Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0205253 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schal, C. Schal, C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Reduced-Risk IPM Strategies for Sustainable Livestock Production
0189870 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shearer, P. W. Shearer, P. W. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Reduced-risk Pest Management Programs for Eastern Tree Fruits
0191979 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Agnello, A. M. Agnello, A. M. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Reduced-Risk Pest Management Programs for Eastern Tree Fruits
0186671 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Funderburk, J. E. Funderburk, J. E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Reduced-Risk Tactics for Thrips and Tospoviruses on Solanaceous Crops
0227192 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS David, M. B. David,Mark B UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Reducing Agricultural Nitrate Losses in the Embarras River Watershed through Bioreactors, Constructed Wetlands, and Outreach
0190755 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gates, R. S. Gates, R. S. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Reducing Ammonia Emissions from Poultry Houses by Enhanced Manure and Diet Management
0215149 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, J. Yang, J. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Reducing Arsenic Uptake by Domestic Rice Plants
0231499 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Field, K. G. Field,Katharine G OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Reducing Bacterial Contamination in the Tillamook Estuary through Performanced-based Incentives
0222244 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Venkitanarayanan, K. Venkitanarayanan,Kumar UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Reducing egg-borne outbreaks of Salmonella Enteritidis by integrating research and extension
1020697 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bottega, R. Bottega,Richard PHILABUNDANCE PA Reducing Food Waste and Providing Opportunities for Low-Income Adults Through the Philabundance Community Kitchen
0214085 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hung, Y. C. Hung,Yen-con UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Reducing fresh produce microbiological safety risk through innovative home washing technologies
1020984 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tarpy, D. R. Tarpy,David R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Reducing Honey Bee Pathogens And Improving Colony Health By Mitigating Vertical And Horizontal Transmission Using Ipm Approaches
0208414 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bauder, J. Holly Sessoms MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE MT Reducing Irrigation Return Flow Contributions to Rural Drinking Water Supply and Drainage to the Yellowstone River
0186532 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gravani, R. B. Coffman, W. R. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Reducing Microbial Hazards in Raw Produce through Farm Worker Education
0220056 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS David, M. B. David,Mark B. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Reducing Nitrate Losses in Tile-Drained Agricultural Watersheds: Integration of Biophysical and Social Sciences with Extension and Education
0213679 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Simonne, E. Simonne, E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Reducing nutrient loss below the root zone of drip-irrigated vegetables using low-pressure, increased irrigation time
0205089 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reberg-Horton, S. C. Chris Reberg-Horton UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Reducing Off-Farm Grain Inputs on Northeast Organic Dairy Farms
1020646 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mahadevan, L. Mahadevan,Lakshmi TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Reducing Opioid Use And Misuse: Mental Health First Aid In Rural Texas Counties (MHFA_RTX)
1008563 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, C. Wang,Changlu RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Reducing pest infestations and insecticide residues in low income housing
0190621 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schaffner, D. W. Schaffner, D. W. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Reducing risk of Clostridium spp. food poisoning using predictive modeling
0190109 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hillers, V. N. Hillers, V. N. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing Risk with Food Thermometers: Strategies for Behavior Change
0214477 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eigenbrode, S. D. Eigenbrode, S. D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Reducing Risks Associated with Viruses Affecting Legumes in the Inland Pacific Northwest
0223375 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Li, Y. Li,Yi UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Reducing Root Suckering of Transgenic Poplar
1012073 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, Y. Xu,Yixiang VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Reducing Salt in Processed Meats Using High Pressure Processing and Grape Pomace: Building Capacity in Non-thermal Technologies at VSU
0207667 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Venkitanarayanan, K. S. Venkitanarayanan, K. S. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Reducing the Colonization of Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter Jejuni in Chickens with Caprylic acid
0214640 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the environmental load of food and waterborne pathogens on CAFOs
0196829 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hegerfeld, J. Hegerfeld, J. M. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Reducing the Foodborne Illness Risks Associated with Direct Marketed Foods in South Dakota
1004215 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. B. Walsh,Douglas WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the impact of industry-critical insect and disease problems in hops through developmment of preventative and predictive strategies
0200447 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Reducing the Use of Antibiotics and the Incidence of Antibiotic Resistance on Calf Ranches
0212165 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the Use of Antibiotics and the Incidence of Antibiotic Resistance on Calf Ranches