and Spread in Non-Target Species
0226310 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Handler, A. M. Handler,Alfred M. USDA/ARS/CMAVE FL Recombinase-based transformation vectors for improved transgenic strain development and ecological safety in tephritid pest species
0208197 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Srivastava, V. Srivastava, V. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Recombinase-Mediated Targeted Gene Integration and Excision for Marker-Free Transgenic Crops
0223423 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Srivastava, V. Srivastava,Vibha UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Recombinase-mediated targeted gene integration and excision for marker-free transgenic crops
0201422 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hellmich, R. L. Hellmich, R. L. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IA Recommended Protocols for Field Evaluations of Non-Target Organisms in Bt Crops
0218904 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tronstad, R. Tronstad,Russell UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Record Keeping Tools and Hands-on Training to Enhance Profitability and Federal Program Participation of Southwest Native American Producers
0215047 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Breslin, V. T. Breslin, Vincent SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY CT Recovering the Economic Biability of the Connecticut Oyster Fishery: A Research and Education Collaboration
0230898 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Olson, P. Olson,Patricia UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Recovery After Disaster: The Family Financial Toolkit On-Demand Video
1001211 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cui, Y. Cui,Yue MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Recreation Resource and Asset Management System and Natural Resources Inventory & Risk Assessment Tool
1022471 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Alston, A. J. Alston,Antoine Jerrod NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Recruiting And Graduating The Next Generation Of Leaders In Agricultural, Food, And Natural Resources
1020713 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Odeh, O. Odeh,Oluwarotimi California State University, Stanislaus CA Recruiting and Preparing Underrepresented Hispanic Students for Careers in Agriculture through Experiential Learning Programs
1010640 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Esters, L. T. Esters,Levon PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Recruiting Underrepresented Minority Graduate Students in the Agricultural Sciences through Partnerships with 1890 Land-Grant Institutions
1022663 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Noble, R. Howard,Keith M. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Recruiting, Engaging, Mentoring And Training Undergraduate Students In The Agricultural Sciences At FVSU To Enhance The Skilled Workforce
0214070 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wolf-Hall, C. E. Wolf-Hall, C. E. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Population of Food Safety Students Using Market Research for Enhanced Programs
1007357 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marutani, M. Marutani,Mari UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Recruitment and Retention of Students Majoring Agricultural Science at University of Guam
0215537 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jefferson-Moore, K. Y. Jefferson-Moore, K. Y. NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Educating Students for Successful Careers in Agribusiness