Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0229657 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dubovi, E. Fuchs,Marc CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Regional Center Plant Diagnostic Facility
1006430 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dubeux, JO. Dubeux,Jose Carlos UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Strengthening U.S. graduate education in agricultural sciences through international research focused on managing water scarcity in diverse
0189559 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dubcovsky, J. Dubcovsky, J. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Bringing Genomics to the Wheat Fields
0199211 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dubcovsky, J. Dubcovsky, J. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Stakeholder Workshop Implementation of Molecular Marker Technologies in Public Wheat Breeding Programs
1011698 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Duan, Y. Duan,YongPing ARS-USDA GA Identification, assessment and delivery of antimicrobial compounds for the management of citrus HLB
0198214 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drummond, F. Dave Yarborough UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Development and Implementation of Organic Pest Management Strategies for Lowbush Blueberries
0219352 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drum, R. Drum, R. NATIONAL 4-H COUNCIL MD 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Program Evaluation
0206939 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drinkwater, L. E. Hoffmann, M. P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Optimizing Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Organic Cropping Systems for Sustainable Nutrient Management
0230906 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drinkwater, L. E. Drinkwater,Laurie CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Optimizing cover crop selection and management to enhance agronomic and environmental services in organic cropping systems
0218908 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drinkwater, L. Drinkwater,Laurie E CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Building on success: a research and extension initiative to increase the prosperity of organic grain and vegetable farms
1017066 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drinkwater, L. Drinkwater,Laurie CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Harnessing variation in vetch and rhizobia populations to optimize nitrogen fixation
1005020 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drewes, A. Drewes,Annette LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Biotic responses of forested seasonal ponds to climatic and riparian disturbances
1003747 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dresdale, A. J. Dresdale,Abrah Jordan GREENFIELD COMMUNITY COLLEGE MA ENGAGE: Educational Networks for Growing an AGricultural Economy
0203805 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Draughon, F. A. Draughon, F. A. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Implementing a Dynamic Interdisciplinary Food Safety Curriculum Targeted at Middle School Students
0215479 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drake, D. Drake, D. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI 6th Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference
0187044 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Doyle, M. P. Doyle, M. P. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Safe Produce Production Using Manure
0199972 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Doyle, M. P. Doyle, M. P. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Microbiological Safety of Composting Process as Animal Manure Treatment
0210519 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Doyle, M. Doyle, M. P. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA A systems approach to minimize Escherichia coli O157:H7 food safety hazards associated with fresh- and fresh-cut leafy greens
1020398 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downing, D. Downing,Dan UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO Heartland - Extension Disaster Education Network - Building Resiliency in the Heartland
1004102 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downey, L. Downey,Laura MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Expanding 4-H Healthy Living Programs to Rural Youth and Families in Mississippi and Tennessee
0198992 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downer, P. S. VT Agricultural Experiment Sta UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Improve the Effectiveness of CRIS to CSREES Institutions
0211908 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downer, P. S. Patricia Downer UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Improve the Effectiveness of CRIS to CSREES Cooperating Institutions Through Enhanced Computer Processes
0223384 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downer, P. Downer,Patricia UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Maintain CRIS data collection for NIFA State Partners and grantees and support transition to REEport
1003645 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downer, P. Downer,Patricia UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Maintain CRIS data collection for NIFA State Partners and grantees and support transition to REEport
0222252 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downer, J. V. Downer,Judith A. CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FL Increase agricultural education completion rates through student management and expanded career opportunities for SPECA programs
1017480 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Doughty, S. Doughty,Stella FOODCORPS, INC. OR FoodCorps’ Food and Agriculture Service Implementation Project
1000441 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Douches, D. Douches,David MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Assessing The Impact Of Gene Replacement And Genetic Modification Methods In A Crop Species At The Whole Genome Level
1017103 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Douches, D. Douches,David MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Genome wide evaluation of off-targets from gene editing reagents in seed vs. vegetatively propagated crop species
0212135 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Douce,G,K Douce,G Keith UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Improving the Image and Educational Support System for Integrated Pest Management
0214674 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Douce,G,K Douce,G Keith UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Expanding IPM Images to Meet the Needs of Southern IPM Extension Education and Plant Diagnostic Communities