Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1018184 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roberts II, T. G. Roberts II,Thomas G UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Preparing Organizational Leaders in Agriculture through Innovative Leadership Case Studies Contextualized in Agricultural Disasters
1003767 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roberts, A. Roberts,Andrew ILSI Research Foundation DC Conference Grant: ISBGMO 13 Session on ERA of RNAi plants
1017069 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roberts, A. Roberts,Andrew ILSI Research Foundation DC Conference/Workshop Grant: Criteria for use of modeling to inform regulatory assessment of gene drive applications
0218233 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roberts, T. G. Roberts,Thomas Grady UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Enhancing the Undergraduate Curriculum
0207404 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. Robinson, J. LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE TX USDA-Texas HSI: A Collaboration in Education
0223238 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, D. Robinson,Donald NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, THE AZ Creating a Sustainable Future in an Uncertain Climate
1021746 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. N. Robinson,Jenelle Nicole FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Enhancing Student Success through Performance-Based Nutrition Leadership and Performing Arts-Based Nutrition Education Curriculum Development
1011154 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baker, M. A. Robinson,Jeremy Shane OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Bridging the Mandate Gap: Equipping Agricultural Educators to Support All Students in Exploring FANH Careers
1015818 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. Robinson,Jillian International Rescue Committee (IRC) CA IRC in Phoenix`s Healthy Food Access and Nutrition Project (HFAN)
1016367 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. Robinson,Jillian INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, INC. AZ USDA NIFA – Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program IRC Phoenix
1001210 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. Robinson,Joelle GREEN SCHEME, THE DC Collaborating with the District of Columbia's Ward 7 residents and local stakeholders to implement the Code Green Community Foods Proj.
1027438 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, T. L. Robinson,Terence L. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Breeding Designer Apple Rootstocks to Match Nutrient Parameters Under Organic Management
0222588 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rocca, S. Rocca,Steven California State University, Fresno CA Opening Doors in Agricultural Education: Recruitment, Preparation, and Careers
1000482 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rocca, S. Rocca,Steven CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Pathway to Agricultural Education: Recruitment, Preparation, and Careers
1006927 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rockamann, M. Rockamann,Molly EARTHDANCE MO Ferguson Community Food Assessment Project
0190541 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Powell, J. Rodgers, J. D. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Farm/Ranch Recreation Marketing Techniques
0230521 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodgers, M. S. Rodgers,Michelle S UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Delaware PSEP Program FY12: Improving Pesticide Applicators` Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Practices
0227657 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez Zas, S. Rodriguez Zas,Sandra UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL New Biology Fellows Program in Animal and Plant Production
1016662 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez, A. RODRIGUEZ,ANA G CORPORACIN JUVENIL PARA EL DESARROLLO DE COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES PR To recruit and aid beginning farmers in Puerto Rico so that through technical assistance they can improve their success in farming
1010529 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Bonano, N. Rodriguez-Bonano,Nydia Universidad del Este PR Enhancing STEM Undergraduate Education and Experiential Learning for Women and Underrepresented Minorities at Universidad del Este
1020377 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Carias, A. A. Rodriguez-Carias,Abner A UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Recruitment, development of research and extension capabilities, and study abroad experiences for animal science and pre-vet students using small ruminants as models
0190805 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Kabana, R. Rodriguez-Kabana, R. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Sodium Azide and Furfural-Based Biofumigants for Soil Pest Control in Crops
1026793 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Perez, R. Rodriguez-Perez,Robinson UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Using Distance Education to Enhance Aquaponic Production in Puerto Rico’s Model Forest
1016351 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Sanes, A. Rodriguez-Sanes,Aleyna MARY MITCHELL FAMILY & YOUTH CENTER NY The Bronx Canasta project aims to increase fresh food access and economic opportunities for Bronx based community gardeners and urban farmers.
0210371 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Saona, C. R. Rodriguez-Saona, C. R. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Development and Implementation of Novel Trapping Systems for Monitoring Cranberry Fruitworm and Cranberry Weevil Populations
1007393 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Saona, C. Rodriguez-Saona,Cesar RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Managing an invasive drosophilid species in agriculture using innovative behavioral manipulation strategies
0211454 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roe, R. M. Roe, R. M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC New Technology for the Detection of Insect-resistant Transgenic Plants and Insect Resistance
0211484 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thilmony, R. L. Roger Thilmony USDA, ARS, Pacific West Area CA Intragenic Tools for Improved Rice Biotechnology and Biosafety
0218916 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rogers, B. L. Rogers,Berran L UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers